156 portugueses mudam de sexo
Só este ano 34 se submeteram à mudança
Despatologização Trans assinala-se em Lisboa
Desde 2007 que uma série de acções internacionais pela despatologização trans ocorrem no mês de Outubro. As actividades deste mês (também conhecido como Outubro Trans) assinalaram-se na sua maioria no passado dia 19 de Outubro – Dia Internacional pela Despatologização das Identidades Trans.
Além de coroa, concurso de miss no Rio oferece troca de sexo a travestis
Vencedora será conhecida na segunda (21) em festa no Teatro João Caetano.
Cirurgia será na Tailândia, onde acontece o Miss Universo das transexuais.
Europe adopts historic intersex resolution
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe took a historic first step toward protecting intersex children with the adoption of Resolution 1952 (2013), Children's Right to Physical Integrity, October 3.
Transgender Brighton pensioner jailed for five years for fraud
A transgender fraudster from Brighton has been jailed over timeshare and boiler room scams which netted more than £500,000.
Frances Harris, 74, of Dudeney Lodge in Hollingdean, was given a five-year jail term at Lewes Crown Court today (Wednesday 9 October).
Mobile phone giant EE botches name change for trans customer
British cell phone giant EE promises to change rules so trans customers no longer have to provide gender recognition certificates to change their details
Turkey shuts down transgender support site
In the latest crackdown of the LGBT community, an information blog has been shut down after a complaint was made to the Turkish government
Members of the PACE Criticize Homophobic and Transphobic Legislative Initiatives in Lithuania
Group of members in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) have criticized several legislative initiatives in Lithuania as homophobic and transphobic and allegedly infringing upon fundamental freedoms of LGBT* people as well as promoting discrimination.
Kuwait’s “medical screening for gays”: Truth, fiction, and why it’s not a “gay” issue
I first noticed it yesterday on Pink News, the UK’s G-and-sometimes-LBT news website: a new horror from the Persian Gulf. “It was revealed that Gulf Cooperative Countries introduced new rules to ‘detect’ and ban gay people from entering the country.” It doesn’t take long for any story about Arabs and sex to go viral. In this case, given that Qatar is hosting the 2022 World Cup, the headlines hitched a ride with anxieties over the Sochi Olympics, and turned into warnings about threats to sports.
Angola’s trans musician Titica made a goodwill ambassador by UNAIDS
Titica has become a major Angolan star despite being ‘stoned’ and ‘beaten’ – her appointment shows how she has changed hearts and minds in the country
Transgender selected as lok Adalat member
The District Legal Aide Authority has selected a transgender, Bharathi Kannamma, as a member of Lok Adalat. She would appear for hearing along with three other panel members in the Lok Adalat scheduled this Saturday in the Madurai district court to solve the bank settlement issues.
[China/Hong Kong]
LCQ22: Medical services provided for Gender Identity Disorders patients
Following is a question by the Hon Chan Chi-chuen and a written reply by the Secretary for Food and Health, Dr Ko Wing-man, in the Legislative Council today (October 9):
Transgender people in Vietnam: P1- True to themselves
The yearning to become a member of the opposite sex has driven many tormented youths to undergo agonizing transsexual surgeries. Though they’re happy with their new body and true self, most face continued discrimination or alienation from their families and society.
Brisbane transgender clinic opens after Biala setback
Gina Mather can offer 148 compelling reasons why a specialised transgender clinic is a critical service in Brisbane.
[New Zealand]
Trans boy's mum: why I'm sharing his story
The mum of a transgender Auckland child is unmoved by the worried criticism, the eyebrows being raised over teacups and the plain old fashioned hatred that have met the media coverage of her son’s journey. She tells GayNZ.com why she spoke up, and why the flak is bouncing off her.
The Gay, Lesbian, and Feminist Backlash against Trans folks
As part of QWB’s queer history project, the following is an excellent summary of the period known as the “Lesbian Backlash.” This article is an archive piece from the now defunct TransHistory.net (Transsexual, Transgender and Intersex History”) maintained by Kay Brown. Also see the earlier QWB piece from Outrage ‘69.
Alabama native Laverne Cox talks about life as transgender actress, advocate on 'Overshare' series (video)
"When people ask me who I am, I say that I'm an actress. But I'm also a transgender woman of color. I was raised by a single mother. I'm from Mobile, Alabama. Although Wikipedia says that I'm an activist, I prefer the word transgender advocate."
Calif. governor Jerry Brown signs transgender birth certificate bill
Gov. Jerry Brown has signed a bill designed to make it easier for transgender Californians to obtain birth certificates reflecting name and gender changes.
California Governor signs law making it easier for trans people to update ID documents
Bill to streamline transgender name changes signed by governor
Transgender student paves the way for future generations
When Cassidy Lynn Campbell was named Homecoming Queen of Marina High School in Huntington Beach, she became the first transgender homecoming queen in the Orange County school district.
Fight continues over trans student law
Anti-trans activists are continuing to fight against a new California law designed to support transgender students, and the woman behind a proposed ballot measure told the Bay Area Reporter that she is not a homophobe.
Transgender female running for UNI homecoming queen
A member of the University of Northern Iowa Homecoming Court is making school history.
Steven Sanchez, who identifies as a transgender female, is the first such student at UNI to be nominated for Homecoming Queen. She hopes that she won't be the last, however, as she wants her nomination to send a message of acceptance and safety to other UNI students.
UNI homecoming court member aspires to raise awareness
Transgender Troy murderer shouldn't have sentence shortened, state tells Supreme Court
Michigan’s solicitor general went before the U.S. Supreme Court today to argue that an appeals court was wrong when it ruled a transgender woman convicted of a murder in Troy in 2000 had an ineffective lawyer and should get a shorter sentence.
Rental discrimination ban approved in Grand Forks
The Grand Forks City Council has banned housing discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, though not all city leaders think it's a good idea.
U.S. government sues Texas RV park for alleged discrimination against transgender woman
On behalf of the federal government, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder has filed a lawsuit against a Texas recreational vehicle park for alleged discrimination against a transgender woman.
La militante trans agredida en Costello iría al Concejo
Celeste Castro, la militante transexual que dijo haber sufrido agresiones por parte de agentes de la Guardia Urbana Municipal (GUM) y por personal del boliche Costello denunció que existe una connivencia entre el municipio y el boliche...
Piden que militante trans ratifique denuncias en el Concejo
La primera nena transexual del mundo recibe este mediodía su DNI
Es el primer caso en el mundo en que el Estado reconoce este derecho sin judicializar el trámite. Luana tiene 6 años, nació varón pero se percibe mujer. La madre fue la que luchó para que le dieran el documento para que no sufriera más burlas
Entregan el nuevo DNI a Lulú, la nena trans de seis años
156 portugueses mudam de sexo
Só este ano 34 se submeteram à mudança
Despatologização Trans assinala-se em Lisboa
Desde 2007 que uma série de acções internacionais pela despatologização trans ocorrem no mês de Outubro. As actividades deste mês (também conhecido como Outubro Trans) assinalaram-se na sua maioria no passado dia 19 de Outubro – Dia Internacional pela Despatologização das Identidades Trans.
Além de coroa, concurso de miss no Rio oferece troca de sexo a travestis
Vencedora será conhecida na segunda (21) em festa no Teatro João Caetano.
Cirurgia será na Tailândia, onde acontece o Miss Universo das transexuais.
Europe adopts historic intersex resolution
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe took a historic first step toward protecting intersex children with the adoption of Resolution 1952 (2013), Children's Right to Physical Integrity, October 3.

Transgender Brighton pensioner jailed for five years for fraud
A transgender fraudster from Brighton has been jailed over timeshare and boiler room scams which netted more than £500,000.
Frances Harris, 74, of Dudeney Lodge in Hollingdean, was given a five-year jail term at Lewes Crown Court today (Wednesday 9 October).
Mobile phone giant EE botches name change for trans customer
British cell phone giant EE promises to change rules so trans customers no longer have to provide gender recognition certificates to change their details
Turkey shuts down transgender support site
In the latest crackdown of the LGBT community, an information blog has been shut down after a complaint was made to the Turkish government
Members of the PACE Criticize Homophobic and Transphobic Legislative Initiatives in Lithuania
Group of members in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) have criticized several legislative initiatives in Lithuania as homophobic and transphobic and allegedly infringing upon fundamental freedoms of LGBT* people as well as promoting discrimination.
Kuwait’s “medical screening for gays”: Truth, fiction, and why it’s not a “gay” issue
I first noticed it yesterday on Pink News, the UK’s G-and-sometimes-LBT news website: a new horror from the Persian Gulf. “It was revealed that Gulf Cooperative Countries introduced new rules to ‘detect’ and ban gay people from entering the country.” It doesn’t take long for any story about Arabs and sex to go viral. In this case, given that Qatar is hosting the 2022 World Cup, the headlines hitched a ride with anxieties over the Sochi Olympics, and turned into warnings about threats to sports.

Angola’s trans musician Titica made a goodwill ambassador by UNAIDS
Titica has become a major Angolan star despite being ‘stoned’ and ‘beaten’ – her appointment shows how she has changed hearts and minds in the country
Transgender selected as lok Adalat member
The District Legal Aide Authority has selected a transgender, Bharathi Kannamma, as a member of Lok Adalat. She would appear for hearing along with three other panel members in the Lok Adalat scheduled this Saturday in the Madurai district court to solve the bank settlement issues.
[China/Hong Kong]
LCQ22: Medical services provided for Gender Identity Disorders patients
Following is a question by the Hon Chan Chi-chuen and a written reply by the Secretary for Food and Health, Dr Ko Wing-man, in the Legislative Council today (October 9):
Transgender people in Vietnam: P1- True to themselves
The yearning to become a member of the opposite sex has driven many tormented youths to undergo agonizing transsexual surgeries. Though they’re happy with their new body and true self, most face continued discrimination or alienation from their families and society.
Brisbane transgender clinic opens after Biala setback
Gina Mather can offer 148 compelling reasons why a specialised transgender clinic is a critical service in Brisbane.
[New Zealand]
Trans boy's mum: why I'm sharing his story
The mum of a transgender Auckland child is unmoved by the worried criticism, the eyebrows being raised over teacups and the plain old fashioned hatred that have met the media coverage of her son’s journey. She tells GayNZ.com why she spoke up, and why the flak is bouncing off her.
The Gay, Lesbian, and Feminist Backlash against Trans folks
As part of QWB’s queer history project, the following is an excellent summary of the period known as the “Lesbian Backlash.” This article is an archive piece from the now defunct TransHistory.net (Transsexual, Transgender and Intersex History”) maintained by Kay Brown. Also see the earlier QWB piece from Outrage ‘69.
Alabama native Laverne Cox talks about life as transgender actress, advocate on 'Overshare' series (video)
"When people ask me who I am, I say that I'm an actress. But I'm also a transgender woman of color. I was raised by a single mother. I'm from Mobile, Alabama. Although Wikipedia says that I'm an activist, I prefer the word transgender advocate."
Calif. governor Jerry Brown signs transgender birth certificate bill
Gov. Jerry Brown has signed a bill designed to make it easier for transgender Californians to obtain birth certificates reflecting name and gender changes.
California Governor signs law making it easier for trans people to update ID documents
Bill to streamline transgender name changes signed by governor
Transgender student paves the way for future generations
When Cassidy Lynn Campbell was named Homecoming Queen of Marina High School in Huntington Beach, she became the first transgender homecoming queen in the Orange County school district.
Fight continues over trans student law
Anti-trans activists are continuing to fight against a new California law designed to support transgender students, and the woman behind a proposed ballot measure told the Bay Area Reporter that she is not a homophobe.

Transgender female running for UNI homecoming queen
A member of the University of Northern Iowa Homecoming Court is making school history.
Steven Sanchez, who identifies as a transgender female, is the first such student at UNI to be nominated for Homecoming Queen. She hopes that she won't be the last, however, as she wants her nomination to send a message of acceptance and safety to other UNI students.
UNI homecoming court member aspires to raise awareness
Transgender Troy murderer shouldn't have sentence shortened, state tells Supreme Court
Michigan’s solicitor general went before the U.S. Supreme Court today to argue that an appeals court was wrong when it ruled a transgender woman convicted of a murder in Troy in 2000 had an ineffective lawyer and should get a shorter sentence.
Rental discrimination ban approved in Grand Forks
The Grand Forks City Council has banned housing discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, though not all city leaders think it's a good idea.
U.S. government sues Texas RV park for alleged discrimination against transgender woman
On behalf of the federal government, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder has filed a lawsuit against a Texas recreational vehicle park for alleged discrimination against a transgender woman.
La militante trans agredida en Costello iría al Concejo
Celeste Castro, la militante transexual que dijo haber sufrido agresiones por parte de agentes de la Guardia Urbana Municipal (GUM) y por personal del boliche Costello denunció que existe una connivencia entre el municipio y el boliche...
Piden que militante trans ratifique denuncias en el Concejo
La primera nena transexual del mundo recibe este mediodía su DNI
Es el primer caso en el mundo en que el Estado reconoce este derecho sin judicializar el trámite. Luana tiene 6 años, nació varón pero se percibe mujer. La madre fue la que luchó para que le dieran el documento para que no sufriera más burlas
Entregan el nuevo DNI a Lulú, la nena trans de seis años
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