Investigação portuguesa sobre "as vidas das pessoas transgénero" recebe financiamento europeu
Em Novembro, a Alemanha tornou-se o primeiro país europeu onde é possível inscrever no Bilhete de Identidade de uma criança uma terceira opção para além de "feminino" ou "masculino": "sexo indefinido".
Modelos trans participam de reportagem do New York Times; Brasil é considerado pioneiro no segmento
Para quem acha que as modelos transexuais são mais bem aceitas fora do Brasil, o jornal tradicionalíssimo New York Times deve surpreender e desmistificar a falácia ainda neste ano. Tudo porque a publicação trará uma matéria da jornalista Lianne Milton com três modelos brasileiras, que - depois do frisson Lea T - tornaram-se pioneiras no segmento e referência para a moda, agências e casting de todo o mundo.
Declaran culpable a un hombre por acabar con la vida de su pareja transexual
Un jurado popular ha declarado culpable de un delito de homicidio al hombre acusado de matar a su pareja transexual en el apartamento de la localidad malagueña de Fuengirola en el que convivían, según han informado a Europa Press fuentes judiciales. Los hechos sucedieron el 16 de noviembre de 2012.
Los Pilla-Pilla sólo cazamos pederastas
Son la cuadrilla filonazi-catalana de «El Ruski»
Imitan a los grupos rusos que se dedican a dar palizas a homosexuales.
Sus encerronas son un fenómeno en internet.
Ugandan Gay Activists Vow to Fight ‘Ignorant’ Bill
Gay rights activists in Uganda vowed Monday a “fight to the end” to stop a draconian anti-homosexuality bill passed by parliament from becoming law in the African nation.
Decoding section 377: How the verdict erased basic human rights
On 16 December, D, 25, a Kolkata resident, was returning home, from the fashion boutique he owns, when some people on the street threw eggs at him. A day or two earlier, a group of approximately seven men from the neighbourhood had blocked his way, demanding to know how much they would have to pay him in return for sexual favours. He was also groped on the street. D, or Diya as he is known among friends, is a man who is feminine in his ways. Sometimes, though not often, he likes to dress like a woman and wear make-up. He is a transgender, in love with another man.
Transgender man sues after alleged sexual assault by deputy
Gwinnett County taxpayers could be on the hook if a transgender man wins a lawsuit he filed, after he was allegedly sexually assaulted by a deputy while in jail.
Shreveport passes LGBT law, some in BR ask: When is our turn?
Shreveport has become the second Louisiana city after New Orleans to pass an ordinance protecting lesbian, gay and transgender residents from discrimination, prompting some advocates in Baton Rouge to wonder when the Capital City will do the same.
Investigação portuguesa sobre "as vidas das pessoas transgénero" recebe financiamento europeu
Em Novembro, a Alemanha tornou-se o primeiro país europeu onde é possível inscrever no Bilhete de Identidade de uma criança uma terceira opção para além de "feminino" ou "masculino": "sexo indefinido".
Modelos trans participam de reportagem do New York Times; Brasil é considerado pioneiro no segmento
Para quem acha que as modelos transexuais são mais bem aceitas fora do Brasil, o jornal tradicionalíssimo New York Times deve surpreender e desmistificar a falácia ainda neste ano. Tudo porque a publicação trará uma matéria da jornalista Lianne Milton com três modelos brasileiras, que - depois do frisson Lea T - tornaram-se pioneiras no segmento e referência para a moda, agências e casting de todo o mundo.
Declaran culpable a un hombre por acabar con la vida de su pareja transexual
Un jurado popular ha declarado culpable de un delito de homicidio al hombre acusado de matar a su pareja transexual en el apartamento de la localidad malagueña de Fuengirola en el que convivían, según han informado a Europa Press fuentes judiciales. Los hechos sucedieron el 16 de noviembre de 2012.
Los Pilla-Pilla sólo cazamos pederastas
Son la cuadrilla filonazi-catalana de «El Ruski»
Imitan a los grupos rusos que se dedican a dar palizas a homosexuales.
Sus encerronas son un fenómeno en internet.
Ugandan Gay Activists Vow to Fight ‘Ignorant’ Bill
Gay rights activists in Uganda vowed Monday a “fight to the end” to stop a draconian anti-homosexuality bill passed by parliament from becoming law in the African nation.
Decoding section 377: How the verdict erased basic human rights
On 16 December, D, 25, a Kolkata resident, was returning home, from the fashion boutique he owns, when some people on the street threw eggs at him. A day or two earlier, a group of approximately seven men from the neighbourhood had blocked his way, demanding to know how much they would have to pay him in return for sexual favours. He was also groped on the street. D, or Diya as he is known among friends, is a man who is feminine in his ways. Sometimes, though not often, he likes to dress like a woman and wear make-up. He is a transgender, in love with another man.
Transgender man sues after alleged sexual assault by deputy
Gwinnett County taxpayers could be on the hook if a transgender man wins a lawsuit he filed, after he was allegedly sexually assaulted by a deputy while in jail.
Shreveport passes LGBT law, some in BR ask: When is our turn?
Shreveport has become the second Louisiana city after New Orleans to pass an ordinance protecting lesbian, gay and transgender residents from discrimination, prompting some advocates in Baton Rouge to wonder when the Capital City will do the same.
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