As aparências desiludem
O que interessa são as aparências. Não aquilo que tu és, mas aquilo que pareces ser. Nunca, como hoje, o mundo gira à volta desta aparente dualidade. Se eu sou linda, mas burra que nem uma porta ondulada, acabo por ser valorizada por essa suposta beleza e não pela pessoa, pelo ser humano que sou. Se eu tenho a ousadia de me mostrar como sou, sou total e completamente ostracizada.
Corpo de travesti é encontrado carbonizado no Entorno do DF
Vítima estava sem documentos e foi levada ao IML para reconhecimento de familiares
O corpo de um travesti foi encontrado carbonizado na madrugada desta sexta-feira (14) em um terreno abandonado no Jardim Ingá, bairro de Luziânia (GO), região do Entorno do DF, segundo informações preliminares da Polícia Militar de Goiás.
Lithuania 'gay propaganda' bill fails to get the votes
Bill is just one of several proposals intended to curtail the rights of the LGBTI community the parliament will consider this spring
Lebanon Just Did a Whole Lot More Than Legalize Being Gay
LGBTQ rights supporters rejoiced on Thursday with news that homosexuality is no longer illegal in Lebanon. A court ruling abolished a case against an unnamed transwoman – accused of having a “same sex relationship with a man” – stating that homosexuality can no longer be considered a crime because it is “not unnatural.” Lebanese law only prohibits sexual acts “contradicting the laws of nature.”
Nepal encara una nueva identidad
“Me miro al espejo desnuda y no entiendo cómo una parte tan insignificante de mi cuerpo ha determinado tanto mi vida”. Sirju Margar deja sobre la mesa el documento de identidad de Kumar, el hombre que no quiere ser. “Estoy cansada de esconderme. Cuando vuelvo a visitar a mis padres tengo que travestirme de quien no soy”, explica mientras descubre su pelo largo bajo el pañuelo tradicional nepalí (kurta).
Expert panel wants transgender declared third gender
Asks government to prepare a law to prevent discrimination and atrocities against them
Independent commission finds no justification for military's transgender ban
There is no compelling medical rationale for banning transgender people from serving in the American military, an independent commission led by a former U.S. surgeon general and retired admiral concluded in a study released Thursday.
Ex-surgeon general promoting transsexuals in military
Study Urges U.S. Military to Reconsider Ban on Transgender Personnel
Former US Surgeon General and new report slams military's ban on transgender members
Limbaugh Attacks And Mocks New Report On Transgender Military Service
Transgender Military Service Backed by Study
Los Gatos transgender woman speaks out on fight to compete in CrossFit competition
Just like countless other exercise fanatics, Chloie Jonsson wanted to test herself in a CrossFit strength competition. The increasingly popular fitness events culminate each summer with the crowning of the "Fittest Man and Woman on Earth."
[Photo: Chloie Jonsson, a transgender woman who lives in the South Bay, wanted to compete in a CrossFit strength competition, but the fitness company, which licenses popular gyms across the country, said she would have to register as a man. Jonsson, who has sued CrossFit, speaks from her attorney's office in San Francisco, Calif., Thursday afternoon March 13, 2014.]
City defends treatment of trans worker
City attorneys last week filed a lengthy brief denying any wrongdoing in the case of Bobbie E. Burnett, a transgender city employee who alleges pervasive workplace bias.
Honey Andrews, Transgender Woman, Allegedly Barred From Performing Selena Tribute
An annual tribute to slain Latina superstar Selena in Corpus Christi, Texas, is coming under fire after organizers allegedly told a woman that she is not allowed to perform because she is transgender.
Transsexual Selena impersonator denied access to tribute for Tejano star, sparking outrage
Designan a nuevo director de Diversidad Sexual en Neuquén
Luego de la salida de Victoria Arriagada de la Dirección de Diversidad Sexual, el cargo quedará en manos del psicólogo Carlos Ignacio Somoza.
As aparências desiludem
O que interessa são as aparências. Não aquilo que tu és, mas aquilo que pareces ser. Nunca, como hoje, o mundo gira à volta desta aparente dualidade. Se eu sou linda, mas burra que nem uma porta ondulada, acabo por ser valorizada por essa suposta beleza e não pela pessoa, pelo ser humano que sou. Se eu tenho a ousadia de me mostrar como sou, sou total e completamente ostracizada.

Corpo de travesti é encontrado carbonizado no Entorno do DF
Vítima estava sem documentos e foi levada ao IML para reconhecimento de familiares
O corpo de um travesti foi encontrado carbonizado na madrugada desta sexta-feira (14) em um terreno abandonado no Jardim Ingá, bairro de Luziânia (GO), região do Entorno do DF, segundo informações preliminares da Polícia Militar de Goiás.
Lithuania 'gay propaganda' bill fails to get the votes
Bill is just one of several proposals intended to curtail the rights of the LGBTI community the parliament will consider this spring
Lebanon Just Did a Whole Lot More Than Legalize Being Gay
LGBTQ rights supporters rejoiced on Thursday with news that homosexuality is no longer illegal in Lebanon. A court ruling abolished a case against an unnamed transwoman – accused of having a “same sex relationship with a man” – stating that homosexuality can no longer be considered a crime because it is “not unnatural.” Lebanese law only prohibits sexual acts “contradicting the laws of nature.”
Nepal encara una nueva identidad
“Me miro al espejo desnuda y no entiendo cómo una parte tan insignificante de mi cuerpo ha determinado tanto mi vida”. Sirju Margar deja sobre la mesa el documento de identidad de Kumar, el hombre que no quiere ser. “Estoy cansada de esconderme. Cuando vuelvo a visitar a mis padres tengo que travestirme de quien no soy”, explica mientras descubre su pelo largo bajo el pañuelo tradicional nepalí (kurta).
Expert panel wants transgender declared third gender
Asks government to prepare a law to prevent discrimination and atrocities against them
Independent commission finds no justification for military's transgender ban
There is no compelling medical rationale for banning transgender people from serving in the American military, an independent commission led by a former U.S. surgeon general and retired admiral concluded in a study released Thursday.
Ex-surgeon general promoting transsexuals in military
Study Urges U.S. Military to Reconsider Ban on Transgender Personnel
Former US Surgeon General and new report slams military's ban on transgender members
Limbaugh Attacks And Mocks New Report On Transgender Military Service
Transgender Military Service Backed by Study
Los Gatos transgender woman speaks out on fight to compete in CrossFit competition
Just like countless other exercise fanatics, Chloie Jonsson wanted to test herself in a CrossFit strength competition. The increasingly popular fitness events culminate each summer with the crowning of the "Fittest Man and Woman on Earth."
[Photo: Chloie Jonsson, a transgender woman who lives in the South Bay, wanted to compete in a CrossFit strength competition, but the fitness company, which licenses popular gyms across the country, said she would have to register as a man. Jonsson, who has sued CrossFit, speaks from her attorney's office in San Francisco, Calif., Thursday afternoon March 13, 2014.]
City defends treatment of trans worker
City attorneys last week filed a lengthy brief denying any wrongdoing in the case of Bobbie E. Burnett, a transgender city employee who alleges pervasive workplace bias.
Honey Andrews, Transgender Woman, Allegedly Barred From Performing Selena Tribute
An annual tribute to slain Latina superstar Selena in Corpus Christi, Texas, is coming under fire after organizers allegedly told a woman that she is not allowed to perform because she is transgender.
Transsexual Selena impersonator denied access to tribute for Tejano star, sparking outrage
Designan a nuevo director de Diversidad Sexual en Neuquén
Luego de la salida de Victoria Arriagada de la Dirección de Diversidad Sexual, el cargo quedará en manos del psicólogo Carlos Ignacio Somoza.
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