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quinta-feira, julho 17, 2014

European Human Rights Court confirms forced divorce of trans people is legal
Today, the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights issued its verdict in Hämäläinen v Finland (application no. 37359/09), a case pertaining the necessity for a married trans person to end their marriage before being legally recognized in one’s gender identity. The Court rejected the claim that requesting a married trans person to convert their marriage into a registered partnership before being recognized in their gender identity is a violation of the right to private and family life, the right to marry, as well as non-discrimination of the European Convention on Human Rights. TGEU, who has submitted a third party intervention in the case, is highly disappointed that the highest human rights court in Europe missed this opportunity to protect trans persons’ human rights.
European court strikes down transgender marriage case
ECHR rules against trans woman in marriage case
‘I will stay married’: Transsexual woman defiant after court ruling

Nascer no corpo errado
Para grande parte da população é desconhecido mas existe realmente uma diferença entre sexo e género. Enquanto o sexo está relacionado com a identidade biológica da pessoa, o género é a apresentação pública e objetiva do indivíduo que pode ser masculina ou feminina.

Petra De Sutter est la première parlementaire belge transsexuelle: il y a 10 ans, elle était encore un homme!
Il y a dix ans, Petra De Sutter était encore un homme. Âgée de 51 ans, elle a vécu quarante ans comme cela avant de prendre la décision qui a transformé sa vie. Avant de devenir... sénatrice cooptée. C’est une première en Belgique. Une incroyable histoire à découvrir dans nos éditions de ce mercredi.