Imagens fortes: Travesti é morto a golpes de estilete no Centro de Manaus
O travesti Jonathas Macedo da Silva, aluno de Lgística da Universidade Paulista (Unip) foi morto a golpes de estilete, ontem à noite, no cruzamento das ruas Joaquim Sarmento e Saldanha Marinho, no Centro de Manaus.
A Delegacia Especialziada em Homicídios e Sequestros (DEHS) está investigando o crime.

'Transando com Laerte': cartunista terá programa de TV em 2015
Vem aí “Transando com Laerte”, programa que será apresentado pela cartunista no Canal Brasil em 2015. A anfitriã — ela pede que a tratem sempre no feminino — conversará sobre temas específicos com seus entrevistados, entre eles Tom Zé, Paulo Lins, Marisa Orth e Xico Sá. Laerte conversou com a coluna.
Castilla y Leon dará tratamiento sanitario completo a las personas transexuales
Un año de negociación entre Fundación Triángulo y el SACyL culmina con el acuerdo que restaura los derechos sanitarios de las personas transexuales en CyL
Lack of B.C. female-to-male surgeries ‘weird,’ says surgeon
A Montreal medical specialist who performs gender-realignment surgery for B.C. residents says she finds it “very weird” not to have seen a single patient from B.C. referred for female-to-male surgery in the two years since the Medical Services Plan announced it would lift a funding ban on the procedures.
Gender Nonconforming Youth Need Multidisciplinary Psych and Medical Care
The unique needs of gender nonconforming children and adolescents require multidisciplinary psychological and medical care, according to a review of clinical practice guidelines for these youth.
What It's Really Like Dating as a Transgender Woman
A recent episode of "True Trans" with Against Me!'s Laura Jane Grace addressed how being transgender affects relationships. Laura Jane's description of how it impacted her relationship with her wife in the first half of the episode was a very accurate portrayal of my own observations about the challenges of holding a pre-existing marriage together post-transition.
ACLU: U.S. Army to recognize legal names of transgender veterans
The U.S. Army has agreed to “fully recognize” the new legal names of two transgender military veterans, the American Civil Liberties Union said Tuesday.
Feds Say Transgender Students’ Gender Identity Must Be Respected
New government guidance has LGBT rights advocates "thrilled"
Federal Guidance on Single-Sex Classes Confirms Schools Must Respect Every Student’s Gender Identity
Miami-Dade County adds gender identity to human rights ordinance
The Miami-Dade County Commission on Tuesday voted to amend its existing Human Rights Ordinance to prohibit discrimination in housing, public accommodations and employment on the basis of gender identity and gender expression.
Miami-Dade County Commission approves transgender protections
Miami-Dade County votes in favor of banning transgender discrimination
Maine school district ordered to pay $75K in transgender discrimination suit
A Maine court has awarded the family of a transgender girl $75,000 in a settlement of her discrimination lawsuit against a school district where administrators made her use a staff, not student, bathroom.
Farmington Hills family shares their transgender journey
Roz Keith believes training and education will help build communities that are more welcoming to children like her son.
Group opposed to inclusive athletics policy calls being transgender ‘dangerous’
Representatives of the Minnesota Child Protection League have been hitting the conservative radio circuit in order to drum up opposition to a policy that would create a more inclusive environment for transgender students in Minnesota schools. The Minnesota State High School League is poised to adopt a policy that would provide schools with a framework for including transgender high school students in extracurricular activities including athletics. MNCPL has published two full-page ads in Minnesota newspapers and sent out mailers in Greater Minnesota which LGBT groups have characterized as anti-transgender.
CPL sent anti-transgender direct mail across state to derail MN State High School League policy
Transgender dooms girls’ sports? MN pioneer says relax
Minn. could allow transgender athletes to pick team that suits them
High school league braces for transgender athlete vote
Child Protection League stands by photo used in controversial anti-trans ad
The End of Girls’ and Boys’ Sports in Minnesota?
Shen school board approves gender identity policy
The Shenendehowa School District Board of Education Tuesday adopted a policy that allows students and staff to use bathrooms and locker rooms that are not in conflict with their gender identity.

N.J. Trans Veterans Win Important Fight to Change Names on Military Records
In a potentially game-changing move, the U.S. Army has allowed two transgender veterans to update their names on their discharge papers.
Toledo strengthens hate crime law to include transgender people
Toledo City Council voted unanimously Dec. 2 to strengthen the city’s hate crime law, adding language that makes it clear crimes against transgender people are considered hate crimes.
The decision comes after the robbery and assault of transgender woman Candice Milligan in Downtown Toledo last month.
Panel addresses transgender inclusion in Gloucester County schools
Former School Board member Ronnie Cohen cautioned Gloucester County schools on how it addresses a proposed transgender restroom use policy.
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