Quatro corpos e uma ossada são achados em casa de pintor
O corpo de um travesti surdo e mudo de 21 anos, outros três cadáveres e uma ossada foram encontrados enterrados dentro da casa de um pintor de paredes por policiais militares na tarde de anteontem, na favela Alba, no Jabaquara (zona sul).
Polícia encontra ossada em imóvel no Jabaquara
Quatro corpos e uma ossada são achados em casa de pintor
Quero que deixem minha filha ter seu lugar, diz mãe de criança trans
Para crianças transexuais, o sentimento de pertencer ao sexo oposto é presente desde os primeiros momentos e não tem relação com a orientação sexual
Fórum Paulista TT recebe Secretaria de Mulheres e lança nova campanha; saiba
O Fórum Paulista de Travestis e Transexuais recebeu na reunião deste domingo (27) a Secretaria de Políticas para Mulheres, no auditório azul do Edifício Martinelli, em São Paulo. O encontro é um passo importante para o reconhecimento da identidade e estreitar parceria com o poder público para a promoção dos direitos de travestis e mulheres transexuais.
Joint UN statement on Ending violence and discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people
On 29 September 2015, 12 UN entities (ILO, OHCHR, UNAIDS Secretariat, UNDP, UNESCO, UNFPA, UNHCR, UNICEF, UNODC, UN Women, WFP and WHO) released an unprecedented joint statement calling for an end to violence and discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people.
Fire attack woman supports new victims' support group
A woman who suffered horrific burns after she was doused in petrol and set alight has supported the launch of a new service for victims of crime.
Inside the first Miss Transgender UK beauty pageant
The first Miss Transgender UK has divided the trans community
Scot wins UK transgender pageant
Independent on Sunday’s 2015 Rainbow List to include intersex people for the first time
Nominations are now open - past honorees include Tom Daley and Sue Perkins, but who will take this year's top spot from Labour MP Michael Cashman?
Dagenham’s Kirone goes from little girl to big man
A man who was born a woman and was forced to endure years of bullying now hopes to teach schoolchildren about transgender people.
Eight players from Iran’s female team ‘not fully women’
Iran's national women's team has come under fire this week after it emerged that eight players of the group were not females, according to Al Arabiya News Channel’s Arabic language website.
Trans man tricked into going to India and forced into arranged marriage to ‘fix’ him
Shivy thought he was 'going to die' at the hands of his parents
Ottawa mural defaced with hate messages
Artwork honouring trans women of colour will have to be redone
Moviegoers Basically Threw A Brick At ‘Stonewall’ This Weekend
Stonewall, director Roland Emmerich’s earnest and godawful attempt to portray the legendary 1969 Stonewall riots as less of a landmark event for LGBT rights spearheaded by trans women of color and more of a backdrop for the self-realization of an invented, white, male jock from Indiana premiered this weekend.
Study Shows Who Is More Likely to Support Transgender Rights in the United States
People who think they are more informed about transgender people or know someone who is lesbian or gay tend to be more supportive of transgender rights, according to a new study by Andrew R. Flores, public opinion and policy fellow at the Williams Institute at UCLA School of Law.
NYLS Impact Center Salon on Transgender Issues
The New York Law School Impact Center is presenting a Salon on Transgender Issue on Tuesday, September 29. I am participating together with attorneys M. Dru Levasseur of Lambda Legal and Ezra Young. I prepared a case table on transgender law for distribution at the event and am sharing it here:
REI-ality Check: Store Boots Mom for Complaining About Man in Girls’ Bathroom
A Northern California mom became alarmed when her pre-teen daughter said she was uncomfortable with the man who entered a store bathroom while she and another young girl were using it. But the response of store management left the mom stunned and shaken.
After Three Years Jailed With Men, Ashley Diamond Speaks
As her lawsuit against Georgia's state prison system moves forward, Ashley Diamond reflects on being black, trans, and low-income in the Deep South.
Detroit's Most Wanted: Police search for killer of young transgender woman
Twenty-year old Amber Monroe, a young transgender woman struggled with her identity for a long time, and courageously came out two-years ago.
This is the moment a trans teen was told she can finally begin hormone treatment
Proud mother says: 'This was it, this was the most pivotal turning point in her life, and we both knew it.'
GFPS Non-Discrimination Policy Change Draws Criticism
This evening Great Falls Public Schools held a discussion on board policy 3210 regarding non-discrimination to include transgender students.
GFPS transgender policy praised, criticized at meeting
In this school, children will grow up believing bathrooms have no gender
On her first day of Pre-K, my four-year-old daughter used a bathroom that was simply labeled “bathroom.” She will, I hope, grow up in a world where bathrooms—like people—no longer exist along a simple gender binary. If only every school could be this enlightened.
Oregon Appeals Court Affirms Damages Award Against Bar That Ousted LGBT Social Club
The Court of Appeals of Oregon has affirmed an award of $405,000 against a North Portland bar and the bar’s owner, Chris Penner, upon a finding by the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries (OBLI) that they violated the state’s public accommodations law by denying “equal accommodations” to an informal social club that included gay and transgender people. Blachana, LLC v. Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries, 273 Ore. App. 806, 2015 Ore. App. LEXIS 1116, 2015 WL 5595483 (Sept. 23, 2015). The court rejected the petitioners’ outlandish argument that they hadn’t discriminated and their conduct was protected by the 1st Amendment freedom of speech.
Over 900 Texas School Districts Quietly Ban Anti-LGBT Bullying
In the Texas Legislature, “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” are almost taboo phrases. A bill with such language is almost certainly doomed.
Federal Court Explains Pretrial Motion Rulings Against Transgender Student in Restroom Lawsuit
U.S. District Judge Robert G. Doumar issued an opinion on September 17 in G. G. v. Gloucester County School Board, 2015 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 124905, 2015 WL 5560190 (E.D. Va.), explaining his earlier bench decision in July dismissing the plaintiff’s Title IX count and his September 4 denial of the plaintiff’s request for a preliminary injunction in a dispute over restroom usage at the Gloucester, Virginia, High School. The plaintiff, a transgender boy, is being denied use of the restrooms designated for boys at the school. Judge Doumar found that Title IX does not require public schools to allow transgender students to use the restrooms that conform to their gender identity, so long as they are provided with “comparable” restroom facilities, and that the plaintiff had not presented evidence sufficient to support his request to be allowed to use the boys’ restrooms pending a final ruling on the merits of his constitutional equal protection claim.
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