The Right Not To Be Mutilated: Intersex People and The Quest For Justice
Jurist Guest Columnist Arvind Narrain of ARC International discusses the issues with assigning a gender to intersex born children...
Channel 4 documentary Girls To Men criticised by genderqueer person who featured in episode
The organisation Gendered Intelligence said 'media interest in surgery can reduce all trans experiences'
Channel 4's Girls To Men called 'disgusting' by genderqueer who featured in documentary
Actress wants Doctor Who role as transgender Time Lord
Trans actress Rebecca Root has said she would ‘love’ to star in Doctor Who, as the next incarnation of the mysterious Time Lord.
Parliament told to make ‘new Section 28’ to prevent kids learning about trans people
A Christian group has submitted evidence to Parliament’s trans inquiry – claiming that children should be protected from learning about trans people.
Changement d'état civil des personnes trans : une procédure encore longue et coûteuse, véritable parcours du combattant
"Le monde avance, la France recule". Voici le mot d'ordre de la 19e Marche des personnes trans et intersexes, l'Existrans, qui a lieu ce samedi 17 octobre à Paris. L'an dernier, l'événement avait rassemblé plusieurs milliers de personnes.
France legally recognises person as ‘gender neutral’ for the first time
For the first time, a French court has recognised a person as ‘gender neutral’.
France court recognizes third gender for the first time
Campaign for LGBT rights in the workplace launched
A nationwide campaign for lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgender (LGBT) equality in the workplace has been launched in a move to raise awareness about LGBT rights and sexual diversity.
Girl Guides of Canada updates guidelines to welcome transgender girls
Transgender children wanting to take part in girl guide programs across the country are officially welcome to join in.
Canada’s Girl Scouts opens doors to ‘transgender’ girls with radical new guidelines
Transgender girls now officially welcome to become Girl Guides in Canada
Minister hires facilitator in transgender controversy at Edmonton schools
Alberta’s Minister of Education has hired a facilitator to teach Edmonton Catholic trustees how to govern and carry out civil debate.
Edmonton Catholic school board to get 'back on the rails' with government-appointed expert
Catholic school board calls in police to probe erased audio tape
P&R: Canada's Transgender Rights Bill: Progress at last?
For several years, I've covered Canada's ongoing trials and tribulations over Bill C-279, that nation's latest attempt to add gender identity to its national anti-discrimination legislation. And with Canada's next federal election imminent, it looks as if Canada's transgender communities will finally get the right to freedom from employment, educational and service provider discrimination that they have so long sought.
Fired Alberta transgender teacher appealing tribunal decision
An Alberta transgender teacher -- fired in 2008 for having a sex change -- is back in court fighting to have his case heard in front of a judge.
U of R allows use of preferred names, gender
The University of Regina now gives students the option to use their preferred first name and chosen gender on all files.
Information for transgender voters from Elections Canada
If you are a transgender person who is planning to vote on October 19, there's a section on the FAQs webpage on the Elections Canada website that answers questions related to transgender issues.
TSA Says It Will Stop Calling Trans Bodies 'Anomalies'
Officials at the Transportation Security Administration say they aren't sure how the language will change but insist the word 'anomaly' is being banished.
Hashtag project seeks to elicit trans voices
A trans tech journalist and others have developed a hashtag, #transneeds, in an effort to open a dialogue on major issues affecting the community and to solicit solutions.
Brown signs transgender bills into law
Governor Jerry Brown signed into law four bills during this year's legislative session that expand rights for transgender people.
Pushing transition: Advocates rally for changes in how SLO County schools deal with transgender issues
Remember your teenage years, the awkward self-consciousness and the pressure to make friends at school. The struggle of transitioning from kid to adult, the push and pull of wanting to discover your own individuality, and trying to fit in with your peers.
Transgender soldier at Fort Carson waits for change in military policy
The only open transgender soldier at Fort Carson tells KRDO that she isn't seeing any changes when it comes to the military's stance on an outdated transgender ban.
All’s well in Wellington: Civil rights ordinance passes
Thanks to the work of the Palm Beach Human Rights Council, the Village of Wellington, which encompasses a large part of Palm Beach County, has officially passed a civil rights ordinance that is LGBT inclusive. HOORAY US!
Transgender Health Month Aims To Increase Awareness, Education
Out of the eight years typically spent in medical school, about five hours are devoted to LGBT education.
Some parents question books about gender identity at Mount Vernon elementary
Supporters say it's an important step in preventing bullying
School board sets new transgender student policy
The El Dorado Springs R-2 Board of Education unanimously approved updated school policies at its regular meeting Thursday, Oct. 8, along with a new student welfare policy regarding transgender students.
Bernie school board approves transgender student policy
Transgender Woman Sues Walmart, Manager She Says Harassed And Then Fired Her
Walmart and one of its managers in a New Jersey store have been hit with a lawsuit alleging that a transgender employee was harassed and then fired over her gender identity.
Comic Con highlights transgender characters and need for diverse stories
From Caitlyn Jenner to “Orange is the New Black,” transgender personalities and characters are making inroads in mainstream media — and comic books are no exception.
Recent Death Of Young Transgender Woman Sparks Conversation About Danger Many Transgender Women Face
The recent death of Keisha Jenkins, a young trans woman shot and beaten in an area of Hunting Park known for sex work, has started a conversation about the dangers trans women face. While police say the attack against Jenkins was not the spawned by hate, it underscores a fear in the trans community that they are targets for crime.
Kiesha Jenkins murder 'not a hate crime,' yet transgender women are targets
Transgender students in Puerto Rico will get to choose what uniform they wear
Transgender students in Puerto Rican public schools will for the first time be allowed to wear uniforms that match their gender identity. Up until the announcement this week, students would be punished for breaking the rules if they didn’t stick to the tradition of girls wearing skirts and boys wearing pants.
Shelby County Sheriff reviewing procedures after male inmate put in with females
The Shelby County Sheriff’s Office is reviewing procedures after a male inmate was found in the female inmate population.
Terry Turner was arrested October 9 on a felony charge.
A mugshot shows Turner was dressed as a woman at the time of processing and was sent to Jail East where female prisoners are held.
Saturday morning, it was discovered Turner was a male and was immediately taken to 201 Poplar Avenue where male inmates are held.
Religious Right Groups Break Out The Scare Tactics To Keep Discrimination Legal In Houston
On November 3, the city of Houston will vote on the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO), which creates city-wide nondiscrimination protections, including for the LGBT community. Opponents of HERO, organized as the so-called “Campaign For Houston,” have been escalating their rhetoric demonizing the LGBT community, and a new ad demonstrates just how far they’re willing to go to suggest that transgender women are violent sexual predators.
Logan, Utah trans* woman steps into traffic to end her life
According to Logan, Utah police, a local trans* woman stepped into traffic and was hit by a dump truck on U.S. Hwy 89/91 south of town shortly after posting a suicide note on her Facebook wall.
“According to witnesses and information that we gathered on the scene, it appears that the pedestrian had jumped in front of that northbound vehicle,” Logan City Police Capt. Tyson Budge told the Cache Valley Daily. “We believe that the act was intentional.”
Lawmakers propose anti-transgender bill
This year has been a year of great progress for the transgender community. Caitlyn Jenner coming out has not only brought positive light to the community, but has also opened the floodgates to the conversation on gender identity and how we, as a society, can be more accommodating for people who fall in different places along the gender spectrum.
Gender-specific bathrooms? Now there's a novel idea
Wisconsin Democrats push back on bathroom bill aimed at transgender students
Wisconsin Lawmakers Have A Plan To Let People Sue Schools That Respect Transgender Students
Wisconsin Schools 'In a State of Transition' to Accommodate Transgender Youth
The transgender community has been gaining a lot more visibility recently. Celebrities such as Laverne Cox are starring in series roles, and the original Amazon series Transparent took home several Emmys for its depiction of an older father coming out as transgender.
Un embarazo trans es punto de quiebre en el grupo GLBTI
Diane y Fernando se enamoraron por Facebook. Ella tiene 33 y él 22. Ella es ecuatoriana y él venezolano, ella lo ama y él también a ella... Pero a la gente, a juzgar por la revolución que se vive en estos días en las redes sociales, es que ella nació hombre y él mujer, y ahora esperan un hijo. Fernando está embarazado y Diane, que en esta historia es la madre, fue quien puso el esperma para su gestación.
Trans: el nuevo orgullo
En los últimos doce meses se ha hablado más del tema de lo que se había hecho nunca. El cine ha estrenado películas, la televisión ha premiado series y el periodismo ha recogido testimonios. La visibilidad transgénero es el fenómeno social más interesante del último tiempo.
Killing of Trans Activist Condemned as ‘Hate Crime’
The Argentine Homosexual Community (CHA) has condemned the killing of prominent trans activist Diana Sacayán as a hate crime.
Diana Sacayan third trans woman killed in Argentina in a month – video
Argentina's third violent transgender death in a month sparks call for justice
CFK demands justice for Sacayán murder
Argentine President Demands Inquiry into Trans Activist's Death
Amnesty demands action on trans killings after murder of leading activist
The Right Not To Be Mutilated: Intersex People and The Quest For Justice
Jurist Guest Columnist Arvind Narrain of ARC International discusses the issues with assigning a gender to intersex born children...
Channel 4 documentary Girls To Men criticised by genderqueer person who featured in episode
The organisation Gendered Intelligence said 'media interest in surgery can reduce all trans experiences'
Channel 4's Girls To Men called 'disgusting' by genderqueer who featured in documentary
Actress wants Doctor Who role as transgender Time Lord
Trans actress Rebecca Root has said she would ‘love’ to star in Doctor Who, as the next incarnation of the mysterious Time Lord.
Parliament told to make ‘new Section 28’ to prevent kids learning about trans people
A Christian group has submitted evidence to Parliament’s trans inquiry – claiming that children should be protected from learning about trans people.
Changement d'état civil des personnes trans : une procédure encore longue et coûteuse, véritable parcours du combattant
"Le monde avance, la France recule". Voici le mot d'ordre de la 19e Marche des personnes trans et intersexes, l'Existrans, qui a lieu ce samedi 17 octobre à Paris. L'an dernier, l'événement avait rassemblé plusieurs milliers de personnes.
France legally recognises person as ‘gender neutral’ for the first time
For the first time, a French court has recognised a person as ‘gender neutral’.
France court recognizes third gender for the first time
Campaign for LGBT rights in the workplace launched
A nationwide campaign for lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgender (LGBT) equality in the workplace has been launched in a move to raise awareness about LGBT rights and sexual diversity.
Girl Guides of Canada updates guidelines to welcome transgender girls
Transgender children wanting to take part in girl guide programs across the country are officially welcome to join in.
Canada’s Girl Scouts opens doors to ‘transgender’ girls with radical new guidelines
Transgender girls now officially welcome to become Girl Guides in Canada
Minister hires facilitator in transgender controversy at Edmonton schools
Alberta’s Minister of Education has hired a facilitator to teach Edmonton Catholic trustees how to govern and carry out civil debate.
Edmonton Catholic school board to get 'back on the rails' with government-appointed expert
Catholic school board calls in police to probe erased audio tape
P&R: Canada's Transgender Rights Bill: Progress at last?
For several years, I've covered Canada's ongoing trials and tribulations over Bill C-279, that nation's latest attempt to add gender identity to its national anti-discrimination legislation. And with Canada's next federal election imminent, it looks as if Canada's transgender communities will finally get the right to freedom from employment, educational and service provider discrimination that they have so long sought.
Fired Alberta transgender teacher appealing tribunal decision
An Alberta transgender teacher -- fired in 2008 for having a sex change -- is back in court fighting to have his case heard in front of a judge.
U of R allows use of preferred names, gender
The University of Regina now gives students the option to use their preferred first name and chosen gender on all files.
Information for transgender voters from Elections Canada
If you are a transgender person who is planning to vote on October 19, there's a section on the FAQs webpage on the Elections Canada website that answers questions related to transgender issues.
TSA Says It Will Stop Calling Trans Bodies 'Anomalies'
Officials at the Transportation Security Administration say they aren't sure how the language will change but insist the word 'anomaly' is being banished.
Hashtag project seeks to elicit trans voices
A trans tech journalist and others have developed a hashtag, #transneeds, in an effort to open a dialogue on major issues affecting the community and to solicit solutions.
Brown signs transgender bills into law
Governor Jerry Brown signed into law four bills during this year's legislative session that expand rights for transgender people.
Pushing transition: Advocates rally for changes in how SLO County schools deal with transgender issues
Remember your teenage years, the awkward self-consciousness and the pressure to make friends at school. The struggle of transitioning from kid to adult, the push and pull of wanting to discover your own individuality, and trying to fit in with your peers.
Transgender soldier at Fort Carson waits for change in military policy
The only open transgender soldier at Fort Carson tells KRDO that she isn't seeing any changes when it comes to the military's stance on an outdated transgender ban.
All’s well in Wellington: Civil rights ordinance passes
Thanks to the work of the Palm Beach Human Rights Council, the Village of Wellington, which encompasses a large part of Palm Beach County, has officially passed a civil rights ordinance that is LGBT inclusive. HOORAY US!
Transgender Health Month Aims To Increase Awareness, Education
Out of the eight years typically spent in medical school, about five hours are devoted to LGBT education.
Some parents question books about gender identity at Mount Vernon elementary
Supporters say it's an important step in preventing bullying
School board sets new transgender student policy
The El Dorado Springs R-2 Board of Education unanimously approved updated school policies at its regular meeting Thursday, Oct. 8, along with a new student welfare policy regarding transgender students.
Bernie school board approves transgender student policy
Transgender Woman Sues Walmart, Manager She Says Harassed And Then Fired Her
Walmart and one of its managers in a New Jersey store have been hit with a lawsuit alleging that a transgender employee was harassed and then fired over her gender identity.
Comic Con highlights transgender characters and need for diverse stories
From Caitlyn Jenner to “Orange is the New Black,” transgender personalities and characters are making inroads in mainstream media — and comic books are no exception.
Recent Death Of Young Transgender Woman Sparks Conversation About Danger Many Transgender Women Face
The recent death of Keisha Jenkins, a young trans woman shot and beaten in an area of Hunting Park known for sex work, has started a conversation about the dangers trans women face. While police say the attack against Jenkins was not the spawned by hate, it underscores a fear in the trans community that they are targets for crime.
Kiesha Jenkins murder 'not a hate crime,' yet transgender women are targets
Transgender students in Puerto Rico will get to choose what uniform they wear
Transgender students in Puerto Rican public schools will for the first time be allowed to wear uniforms that match their gender identity. Up until the announcement this week, students would be punished for breaking the rules if they didn’t stick to the tradition of girls wearing skirts and boys wearing pants.

Shelby County Sheriff reviewing procedures after male inmate put in with females
The Shelby County Sheriff’s Office is reviewing procedures after a male inmate was found in the female inmate population.
Terry Turner was arrested October 9 on a felony charge.
A mugshot shows Turner was dressed as a woman at the time of processing and was sent to Jail East where female prisoners are held.
Saturday morning, it was discovered Turner was a male and was immediately taken to 201 Poplar Avenue where male inmates are held.
Religious Right Groups Break Out The Scare Tactics To Keep Discrimination Legal In Houston
On November 3, the city of Houston will vote on the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO), which creates city-wide nondiscrimination protections, including for the LGBT community. Opponents of HERO, organized as the so-called “Campaign For Houston,” have been escalating their rhetoric demonizing the LGBT community, and a new ad demonstrates just how far they’re willing to go to suggest that transgender women are violent sexual predators.

Logan, Utah trans* woman steps into traffic to end her life
According to Logan, Utah police, a local trans* woman stepped into traffic and was hit by a dump truck on U.S. Hwy 89/91 south of town shortly after posting a suicide note on her Facebook wall.
“According to witnesses and information that we gathered on the scene, it appears that the pedestrian had jumped in front of that northbound vehicle,” Logan City Police Capt. Tyson Budge told the Cache Valley Daily. “We believe that the act was intentional.”
Lawmakers propose anti-transgender bill
This year has been a year of great progress for the transgender community. Caitlyn Jenner coming out has not only brought positive light to the community, but has also opened the floodgates to the conversation on gender identity and how we, as a society, can be more accommodating for people who fall in different places along the gender spectrum.
Gender-specific bathrooms? Now there's a novel idea
Wisconsin Democrats push back on bathroom bill aimed at transgender students
Wisconsin Lawmakers Have A Plan To Let People Sue Schools That Respect Transgender Students
Wisconsin Schools 'In a State of Transition' to Accommodate Transgender Youth
The transgender community has been gaining a lot more visibility recently. Celebrities such as Laverne Cox are starring in series roles, and the original Amazon series Transparent took home several Emmys for its depiction of an older father coming out as transgender.
Un embarazo trans es punto de quiebre en el grupo GLBTI
Diane y Fernando se enamoraron por Facebook. Ella tiene 33 y él 22. Ella es ecuatoriana y él venezolano, ella lo ama y él también a ella... Pero a la gente, a juzgar por la revolución que se vive en estos días en las redes sociales, es que ella nació hombre y él mujer, y ahora esperan un hijo. Fernando está embarazado y Diane, que en esta historia es la madre, fue quien puso el esperma para su gestación.
Trans: el nuevo orgullo
En los últimos doce meses se ha hablado más del tema de lo que se había hecho nunca. El cine ha estrenado películas, la televisión ha premiado series y el periodismo ha recogido testimonios. La visibilidad transgénero es el fenómeno social más interesante del último tiempo.
Killing of Trans Activist Condemned as ‘Hate Crime’
The Argentine Homosexual Community (CHA) has condemned the killing of prominent trans activist Diana Sacayán as a hate crime.
Diana Sacayan third trans woman killed in Argentina in a month – video
Argentina's third violent transgender death in a month sparks call for justice
CFK demands justice for Sacayán murder
Argentine President Demands Inquiry into Trans Activist's Death
Amnesty demands action on trans killings after murder of leading activist
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