
Transexual é assassinada na comunidade do Bobocão, em Paudalho
Mais um caso de assassinato em Paudalho. Desta vez a vítima foi a transexual Lenilson Gomes da Silva, conhecido por “Chaiene”, que foi assassinada no final da tarde deste sábado (24), na comunidade do Bobocão, em Paudalho.

Jovem é morta a tiros e arrastada por rua em Porto Alegre
Shaiene da Silva Machado foi abordada, por volta das 21h30min, na esquina da Rua Barão do Gravataí com a Travessa Pesqueiro, no limite entre os bairros Cidade Baixa e Menino Deus
Família diz à polícia que jovem morta em Porto Alegre sofria ameaças

DHPP investigará morte de travesti na Orla de Atalaia
DHPP investigará morte de travesti na Orla de Atalaia O corpo foi localizado na praia José Sarney em Aracaju 29/09/2016
Permanece sem identificação no Instituto Médico Legal (IML) o corpo de uma travesti que foi encontrado sem vida na praia José Sarney. O caso foi divulgado através das redes sociais pelo delegado do Departamento de Homicídios e Proteção a Pessoa (DHPP), Mário Leony. O delegado, indignado com o crime, lamentou a morte e criticou o caso de violência.
Homem é preso acusado de furtar a bolsa de transexual
Um homem de 28 anos foi preso em flagrante na madrugada de sábado (24), acusado de furtar a bolsa de uma transexual. Segundo a vítima, após o termino de um “programa”, o autor evadiu em um veículo, levando consigo a bolsa da vítima.
Travesti é baleada por homem em Assis
Vítima foi socorrida em estado grave e está internada na UTI.
Ninguém foi preso; Polícia Civil investiga o caso.
The case of Caster Semenya raises complex questions about sex in sports
Caster Semenya received more cheers than stares when she ran to a convincing victory in the 800 meters at Olympic Stadium, which was a welcome change from the usual reaction she gets when she’s on the track.
Team GB athlete slams Olympics intersex rules as Caster Semenya wins Gold
Cuatro jóvenes detenidos tras dar una paliza con una barra de hierro a una transexual
Madrugada en el polígono Guadalhorce de la capital malagueña. Cuatro jóvenes, montados en un coche, insultan, amenazan y lanzan piedras a un grupo de personas desde un vehículo.
Los presuntos agresores, de 17 y 18 años y sin carné de conducir, han sido detenidos por la Policía en Málaga después de que presuntamente se apearan del coche y golpearan con una barra de hierro a una transexual, a quien después le robaron el bolso.
Transgender teen pleas for acceptance in Devon
A former student at The King’s School speaks out in bid to break down discrimination barriers
Transgender teen claims he was refused haircut in barbers because they 'weren’t sure what he was'
Sam Vella said he was told by staff they didn't cut girls' hair and was told to leave
Trans pop star Jordan Gray called transphobic slur in Luton park
The Voice UK star refuses to be silent over the hate crime
Police investigating 'nasty' hate-motivated assault of transgender man in Bedfordshire
A transgender man was attacked by a group of youths and adults in broad daylight last week.
'Their mum is an angel' Mother of two transgender children praised on This Morning
The mother, Sarah, came on with her two children, Jamie and Chloe, who are transgender.
Transexual portuguesa enfrenta ladrões e salva prostituta colombiana
Uma transexual portuguesa, que vive emigrada em Foggia, no sul de Itália, salvou a companheira de casa de ser agredida e roubada por dois clientes.
Researchers demonstrate gender identity is reflected in the brain, including transgenderism
Women and men often show marked differences as regards mental illnesses. In order to learn more about this phenomenon, a project supported by the Austrian Science Fund FWF explored how opposite-sex hormonal therapy applied to transgender individuals influences the brain.
Norwegians now can change genders legally with a mouse click
Ten-year-old Anna Thulin-Myge’s passport shows what looks like an ordinary Norwegian girl wearing her long, blond hair fastened with a clip. It lists her first name as Anna, but under sex it says “M.”
Transgender, variant and intersex inmates policy launched for prisoners
A new transgender variant and intersex inmates policy will have transgender prisoners assigned to sections that match the gender which is shown on their legal documents.
Pride Committee: “We will be on the streets on Sunday to demand justice for Hande Kader and to stop hate crimes”
We feel great anger: our beloved friend Hande Kader was burned to death. The burned body of 23 years old trans woman Hande Kader was found in Zekeriyaköy almost a week ago. Hande was a person who raised her voice against hate crimes and encouraged everyone to raise their voices too.
Turkey transgender murder prompts Istanbul protest
Demonstration in Istanbul for Hande Kader: We want to die of natural causes
Hande Kader’s murder protested in Eastern Turkey

Trans woman commits suicide in Turkey
Azize Ömrüm, a sex worker who lived in İzmir, committed suicide due to not being able to stand social pressure. One of Azize Ömrüm’s closes friends, trans activist Öykü Ay said, “We are all responsible for this suicide.”
United Arab Emirates, a Bright New Future For Transgender People!
A new shocking improvement in the United Arab Emirates, a conservative Middle Eastern country came to light this month. This was something I never expected to witness so soon, especially given personal experience as a trans woman in this country, so let me start with my story.
O estranho caso das leoas "transexuais" do Botswana
Têm juba, rugem e montam fêmeas. Numa reserva do Botswana, leoas estão sob escrutínio científico, pelo comportamento masculino que apresentam

HIV+ Transgender girl Dewani, left in garbage dies
Transgender woman Dewani, 24, died, abandoned by our trans community, stricken with advanced AIDs left laying in garbage next to an HIV treatment center.
Govt put on notice for denying transgender column in census form, CNICs
The Peshawar High Court (PHC) on Tuesday issued notice to the government for not including transgender column in the census form and denying issuance of the computerised national identity cards (CNICs) to both male and female transvestites.
Govt comments sought over transgender persons’ petition
Activists demand changes in bill on transgenders
Transgender rights activists have demanded wide-ranging revision in the Transgender (Protection of Rights) Bill 2016, which has been passed by the Lok Sabha and is pending in the Rajya Sabha.
'All gender toilet' program kickstarts in Beijing
Over 20 venues, including bars and cafes, are partners of the new program
Transgender inmate in Kobe seeks treatment as a woman
A woman recalled her nightmare time in prison exposed to curious looks from male inmates, sexual taunts and the unwanted touches from prison guards.
LGBT Burmese Missed the Revolution
Burma jails transgender people for wearing a ‘disguise,’ and a top aide of Aung San Suu Kyi laughs hysterically at the idea LGBT Burmese need their rights protected.
Teens charged over Pattaya body-under-bed murder
Two teenage boys, one 17 and the other 14, were arrested on Sunday on charges of murdering a transgender woman in a Pattaya hotel and stuffing the body inside a bed frame.
Thai teenagers charged with killing transgender woman
Some Transgender Victims Chose Suicide Over Khmer Rouge Marriages
The threat of forced marriages under the Khmer Rouge led some transgender people to commit suicide rather than deny their gender identity, according to the latest victim to testify at the Khmer Rouge tribunal.
Change of gender identity made easy under groundbreaking new Victorian legislation
The Andrews government has done it again with the Premier announcing he has made good on his 2014 promise to remove barriers for trans people to change their gender identity on official documents.
“Transgender Is Like Anorexia”: Conservative Group’s Dangerous Talking Points
Experts in transgender health say gender diversity should not be pathologised.
Transgender high school teacher Blaise Harris 'discriminated against' by Department of Education
"You have to think of the children."
That was what high school teacher Blaise Harris, a transgender woman, says she was told by a senior department of education manager when she complained about a school no longer offering her work.
[New Zealand]
Wave of transgender young people will swamp treatment services - experts
A tsunami of transgender young people is poised to swamp New Zealand's ad hoc transgender health services, experts say.
Transgender Teen Fired From McDonalds Following Media Attention
Kenny Cooley, a transgender teen from Halifax, Nova Scotia, is reporting that he has been fired from his job at McDonalds following a news report focusing on him being an out transgender football player on his school team.
Calgary's first transgender city council candidate launches campaign
Calgary’s first openly transgender city council candidate launched a historic campaign this week.
Transgender Youth Using Puberty Blockers
Puberty is no picnic, even in the best of circumstances. Once the sex hormones estrogen or testosterone kick in, there’s no turning back: Here come breasts and periods, Adam’s apples and acne. It’s a tough passage for many kids, but for some — transgender youth whose bodies don’t match their gender identity — puberty can be unbearable.
Centre For Disease Control Leaves Trans Out of LGB Youth Campaign
The Center for Disease Control has released a study on violence against LGB youth campaign, designed to highlight how lesbian, gay and bisexual teens and children face an extraordinary high amount of violence, bullying and harassment, leading to higher rates of suicide and depression.
CDC omits Transgender youth from LGB Campaign claiming ignorance
Terry Brady faces life for the murder of Yaz’min Sanchez
This blood-splattered charred wall in an industrial area bears silent testimony to the heinous murder of transgender woman Yaz’min Sanchez committed by twice convicted felon, Terry Brady.

Rest In Power, Cheryl Courtney-Evans
I was shocked and saddened to hear that another one of our trans elders and pioneers has transitioned and earned her wings.
Elgin Illinois School District U-46 announces Transgender Policy
U-46 board member Jeanette Ward looks on angrily as the Elgin School District CEO announces the transgender-inclusive policy Friday. The meeting, where local hate groups spokespeople voiced opposition to human rights, was equally attended by students in favor of it. The policy allowing transgender students to use public accommodations which align with their gender expression went into effect Sept. 6th with no fanfare.
New transgender rights law takes effect today in Massachusetts
A new law that prevents public places from discriminating on the basis of gender has taken effect in Massachusetts today.
Disappointing Ruling Allows Discrimination Against Transgender People
U.S. District Judge Sean Cox ruled today that R.G. & G.R. Harris Funeral Home's Owner Thomas Rost did not discriminate against Aimee Stephens, formerly Anthony Stephens, when he fired her.
Federal court upholds firing of transgender funeral director
Funeral home buries federal govt in Michigan religious freedom case
Obama admin cannot force Christian funeral home to employ a transgender undertaker, judge rules
Judge: Religion permits funeral home to engage in anti-trans bias
TLDEF Condemns Federal Court Ruling in Favor of Michigan Funeral Home that Fired Employee for Being Transgender
Transgender woman settles lawsuit with Fairview Health over treatment denial
Fairview Health Services has settled a lawsuit brought by a transgender woman who was denied onsite treatment for chemical dependency.
Transgender prisoner sues over denial of hormone therapy
Jessica Hicklin is suing the Missouri Department of Corrections over its "freeze-frame" policy
Lambda Legal Sues Missouri Department of Corrections and Corizon Health Inc. for Denying Health Care to Incarcerated Transgender Woman
Transgender woman bashed in the head with hammer by homophobic suspect in Queens
A transgender woman was bashed in the head with a hammer during a Queens attack that cops are investigating as a hate crime, police sources said Thursday.
Rest In Power Jay Kallio
Was advised by Joshua Holiday that our community lost New York based trans man and longtime TBLGQ community activist Jay Kallio to cancer today at age 61.
Judge to Ohio school: ‘Treat Jane Doe as the girl she is’
A federal judge has ruled in favor of a transgender elementary school student seeking to use the restroom consistent with her gender identity, marking the latest such decision in disputes between schools and students on the issue.
Appeals court denies the appeal of man who killed a Tyler transgender woman
The 12th Court of Appeals has denied Carlton Ray Champion Jr.'s appeal for the murder conviction for shooting and killinga Tyler transgender woman Ty Underwood.
Funeral held for transgender woman found dead inside apartment
Friends and family remembered the trans woman who was found dead at her home.
Mexican police turn blind eye to murders of transgender women, say activists
Betzy Ballesteros’ brush with death came on a windy night in December, when a man in a black Chevy Suburban pulled up to the street corner in the Mexican city of Guadalajara where the sex worker was plying her trade.
Ecuador’s transgender parents celebrate first child amid transphobic violence
“Our son is the revolution of love,” wrote Ecuadorian transgender activist Diane Rodriguez as she and the child’s father Fernando lovingly look on.
Minjusticia estableció condiciones para personas LGBTI en las cárceles del país
El Gobierno modificó el Reglamento General de los Establecimientos de Reclusión, cambiando varias normas que ahora deberá seguir el Inpec, en cuanto a las personas pertenecientes a la comunidad LGBTI recluidos en las cárceles.
La deuda del Gobierno con la comunidad LGBTI en las cárceles
¿Cuál ideología de género?
Todo desarrollo al reconocimiento de que somos todos seres distintos, con distintas maneras de enfrentar la vida y disfrutar la sexualidad, se convirtió en el blanco de los ataques de la caverna.
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