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sábado, agosto 05, 2006

Sex-change Dad-of-five Is Shot In Phone Box
A sex-change dad-of five was beaten up and shot with an airgun for taking too long in a public telephone box.

Une transsexuelle colombienne assassinée dans la province de Trento
«C'est un cas typique de crime haineux contre une transsexuelle dans la fleur de l'âge.» C'est par ces mots que la députée transgenre Vladimir Luxuria a commenté le meurtre commis en fin de semaine dernière à Gardolo, petite ville de la province de Trento.

Skinheads assault Pride visitors
Three people visiting the Pride festival in the Söder area of Stockholm were assaulted on Thursday night. One of them was taken to hospital suffering from back and head injuries.

Sound Off: Trans prostitutes need help, not scorn
A reader suggested that "we are mostly law-abiding citizens,"challenging activist DeeDee Chamblee's suggestion that sex work is inevitable for transgender citizens as "an insult," and suggesting that Chamblee find alternatives to prostitution for these people.

Rick Santorum signs statement defending transgender rights
On Wednesday, Senator Rick Santorum (R - PA) became the 170th Member of Congress to affirm that they do not discriminate in their own employment practices based on an individual's sexual orientation or gender identity and _expression.