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segunda-feira, outubro 02, 2006

No more controversy over transgendered teacher's hiring
Months after the hiring of a transgender substitute teacher roiled parents at an Ocean County elementary school, the woman was rehired with nary a peep from the audience.

These eunuchs will beg no more
Mulund MLA helps eunuchs of the area to open bank accounts; they take oath not to beg again

GenderTalk Radio airs last show
After more than a decade of weekly broadcasts, GenderTalk Radio, the award-winning program that served as a touchstone for an international transgender community, is going off the airwaves. Hosts Nancy Nangeroni and Gordene MacKenzie will take to the microphones for a final time on Sept. 30.

District navigates teacher's decision to switch genders
M2F transsexual Camille Hopkins praises Batavia school district's navigation of teacher's decision to switch genders...