Transfofa em Blog

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sexta-feira, dezembro 22, 2006

Imola: cubano arrestato per violenza su transessuale

Tra il 16 ed il 17 novembre scorso aveva aggredito e violentato, nei pressi della stazione ferroviaria di Imola, un transessuale.

Asilo anche agli stranieri omosessuali e transessuali perseguitati nei loro Paesi
Approvato in Senato l'emendamento di Silvestri, ora la Camera deve allineare

4-yr-old’s sex ‘transformed’
Even as athlete Santhi Soundarajan grabbed the headlines for losing her Asian Games' silver medal after she failed the gender test, the urology department of the Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute (SGPGI) of Medical Sciences was busy with another "sex transformation" .

Family court rejects man's gender change
The Kobe Family Court's Amagasaki branch has rejected a petition to change the officially registered gender of a 51-year-old man of Amagasaki who has been diagnosed with gender identity disorder (GID), it was learned Wednesday.

NY Juvenile Facility Admits Denying Care To Transsexual Teen
New York's Office of Children and Family Services has agreed to work with two LGBT advocacy groups to insure trans teens in its care are treated equitably as a condition of ending a federal lawsuit.

A Life Remembered
It's been more than a decade since Tyra Hunter, following a car crash, died on a street in Southeast D.C. But her story has lived on because her death highlighted the dangerous discrimination faced every day by transgender people.

Spotlight on homeless LGBT youth
Calling a spot on a street corner home isn't the image conjured when most people think of where they live, but for an estimated 672,000 queer youth across the country who find themselves homeless each year the streets or temporary shelter are often the closest thing to home they have.