Transfofa em Blog

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segunda-feira, abril 02, 2007

Nos próximos dias 4 e 5 de Abril, às 21,30, vai ser apresentada no teatro Viriato/Viseu a peça "Auto do Branco de Neve e os seus machões" que mistura a morte de Gisberta com a "fantasia dos contos de fadas". A encenação é de Graeme Pulleyn e os "actores" são um grupo de jovens de Viseu. A entrada é gratuita.

Para quem queira ler a reportagem completa como saiu na revista, clique no título, depois dirija-se à página Transexualidades e ir descendo.

Ian is a captain in the Paras. This week he'll tell the Army he is having a sex change
At first glance, Captain Ian Hamilton looks no different to any other paratrooper. A snapshot taken of him on a tour of duty in Iraq shows him squinting into the sunlight, his well-built frame set squarely against the desert horizon.
Photo: Ian Hamilton: now as Jan

Dilemmi diagnostici: quando essere transessuali significa essere malati
Perché facciamo così tanta fatica a considerare la trasnessualità unesercizio del diritto di scegliere il proprio genere e tendiamo,invece, a considerarla come una sorta di patologia malcelata?

Transsexuelle CVP-Politikerin will ins Kantonsparlament
Bis vor vier Jahren war Maria Jenzer (57) ein Mann. Jetzt kandidiert sie als CVP-Frau für den Zürcher Kantonsrat.

Photo: Die Transsexuelle Maria Jenzer kandidiert auf der CVP-Liste für den Zürcher Kantonsrat. (Bild: lüs)

L'avocate transgenre Micheline Montreuil candidate du NPD à Québec
L'avocate transgenre Micheline Montreuil sera candidate du NPD dans la circonscription de Québec lors des prochaines élections fédérales.

Transgender children need patience, understanding
Sean is a delightful and engaging 8-year-old. I've seen him several times a year since he was 5 years old. Other than having a few problems with math, he gets good grades in school. He is well-behaved in the classroom and often volunteers to help with extra projects.

[FL, USA] [Editorial]
Stanton and the Times were never 'in cahoots'
The Rev. Charlie Martin is senior pastor of First Baptist Church of Indian Rocks, one of the biggest churches in the county. He said on television recently that I and the St. Petersburg Times were "in cahoots" with now-former Largo City Manager Steve Stanton about his plans for a sex change.