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sábado, junho 02, 2007

Comunicado da Opus Gay
Quadrilha apanhada graças a denuncia da Opus Gay

Recentemente a Opus Gay denunciou, por comunicado, e depois através dos jornais, que havia uma quadrilha que atacava transsexuais que encontrava na rua, à noite, isoladas, ou em zonas de prostituição, violenta do-as, agredindo-as, roubando-as e deixando-as muitas nuas na rua.

Uma das nossas activistas e sócias foi uma das vitimas, tendo de receber tratamento no hospital, mas apresentou queixa na 5ª Esquadra de Investigação Criminal em Lisboa, no que foi seguida por outras duas ofendidas. Foi um acto de coragem, pois estas pessoas receiam sempre toda a espécie de represálias.

Posteriormente foram à policia judiciária fazer reconhecimento fotográfico o que ajudou a policia na investigação. Na sequência de mais assaltos do mesmo tipo a prostitutas, as autoridades intensificaram as investigações, que culminaram na detenção de dois dos chefes do grupo que já foram de novo identificados, confessaram os crimes, e se encontram presos preventivamente.

A Opus Gay congratula-se com o bom trabalho das policias, designadamente da 5ª esquadra, e do mesmo modo com as reportagens jornalísticas que chamaram atenção ao caso.

Valter Filipe
Presidente da Opus Gay

[Paquistão]Shumail e Shahzina desafiam tribunais - Correio da Manhã de 24 de Maio de 2007
Duas mulheres paquistanesas, casadas uma com a outra, foram detidas e arriscam uma condenação a prisão perpétua por “actos contranatura”. Nazia Raj, de 26 anos, fez-se passar por homem (sob o nome Shumail) para casar, em 2006, com Shahzina Tariq, de 31, e agora prometem lutar até ao fim para manterem a relação. Se isso não for possível, asseguram preferir o suicídio.
Mulher e transexual - Correio da Manhã de 28 de Maio de 2007
A Justiça paquistanesa decidiu sentenciar um casal a três anos de prisão por terem mentido no sexo do marido, que é afinal um transexual.
Pakistan is in the grip of homophobia after the same sex couple was imprisoned for three years for perjury. The sensational response that this incident received in Urdu and English newspapers highlights our homophobic attitudes, Issues surrounding gender identity and lack of empathy as human beings. Many draw reference to Islamic Laws as well as Pakistani laws dealing with homosexuality. Homophobia is not unique to Pakistan; Western societies are equally unable to grapple with the complexity of related socio-legal issues and social attitudes towards same sex relationships.

Em relação às notícias nacionais postadas aqui, não se admite que, em função do que se tem falado sobre Transexualidade nos últimos tempos, devido aos vários casos que têm acontecido e às entrevistas e reportagens com pessoas Transexuais, se atribua a um homem Transexual epítetos como "mulher" ou a este caso como "um casamento lésbico". No caso da notícia de um jornal paquistanês, como o desconhecimento é regra nestes países muçulmanos, não se torna tão grave.

El Festival Internacional de Cultura Gay y Lésbica celebra desde hoy y hasta el 30 de julio su tercera edición con 60 actividades distintas, que confluyen con la celebración en Madrid del Día del Orgullo Gay Europeo y que 'quieren decir al resto del mundo que es posible transformar la realidad'.

La primera concejal transexual de España, Manuela Trasobares, que formará parte del Ayuntamiento de Geldo (Castellón), dijo hoy que su elección constituye un 'referente importante' para los transexuales españoles y abre 'un camino para que un colectivo que está marginado eleve su autoestima'.
Manuela Trasobares. Se hizo famosa hace unos años en la Comunitat Valenciana por estrellar un vaso en un debate en Canal 9, y ahora vuelve a la primera línea por ser la primera transexual española que obtiene un acta de concejala. Lo ha hecho en Geldo (Castellón), un pueblo de 700 habitantes. Con PP y PSOE empatados a tres escaños, ella otorgará la vara de mando.

[Ireland] [Blog/News/Commentary]
Excerpt: I could've left my identity uncertain and just said I was a TENI spokesperson. It's not unusual in Ireland for non-LGBT people to work on LGBT issues. But I decided to come out, both to make a point to the reporter that I wasn't ashamed or afraid. And to let him know that FtM's exist.

The State Examinations Commission has agreed to reissue a transsexual' s Leaving Certificate results, taking into account her new identity.
A TRANSSEXUAL who sat her state exams as a male has won the right to have her exam certificates reissued to reflect her new name and gender.

[Ireland] [Health/Medicine]
A person with Gender Identity Disorder feels a strong identification with the opposite sex and suffers distress because of their actual sex.

"Un intervento che punta, grazie a risorse aggiuntive, finanziate grazie al Fondo sociale europeo, ad estendere le opportunita' di occupazione a quante piu' persone possibile e, in particolare, a transessuali e transgender che hanno grandi difficolta' a trovare o a ritrovare un lavoro".

[USA] [Blog/Commentary/Film]
Some idiot has a problem with one of Cinderella's 'Wicked Stepsisters' (Doris--voiced by Larry King) because she looks and sounds...mannish.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
As new federal requirements increase the need for passports, issuing centers across the nation are reporting long lines and delays. In a addition to those typical hassles, one Minneapolis man found himself entangled in a prying bureacracy: He was denied a passport unless he submitted private medical information, information he asserts is private and unnecessary. Thanks to the efforts of Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar's office, Ben was able to get a passport without compromising his privacy.

[MD,USA] [Blog/News/Commentary]
What do you do when your pastor shows up in a new gender? That question is now faced by a United Methodist church in Maryland, and the issue of transgender persons is soon to confront all churches and denominations.
The United Methodist Church has reappointed a transsexual pastor in Maryland; once a female, she had an operation to become a man.

After a drawn-out struggle with her insurance company, an Allentown transgender woman was finally reimbursed for her sex-reassignment surgery this month.

Robert Eads, a female to male transsexual, died from ovarian cancer after being turned away by more than two dozen physicians who worried that taking him on as a patient might harm their practices. A documentary released in 2001, "Southern Comfort," chronicles Eads' struggles to navigate the health care system as a transgender individual.

Transgender activists have called for NewFest to remove the short film "The Gendercator" from its lineup. They claim lesbian director Catherine Crouch's controversial piece portrays trans people as "monsters" and presents the gender issue as one-sided.

Jessica, a Kansas City police officer, is 6 feet tall with a chin dimple, pink manicured fingernails and a birth certificate that says "male."

The brightly dressed group of men and women, which calls itself The Radical Faeries, will perform a precision dance called "Parasols, Not Paratroopers," part of the 33rd annual Santa Cruz Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Pride March and Rally on Sunday.

John Neal, 20, wore a tight red polo shirt and even tighter jeans. His long black hair extensions would come loose with conditioner, he explained, and his French-manicured nails were in fact acrylic. Neal, a dancer and model, normally performs at clubs such as Krash and Escuelita in Manhattan and Bruckners in the Bronx. But on a warm night last month, Neal, or "Krystal" when in drag, was preparing for a gig at the Bronx Community Pride Center for an audience of his closest friends.