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segunda-feira, julho 02, 2007

Movilh celebró su aniversario
Decenas de artistas representantes de las minorías sexuales, étnicas, religiosas, inmigrantes y persona con discapacidad se expresaron con un colorido espectáculo en la Plaza de Armas para celebrar los 16 años del Movimiento de Integración y Liberación Homosexual (Movilh) y el Día Internacional de los Derechos Humanos de Gays, Lesbianas, Bisexuales y Transexuales.

Miles de personas participanen la manifestación del día del orgullo Gay en Barcelona
Unas 40.000 personas según la organización, y 4.000 según la Guardia Urbana, han participado hoy en la manifestación del día del orgullo gay que ha recorrido el centro de Barcelona.

Madrid celebrates gay rights advances at Euro Pride festivities
Hundreds of thousands of people from across Europe packed into Madrid on Saturday and joined in a gay pride parade that saluted Spain's socialist government for introducing legislation that has turned this once deeply conservative nation into a bastion of gender equality.

Re Gender Identity Treatment Satisfaction Research [AIAU]

L'operaio sfregiato da un transessuale: ipotesi di lesioni gravi
Non ci sarà nessun processo per direttissima nei confronti del transessuale accusato di avere sfregiato un operaio macedone che si era lamentato della presenza del viado davanti alla sua abitazione.

Transsexual detained in Shenzhen for demonstration
Just in from a submission to Youku: Two days ago, apre-op transsexual went on a one-(wo)man demonstration on the streets of Shenzhen, holding a placard that says, "I want a sex change, even if it means death!". She attracted a huge crowd around her before she was eventually led away by someone from the public security bureau it seems.

Así vive un niño atrapado en cuerpo de niña, en medio de un ambiente de intolerancia
Tiene 13 años, y desde los cuatro su familia notó su diferencia. Es transexual y por ese motivo es excluido en su colegio, al que no ha vuelto.

Trinidad's transgender rock star
The small Colorado town of Trinidad has more than three decades of experience with lantern-jawed, 6-foot-3 women in magenta tube tops and strappy platform sandals passing through. The town's deep and unlikely attachment to the procedure that turns men into women could have ended in 2003, when Dr. Stanley Biber, a one-man industry, put down his scalpel after 35 years of performing his signature surgery.
Photo: Dr. Marci Bowers performs surgery on Courtney Ridley, transforming her genitalia from a man's to a woman's. Bowers, who had the same surgery about 10 years ago, was trained and in effect hand-picked by Dr. Stanley Biber to continue his gender-altering procedures. (the Post / Glenn Asakawa)

Transgendered student, school spar over name
Cal Poly Pomona graduate student Olympia Tveter is busy getting everything in order for her expected graduation in a couple of months - going to classes, finishing her thesis, and making sure her diploma bears the correct name and gender.

Transpeople Who Need People
A few hours after this week’s
Scene hit newsstands, I received a letter from the Tennessee Transgender Political Coalition (posted in its entirety after the jump) regarding our cover story. The story is about El Dos de Oros, a South Nashville bar that caters to immigrant laborers and attracts women and transvestites who are paid for their companionship. The letter takes us to task for the use of the term "transvestite," saying that the word “is a perjorative [sic] term and is considered insulting.”

Thousands join in Michigan Pride rally
Tasha Smith and Amy Crandall - as well as their chocolate Lab, Teegan - were among thousands who marched Saturday to raise awareness for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community.

Three teens indicted for alleged attack on transsexual
Three young Lowell men have been indicted on charges.
They assaulted a man because of his sexual orientation.