Transfofa em Blog

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sexta-feira, dezembro 14, 2007

Los transexuales son las personas que más rechazo despiertan entre los escolares españoles de 11 a 19 años, según el estudio "Actitudes ante la diversidad sexual de la población adolescente de Coslada (Madrid) y San Bartolomé de Tirajana (Gran Canaria)".

El Govern aplaza sin fecha las operaciones de cambio de sexo
Los catalanes que decidan cambiar de sexo tendrán que seguir pagando de su bolsillo la operación que les permita dar este importante paso. La consellera de Salut, Marina Geli, anunció ayer que el compromiso de legislatura anunciado por el Govern para financiar estas intervenciones a partir del 2008 deberá esperar a después del 2009 porque existen otras prioridades, como la atención bucodental de los niños, y "los recursos son limitados".

Junta cree Carlos Haya de Málaga será centro de referencia para transexuales
La consejera andaluza de Salud, María Jesús Montero, ha opinado hoy que el hospital Carlos Haya, de Málaga, será uno de los centros de referencia nacional para la atención hospitalaria de los transexuales, prestación que ayer acordó incluir entre sus servicios el Sistema Nacional de Salud.

Amor desde Topas
Excerto: La recién casada es el primer transexual que logró entrar en prisión en un módulo de mujeres siendo todavía hombre en 2006, cuando ya había conseguido que la dejasen usar ropa de fémina cuando estaba recluida en un módulo de varones.
Doblemente esposados
El transexual María Jesús Lastra contrajo matrimonio en el Juzgado de Paz de Llanera con su pareja desde hace un año
Boda transexual en Llanera
María Jesús Lastra, el primer recluso que consiguió acceder a un módulo de mujeres sin cambiar de sexo, se casa con un compañero de Villabona

Ministers clash over gay equality
Excerpt: The letter to the committee said the First Minister was: "not agreeable to the explicit inclusion of reference to transgender or gender reassignment in the regulations because of concern over definition and possible impacts on business owners and service providers".

Suspenden sentencia que incluía cirugía de cambio de sexo en sistema público
La máxima corte de Justicia de Brasil suspendió hoy una sentencia de un tribunal de segunda instancia que obligaba al Estado a ofrecer gratuitamente cirugías de cambio de sexo en los hospitales públicos, informaron fuentes oficiales.
O Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) suspendeu na tarde desta quarta-feira, 12/12, decisão da 3ª Turma do Tribunal Regional Federal (TRF) da 4ª Região, que havia determinado que o Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) seria obrigado a incluir a cirurgia de transgenitalização entre seus procedimentos cirúrgicos. A decisão do TRF foi dada em agosto passado.

[South Africa]
Manifesto calls for ANC opposition to homophobia
The African National Congress (ANC) must make the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people a "living reality" at its upcoming national conference.

Q&A: Righting Past Wrongs - Defending the Right to Sexual Diversity in Cuba
Cuban sexologist Mariela Castro shocked the world, and a good number of people in Cuba, this year when she announced a proposed legal reform in this socialist Caribbean island nation which would include the full recognition of the rights of gays, lesbians, transsexuals, transvestites and transgender persons.

Transexual fustigó el "castigo" social y familiar que sufre en Chile
Andrés Rivera sostuvo que muchas personas que nacieron "en un cuerpo equivocado" ocultan su identidad de género para evitar humillaciones y despidos.

Women's World - New look and a new start
MOST females who shed the stones will tell you they feel like a new woman.
But none can say it with the same conviction as Kathy Mytton who has just lost 85lb.
Kathy is a new person in the true sense. Because she used to be a burly rugby player called Peter and fathered three children by two ex-wives.

Siksay introduces trans hate crimes bill
Bill sends a message that transphobic violence is unacceptable, but a vote is likely far off

[USA] [Commentary]
Gay vs. Trans in America
Lesbian. Gay. Bisexual. Transgender. In the aftermath of ENDA, can't we all just get along? An Advocate round table on the state of the community now.

[USA] [Commentary]
Don't Tick Off Trans
Let's say you're at work, a social setting, or political event, and a real live transgender person says "Hi!" You don't want to say anything wrong since you recall the tedious questions and responses you've endured about your sexuality, but you want to appear interested and engaged. Thankfully, there's etiquette for talking to trans people. Here's a look at questions to avoid. Trans people will thank you for it.

Surprise twist at Adams hearing
The case of a gay man who was beaten to death in the Castro last year took a stunning twist during a sentencing hearing last week. The attorney for the defendant, Kyle Adams, revealed that Adams, 25, is a transgender woman and said that she should be given probation instead of a prison sentence because of the safety risk faced by transgender people in state prison.

Former HRC trans business leaders pave their own path
Two transgender business leaders once involved with the Human Rights Campaign have taken matters into their own hands and launched their own employment education project.

LGBT leaders question Dems on hate crimes
The decision last week by U.S. House and Senate leaders to remove a hate crimes amendment from a Department of Defense authorization bill currently before Congress prompted strong criticism from various quarters ranging from the New York Times editorial board, which harshly criticized House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for the move, to LGBT groups including the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, which pronounced itself "deeply angered and disappointed."

Transgender student fights for rights; Born a girl, NECC student wants to use men's locker room
Ethan Santiago, a transgender student at Northern Essex Community College, is fighting school officials' refusal to assign him a locker in the men's locker room.
Santiago, 20, was born Elizabeth Santiago, but said he lives and identifies as a man.

Surgeon Urges Others to Learn FTM Procedure
A prominent gynecologic cancer surgeon is urging fellow physicians to reconsider offering a medical procedure for transgender patients to aid in the transition from female to male. Kate O'Hanlan, MD, a surgeon in private practice in Portola Valley, Calif., provided evidence that total laparoscopic hysterectomy can be the best approach for many of these patients, the Rockway Institute announced in a press release.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Prom Dress Down
A high school principal in Gary, Indiana, allowed a female student to attend prom wearing a tux. But when a male student—a male student that identifies as female, and wore female clothes to school for the past two years—showed up in a prom dress, the principal refused to let him in, physically blocking his entrance.