Sex change with public money
Diversidad sexual contra viento y marea
La ciudad paquistaní de Lahore se ha convertido en la meca del sexo prohibido
[MO,USA] [Commentary]
Hope & Politics - What a Year It Was
Sex change with public money
The Social Democratic Coalition -- the group of political parties which last April approved unrestricted abortion in Mexico's Federal District (which includes Mexico City), and in November 2006 approved the "Gay Marriage" initiative -- is now proposing to reform the district's civil code and health law in order to provide sex-change services.
Diversidad sexual contra viento y marea
La sexóloga Mariela Castro asombró al mundo este año, y a no pocos en Cuba, cuando anunció una propuesta de reforma legal en esta isla caribeña de régimen socialista que incluía el reconocimiento pleno de los derechos de gays, lesbianas, transexuales, travestis y transgéneros.
La ciudad paquistaní de Lahore se ha convertido en la meca del sexo prohibido
La conservadora sociedad paquistaní no acepta a los transexuales y por eso están obligados a ganarse la vida ilegalmente.
[MO,USA] [Commentary]
Hope & Politics - What a Year It Was
It's time for the year-end review of LGBT politics (and hope), and what a heck of year it's been. The good, the bad and the ugly have all churned together, although personally, I believe the good has far outweighed the bad for a change.
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