Sacked transexual accepts out of court settlement
A transsexual who was sacked by the Barcelona province branch of a German multinational has received an out of court settlement for a claim she presented with the support of the union, UGT.
Una multinacional despide a Mathias por querer ser SaraSara estaba feliz ayer. No paraba de recibir felicitaciones por su móvil. La UGT difundió ayer una nota en la que explicaba que Sara Shulze, legalmente todavía Mathias Shulze, de 36 años, había llegado a un acuerdo con la empresa que la despidió el 28 de septiembre por bajo rendimiento y mal trato a clientes y compañeros. Pero Sara, ingeniera industrial, sabe que es por otra razón: en mayo comunicó a sus jefes su condición de transexual y su deseo de vivir durante un año como mujer antes de someterse a una operación de cambio de sexo. Tres meses más tarde fue despedida. No lo dudó y presentó una denuncia por discriminación. El lunes era el juicio, pero no se celebró: fue indemnizada por despido improcedente con 22.000 euros.
Empresa indemniza con 22.000 E transexual despedido al conocerse su condiciónUna transexual ha sido indemnizada con unos 22.000 euros por la multinacional alemana para la que trabajaba en El Prat de Llobregat (Barcelona) después de que la empresa la despidiera al comunicarle la trabajadora que iba a someterse a una terapia previa a una operación de cambio de sexo.
Photo: Sarah Schulze
Padre desafia Igreja casando transexual
Alessandro Santoro, padre de um povoado italiano próximo à Florença, anunicou que deu andamento aos trâmites nupciais para a realização do casamento de Sandra Alvino, transexual de 63 anos e de seu companheiro, Fortunato Talotta, de 62 anos.
Transexual desafía a la Iglesia CatólicaLa próxima primavera Don Alessandro Santero, cura de "Le Piagge", un pueblo cerca de Florencia, casará a Sandra Alvino, transexual de 63 años, con su compañero, Fortunato Talotta de 62.
Un médecin transsexuel réhabilité au Tessin
Le Tribunal administratif tessinois (TAR) a réhabilité un médecin qui avait perdu son droit de pratiquer après avoir changé de sexe. Devenue femme, la doctoresse Laura Armani, 46 ans, est aussi députée au Grand Conseil tessinois.
Nepal Supreme Court orders govt to guarantee gay rights
Nepal's Supreme Court Friday ordered the government to enact laws to guarantee the rights of gays and lesbians, who have long complained of discrimination in the highly conservative Himalayan nation.
Blue Diamond Society: Great victory of Nepalese LGBTI!Supreme Court of Nepal issued directive orders to the Government of Nepal to end discrimination against LGBTI and ensure equal rights as heterosexual men and women in Nepal.
Transgender to bare it all in autobiography
Rose (28), the first trangender in the country to host a television programme and the first one to openly advocate scientific sexual reconstruction surgery (SRS), has taken to the pen. Two leading publishing houses have evinced interest in publishing 'her' autobiography, tentatively titled 'My Sexuality'.
Court serves notice to Union Ministries on sex change issue
The Delhi High Court has issued notices to the Union Home and Health and Child Welfare Ministries and the Delhi Government on public interest litigation seeking guidelines for treating those who undergo natural sex change midway through their lives as a separate category with all the benefits that are available to other members of society.
Accused stalker sentenced to jail for alleged terror campaign
A 25-year-old man allegedly shocked to learn that he was engaged in a sexual act with a transgender woman was sentenced Thursday to four months jail for engaging in a month-long terror campaign against his male-to-female sex partner and her live-in boyfriend.
[USA] [News/Commentary]
Season's greetings from HRC and Bitch
It's a bit of an understatement to say that the Human Rights Campaign's (HRC) relationship with the transgender community is a bit strained at the moment. After HRC's flip-flop on the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (first they opposed any version of the bill without gender identity protections, then they reversed course and supported an ENDA bill covering only sexual orientation) , the organization' s lone out trans board member, Donna Rose, resigned in protest, and a number of transgender and other LGBT activists accused HRC of throwing the trans community under the bus.
At 14 abril, 2009 04:46,
Dri, a sereia said…
Du querida, vez por outra me surpreendo positivamente com certas coisas: estava louca para achar algo sobre a transexual suíça Laura Armani e fui lá no Google e googlei o nome dela. Sabe onde caiu um dos melhores resultados?? Aqui! Nossa isso me deu um gás danado para continuar meu blogue e recheá-lo de notícias boas, pois é indubitável que eles viram arquivos vivos para consultas. Bjs no coração!!
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