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quarta-feira, março 26, 2008

Transexual: Homenagem a prostituta assassinada em Lisboa chega a capitais europeias
A associação Panteras Rosas convocou para quarta-feira em Lisboa uma vigília de homenagem à transexual Luna, assassinada em Fevereiro, uma iniciativa que já chegou a várias capitais europeias.
Vigília em homenagem à Luna – Todos contra a homofobia!
Excerto: No caso da Luna, houve indiferença. Uma semana depois do seu assassinato no dia 28 de Fevereiro, não havia informação. Há aqui o risco de banalização da morte de transexuais ou de outras pessoas marginalizadas, como as trabalhadoras do sexo, como se a sua marginalização ou a sua diferença fossem em si, uma permissão para matar.

Perfeitos exemplos da péssima (in)formação que grassa nos media portugueses (e não só). O primeiro foca a transexualidade de Luna e o facto de ter de se prostituir, como se isso se sobrepusesse ao facto de ser um ser humano. No segundo, aquele "todos contra a homofobia" já diz tudo. Não é homofobia é transfobia, além de nem sequer se saber se foi mesmo esse o motivo real deste crime. Mas como a transfobia é parte integrante de se ser transexual em Portugal, esse motivo encontra-se sempre presente, portanto aceita-se.

Up in the air as a woman
Excerpt: Today, Kiranunt flies across the country almost every single day on board an aircraft, taking care of the safety, welfare and comfort of the passengers. Well-known among fellow cabin crew members as "Nicky", Kiranunt enjoys walking up and down the aisle with baskets of snacks for passengers who are unaware that this flight attendant, wearing make-up and in a full air stewardess's uniform, was not born a woman.

Photo gallery's window smashed
A window featuring a display of photographs of transgender women was smashed early Sunday in an act of vandalism. The owner of Benham Gallery believes was committed by someone offended by the photos' subject matter.

[AZ, USA] [News/Film]
Film festival speaks for social justice
Excerpt: The last film, "I'm Not a Boy," told the story of a transgendered teenager living in New York City.
The teen faced challenges from parents, peers and his school, but was finally able to find comfort and acceptance among other gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered New Yorkers.

Author Jennifer Finney Boylan emerges as public face for transgendered
Jennifer Finney Boylan never set out to be the public face for the transgendered.
But the novelist and English professor at Colby College was thrust into that role by her 2002 best-selling memoir about the transition to womanhood that freed her from the decades-long torment of being a female trapped in a male body.
With three appearances on "The Oprah Winfrey Show," two on "Larry King Live" and numerous other interviews and public appearances, Boylan, 49, has become a sunny-faced activist for the transgendered and one of the most widely recognized transsexuals of recent years.

Mixed Messages
Weeks before he was brazenly killed by his teenage crush, 15-year-old Lawrence King was encouraged to be himself. Did that lesson help send him to his grave?