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quarta-feira, março 19, 2008

Author Arthur C. Clarke dies
-Arthur C. Clarke dies in Sri Lanka at age 90, aide says
-"2001: A Space Odyssey" was perhaps his best known work
-He and Stanley Kubrick shared Oscar nomination for best adapted screenplay
-Clarke had lived in Sri Lanka since the 1950s

Heartbroken transexual's death plunge
A post-op transexual friend to the stars threw herself from a bridge days after the death of her soulmate.
Jade Sutherland, from Battersea, worked in fashion and was a friend to Kelly Osbourne and Naomi Campbell.
The 28-year-old had worked as a supermodel's assistant and had also been employed by Dior and Alexander McQueen.

Convention on Sexuality Minorities Opens in Bangalore
A 3-day convention on sexuality minorities opened on Monday at Bangalore, southern India. It has brought bring together sexuality minority communities from across the state of Karnataka to enable them articulate and share their problems and experiences.

[USA] [Television/ Media]
Barbara Walters and Israeli film get gay media awards
Television journalist Barbara Walters was honored by the gay media watchdog group GLAAD on Monday for her reporting on transgender children and she said the award was among the most important she had even received.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
HRC Brews up Instant TEA (Trans Acceptable Alternative)
In a society where controversial subjects are often ignored a disturbing new trend has manifested itself on the Transgender community. The willingness of society to except the easiest solution at the expense of truth and honesty.

[USA] [Blog/News/Commentary]
AFA’s Outdated ‘Family’ Hurts America
We really, truly don't understand the American Family Association. And we have a feeling they don't, either!
The non-profit recently launched a radio campaign against the Day of Silence <> , a national effort to raise awareness of and fight against homophobic violence.

[USA] [Blog/History]
Transgender History: Toward the Future (1996-2007)
Frequent guest blogger Mercedes Allen has written a six part history of transgender people for the Project that is running weekly on Tuesdays. A listing of the other sections is at the bottom of the post.