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segunda-feira, abril 07, 2008

Morreu Charlton Heston, o herói dos grandes épicos
Foi Cardeal Richelieu e Buffalo Bill, aviador, detective, cowboy, El Cid, magnata do petróleo e comandante de nave espacial. Mas todos o recordam como Moisés e Ben-Hur, a dividir o Mar Vermelho e a lutar em cima de uma quadriga.
Morreu Charlton Heston
O actor Charlton Heston, uma das últimas lendas vivas de Hollywood, morreu sábado na sua casa de Beverly Hills, anunciou hoje a sua família em comunicado.
Ator Charlton Heston morre aos 84 anos
O ator Charlton Heston, vencedor de Oscar e cujas feições e presença lhe renderam papéis que vão de Moisés a Michelangelo, morreu no sábado à noite, aos 84 anos, informou a família.
Como figura que me acostumei a presenciar no grande e no pequeno ecrã desde a minha juventude, e por ter protagonizado dois dos meus filmes Sci-Fi preferidos (Soylent Green e Planet of the Apes), sempre foi dos meus actores preferidos. Uma enorme perda para a arte cinematográfica. Como pessoa, quer dizer, já não posso dizer o mesmo pelas posições retrógadas, homofóbicas e conservadoras que teve durante a sua vida. Curiosamente até foi apoiante de Martin Luther King...

Spotlight: Speaking up for their gender
The rude stares, jeering and often the butt of sexual jokes. For a marginalised group of Malaysians, life is a continuous struggle at asserting their identity, writes CHAI MEI LING.
WHEN Khartini Slamah strolled into a bank last week to learn about personal insurance, she was told flat in the face that there is no policy available for "people like you".
No amount of money will get her insured.

What's a 'ze' to do? A transgender approach
For some people, "he" and "she" are limiting terms.
While many of the transgender people at last week's "Transgender 2008" conference in Tucson were transsexuals who strongly believe that at one time they were a woman trapped in a man's body or vice versa, others said the distinction is less clear.

Baddour opposes sex change for convicted murderer
State Corrections Commissioner Harold W. Clarke is under fire from state lawmakers for saying he'd consider allowing a sex-change operation for convicted murderer Michelle Kosilek.

[USA] [Blog/Books]
Transgender Voices: Beyond Women and Men
Transgender Voices: Beyond Women and Men is a useful and forward-thinking book that offers an invaluable glimpse into the lives of folks whose gender identity, gender presentation, and biological sex don't match up in the ways society expects them to.

[USA] [Blog/People]
Sylvia Rivera (1951-2002) - Transgender Activist
A legendary veteran of the Stonewall Riots (June 27-29, 1969), Sylvia Rivera is notable for helping to spark the event that ushered in the modern-day Gay Rights Movement. Indeed, Rivera spent most of her life at the forefront of both transgender and gay activism, tirelessly advocating and demonstrating for glbtq rights and inclusive social policies. At the same time, Rivera also struggled against and drew attention to the transphobia that continues to exist within the larger gay and lesbian community.

[Blog/Commentary] My Pretty Little Man