Nota Oficial Associação das Travestis, Transexuais RJ sobre caso Ronaldo
[UK] [People/Music]
Close-up: Singer Nomi
Le gouvernement licencie un employé transsexuel
La reina gay de San Luis comenzó sus viajes para representar a la provincia
Battle rages on over transgender rights Being heard
Gay pride marches in 'Hamp
Nota Oficial Associação das Travestis, Transexuais RJ sobre caso Ronaldo
Posicionamento da Associação das Travestis e Transexuais do RJ (ASTRA RIO) sobre o caso envolvendo 3 travestis e o jogador.
Carta Aberta Associação das Travestis RJ sobre caso RonaldoCarta Aberta da ASTRA RIO (Associação das Travestis e Transexuais RJ) à apresentadora ANA MARIA BRAGA em respostas a suas declarações Transfóbicas.
[UK] [People/Music]
Close-up: Singer Nomi
"Believe it or not, before I got involved with Hercules and Love Affair I was really street, really rough, really hood." As it happens, it is quite hard to believe, for Nomi, the 24-year-old transsexual singer fronting the New York hipster disco revivalists' upcoming UK tour, is about as glamorous as they come.
Le gouvernement licencie un employé transsexuel
Un employé de l'Office de presse gouvernemental à Berlin a porté plainte pour discrimination de genre après avoir été licencié en février dernier "parce qu'il n'était plus apte à représenter le gouvernement" . Matthias G. qui accueillait depuis cinq ans les groupes de visiteurs, a changé d'identité sexuelle. Il se fait désormais appeler Mandy et porte des vêtements de femme.
La reina gay de San Luis comenzó sus viajes para representar a la provincia
Se llama Paulina Aguilar y es villamercedina. Es auxiliar de enfermería pero actualmente trabaja en el Plan de Inclusión.
Tiene 31 años y hace algunos días fue elegida para que San Luis tuviera representante en la fiesta de elección de la reina Nacional Gay 2008. Después de esa experiencia, Paulina Aguilar recorrerá el país para participar de acontecimientos similares y transmitir las bellezas turísticas, la cultura y la identidad de su provincia.
Battle rages on over transgender rights Being heard
Members of the transgender community say they are the next group of people who need to fight for, even demand, their rights.
Those are basic rights such as not being fired from a job and having insurance coverage for their medical needs.
Critics argue that being transgender isn't a social justice issue, it's a matter of personal choice.
Gay pride marches in 'Hamp
The 27th annual Northampton Pride March & Rally drew about 7,500 people yesterday on an overcast and cool day, but there still was plenty of enthusiasm.
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