Sargento trans obtém vitória inédita na Justiça brasileira
A transexual piauiense Fabiane de Barros Portela, 26 anos, ex-sargento do Exército Brasileiro e licenciada de suas funções contra a vontade, foi autorizada pela Justiça a continuar recebendo seu salário. (Foto)
Guidelines Issued On Sex Change Protection
New guidelines have been issued to higher education institutions to help them deal better with staff and pupils who may have had a sex change. With an estimated 5,000 to 6,000 trans-gender people in the UK, the number in the higher education sector is likely to be small, but the Equality Challenge Unit issued the guidelines so that institutions are aware of the implications.
Harsh Protests Promised for Riga Gay Pride by Latvian Nationalists
Latvian 'nationalist' organisations warned today that the Gay Pride event along the 11th November Shoreline in Riga on Saturday will result in probable counter action. And the country's gay and lesbian NGO, Mozaika, was proudly flying the Rainbow Flag from its office building downtown.

Singer Bülent Ersoy to stand trial for alleged anti-military remarks
Excerpt: Bakırköy Public Prosecutor Ali Çakır indicted Bülent Ersoy, a transsexual singer and a popular TV host, on grounds that her remarks had the purpose of "making the public detest military service," a crime under the Turkish Penal Code (TCK). (Photo)
Turkish Court Rules Gay Group Violates Public Morality, Must Close A Turkish court on Thursday ordered the closure of a gay association that it ruled was violating public morality, the group said.
Lambda Istanbul, the gay group, said it would appeal the decision within a week.
The court's decision was not final and the association based in Istanbul continues its activities, said Baran Ergenc, a member of the association.
The judge ruled to close of Lambda Istanbul - LGBTT Organization in Istanbul, Turkey
The judge ordered today to shut down Lambda Istanbul one of the Turkey's leading LGBTT organizations. Below is the press statement issued to raise awarness about this ruling.
Police protect Pride marchers in Romania
Excerpt: The country includes sexual orientation in its anti-discrimination legislation and allows those who have undergone gender reassignment to change their identity.
Tribunal backs BC Ferries' firing of a transsexual over safety issues
A B.C. Human Rights Tribunal has ruled that safety, not sexuality, was a factor in the firing of a transsexual from BC Ferries.
Deborah Magnone claimed she was fired after rumours of her sex change poisoned the atmosphere where she worked.
[Canada] [Blog/Commentary]
Reflections On A Transsexual' s Journey - Transgender Etiquette 101
"Tell them I'm not gay," Sue, a MtF transgender friend, told me when asked what she would say about transgenderism to readers here. "Explain the difference between gender identity and sexual orientation. "
[USA] [News/Commentary]
DSM section 302.85
As the American Psychiatric Association begins to consider revisions for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V), LGBT advocates say that community members need to have a series of discussions to determine how to unite around the future of Gender Identity Disorder.
DSM controversy could overshadow opportunities
When Julia Serano first heard of psychologist Kenneth Zucker's appointment to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) revisions group, she saw it as an opportunity to strategize.
[Commentary] On the The Bay Area Reporter
When the Bay Area Reporter published an article on the 29th of May 2008 about the DSM controversy <http://tinyurl. com/6mgqjb> , it had become quite evident that there were two sets of reactions to the appointment of Kenneth Zucker on the DSM-V committee. The first reaction seems to have been unfettered (And justifiable) anger. The second consisted of people taking a "moral high ground" and saying that a lot of the things said in the first round of discussion were more often than not, slanderous against Dr. Kenneth Zucker in particular. The Bay Area Reporter took the line followed by the second strand in this debate by seeking to represent "accurately" and "politely" the actual objections to Kenneth Zucker.
Transgender Pregnancy Redefines Normal, Bridges the Gender Gap
The promise of cravings, morning sickness and swollen feet has at last become a reality for Thomas and Nancy Beatie, an Oregon couple who eagerly await the birth of their first child this summer. The Beaties run their own business and bought their first home in the small town of Bend. There was nothing out of the ordinary until it was decided that Thomas, not Nancy, would be the one to carry and give birth to their child.
Hate crimes against LGBTs increase in 2007
Excerpt: Despite an overall decrease in the number of transgender people murdered in the Bay Area, CUAV still "feels that the transgender community is especially vulnerable to violence."
Jail alters transgender inmate policy
The D.C. Jail has changed the way it treats transgender inmates after the D.C. inspector general alerted officials that the agency's policy may have violated District regulations and increased the risk for assaults.
SHAC could cover gender surgery costs
A board at Portland State has created a proposal that would add sexual reassignment surgery to the school's optional extended health insurance plan, as well as increase areas of coverage for the basic plan.
[USA] [People/Music]
CRETIN Front(wo)man Changing The Gender Rules Of Extreme Music, One Plastic Surgery At A Time
Vocalist/guitarist Dan Martinez of the Bay Area grindcore trio CRETIN was interviewed for the July 2008 issue (#45) of Decibel magazine (website <http://www.thedeciblog.com/> ) about his decision to undergo gender reassignment surgery, essentially erasing his entire past as he set out to find the woman he always was.
BlogHer Interviews Author and Activist Calpernia Addams on Living as a Transgendered Woman
BlogHer, Inc. (www.blogher. com), one of the top women's online networks and the Web's number-one guide to blogs by women, today published an exclusive audio interview with author, entertainer and activist Calpernia Addams to bring her unique perspective on body image to the ongoing "Letter to My Body" initiative. This is BlogHer's third exclusive podcast in support of the campaign, which is designed to inspire self-esteem, realistic body perception and open discussion on body image amongst women.
Trans parent, gay son: pride across the generations
"There's a huge difference between being gay and being trans," affirms LGBT activist and parent Marti Abernathey. Many would agree, but Abernathey has a rare perspective: she is transgender, and has a gay son. Despite their differences, though, she feels they share a certain bond: "In the whole coming out process there are a lot of similarities. I think his understanding of that has helped him understand where I'm at. And vice versa." Abernathey has one child from each of two previous marriages.
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