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quinta-feira, setembro 18, 2008

Travesti candidata à vereadora é presa em Curitiba
Candidata à vereadora pelo PT em Curitiba, a travesti Andrielly Vogue foi presa no último domingo, 14, acusada de dano qualificado ao patrimônio público. Ela distribuía panfletos de campanha em frente ao Instituto Médico Legal (IML) de Curitiba, no centro da cidade, quando viu um homem agredindo outra pessoa.

Darts team 'ejected from league over transsexual player'
A ladies darts team claim they were kicked out of a league because one of their players is a transsexual.

Roma lança lei contra prostitutas e clientes
Quem for «apanhado» a requisitar ou a oferecer serviços de índole sexual será multado

Muslim leader denies issuing progressive fatwa on gender surgery
A Sunni Muslim cleric in Kuwait has denied media reports that he had become the first religious authority in the country to approve gender reassignment surgery.

'To show them we're not a zoo'
Excerpt: By word of mouth alone, the first issue of Bekhsoos got more than 6,000 hits from countries as far away as Australia, the United States and Great Britain; and as close as Lebanon, Bahrain, Syria, Saudi Arabia and Egypt.
The first opinion piece, Transsexuals on TV, was one of the more popular articles of the first edition, and as the author Nadz writes, "Lebanese TV stations feature shows on the life of transsexuals in which they depict them as freaks of nature only to up their ratings and attract viewers."

[South Korea]
'Rules of Era' Epitomize Social Changes
A top court's verdict allowing a female-turned-male transgender to legally change sex opened a new world for these people, an epoch-making ruling acknowledging that mental and social factors should also be considered in deciding a person's gender.

Hospital chileno é acusado de transfobia
O Hospital Hernán Henríquez, que fica na cidade chilena de Temuco, está sendo acusado de cometer transfobia por não ter dado atendimento à transexual Colomba G, 19, que deu entrada em seu ambulatório com um ferimento no braço direito.