Secretário-geral do PS afirma que ideia no país nunca terá consenso social suficientemente forte para andar
Salud pagará en Málaga la cirugía de cambio de sexo a los transexuales tratados en Avilés
El coordinador de Xente Gai debe pasar antes de la operación las pruebas que ya superó en Avilés y soportar lista de espera.
Documentary on transgenders enters London festival
Dr Patrick White nominated to be Bishop of Bermuda
The transsexual’s story
"I left in 1999 and went illegally first to Mexico and then to the US. I was in the closet when I left and the economic situation was bad. I was begging for food in Mexico. Eventually I ended up in Dallas, homeless and living in the Salvation Army's shelter. Then I met another transsexual. She helped me get some work selling myself on the corner. Then I began going to nightclubs and picking up men and going to their apartment to have sex with them for money. I saw everyone else with cars and TVs, I wanted that and pretty soon I had it.[Australia]
Lenda do surfe australiano pretende mudar de sexo
Ele tinha cabelos dourados, era um herói do surfe mundial conhecido por sua beleza e manobras mortais. Agora, o antigo campeão mundial Peter Drouyn está querendo surfar em outras praias: ele quer se tornar mulher. E o australiano, de 58 anos, não quer ser qualquer mulher, ele quer ficar parecido com a estrela de Hollywood Marilyn Monroe e ter um novo nome: Westerly.
Champion surfer seeks sex change
A former world champion Australian surfer has revealed he is transitioning into a woman. (Photo)
Peter Drouyn prepares himself for a sex-change
[USA/UK] [Blog/Commentary]
Snap-happy Ken Zucker and Richard Green compiling a Transgender Enemies album?
Has-been sexologist Richard Green (author of transphobic classic TheSissy-Boy Syndrome) and his hand-picked successor Kenneth Zucker (thekey proponent of reparative therapy on gender-variant children), haveboth been busy compiling surveillance photos of anyone in thetransgender community who dares to criticize them.
[USA] [PR/Books]
Still Standing: Musings of a Christian Transsexual
Still Standing: Musings of a Christian Transsexual by Cindy Martin has been released. The book is a compilation of essays and short stories written by Martin, a post-operative transsexual, during her transition from male to female.
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