Mais de 50% dos anfíbios da Europa em risco de desaparecer
Mais da metade dos anfíbios da Europa pode estar extinta até 2050, alertou uma equipa de investigadores na Grã-Bretanha.
João Pessoa - Fernanda Benvenutty
Depois de atuar na área da saúde, travesti Fernanda Benvenutty quer uma vaga na Câmara Municipal (Foto)
Mais de 50% dos anfíbios da Europa em risco de desaparecer
Mais da metade dos anfíbios da Europa pode estar extinta até 2050, alertou uma equipa de investigadores na Grã-Bretanha.

João Pessoa - Fernanda Benvenutty
Depois de atuar na área da saúde, travesti Fernanda Benvenutty quer uma vaga na Câmara Municipal (Foto)
Em depoimento travesti declara que Ronaldo é covarde
Depois de não ter sido localizado por duas vezes pela justiça, finalmente Ronaldo foi encontrado e intimado a depor. O Fenômeno passou a tarde desta sexta-feira (26) no Tribunal de Justiça depondo na ação em que o Ministério Público acusa a travesti Andréia Albertini de extorsão.
Ugandan activists detained in "pattern of police harassment"
Two human rights advocates in Uganda were held for a week without charges after police accused them of "recruiting homosexuals."
New York-based Human Rights Watch said the illegal detention of George "Georgina" Oundo and "Brenda" Kiiza was part of "a pattern of police harassment of LGBT people in Uganda."
Una travesti golpeada en San José del Cabo
Una travesti ha aparecido muy golpeada y casi inconsciente en la calle, como si hubiese sido arrojada de un vehículo en marcha.
Name and Gender Change
A recent decision of the Supreme Court has cleared the way for an individual to have her female name and gender changed to male. In Republic v. Cagandahan, GR No. 166676, Sept. 12, 2008), the High Tribunal affirmed the decision of the Regional Trial Court granting the Petition for Correction of Entries in Birth Certificate of one Jennifer B. Cagandahan, diagnosed to have Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH), a rare medical condition where afflicted persons possess both male and female characteristics, to change her name to Jeff Cagandahan and her gender to male.
Male? Female? Yes. No. Maybe.
Transgender identities cross a fluid spectrum, causing confusion for some, freedom for others
[USA] [Film]
"Raquela" a fascinating, nonjudgmental portrait
Fire meets ice as a transsexual from the Philippines tries to adjust to life in Iceland in "The Amazing Truth About Queen Raquela."
Hate on the rise?
Gay man's beating death unites Local community
[USA] [Blog/People/Television]
Swimsuit jitters sink Isis on 'Top Model
''Until I have my gender reassignment surgery, there's some things I have to do extra that the other girls don't have to. I have on, like, three pairs of undergarments just in case the tape did peel off because of the water. I'm so nervous about that.''
Isis: "I'm Happy I Made An Impact"
From the minute it was announced that Isis, a transgendered 22-year-old, would be competing on this cycle of "America's Next Top Model," everyone had an opinion - no one more than her housemates. But as she tells me the day after she was eliminated from the competition, the good far outweighs the bad.
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