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quarta-feira, outubro 01, 2008

NOVOS Grupos de Auto-Ajuda Centro LGBT Lisboa
No próximo dia 03 de Outubro de 2008 às 18h30, o Serviço de Aconselhamento e Psicoterapia inicia o novo Grupo de Auto-Ajuda no Centro LGBT em Lisboa.
Informação e Inscrições - Pedro Correia (Coordenador)
E-mail sap.ilga [at]
comwww.ilga-portugal. pt
No Centro LGBT - Direcção
Centro LGBT
Rua de São Lázaro, 88 - 1150 - 333 Lisboa Portugal
Telefone 21 887 39 18
Metro: Martim Moniz

CValenciana.-Médicos, filósofos y artistas participan hoy en las jornadas de la UIMP sobre la realidad de la intersexual
Médicos, filósofos y artistas participarán hoy, lunes, en las jornadas 'Intersecciones disciplinares y producción de cuerpos sexuados: Conocimientos y cuerpos diaspóricos', que se desarrollarán en la sede valenciana de la Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo (UIMP), en las que se establecerá un marco de debate y de reflexión crítica en torno a la intersexualidad.

La transexualidad adolescente ya no es tabú
Holanda y España reciben pacientes a partir de seis años

Quand les médias manquent de respect envers les minorités sexuelles
Ce week-end, nous pouvions lire un article au titre méprisant comme le Journal de Montréal le fait malheureusement trop souvent, « Tanya Veilleux, transsexuelle : coupable d’agression sexuelle sur un enfant ». Non mais Tsé! Hein? Ouain! Allo!, mais qu’est-ce que le mot TRANSSEXUELLE fout dans un titre où l’identité sexuelle de l’agresseur n’a rien à voir avec le crime posé?

Catherine Tripon : « L’être humain est par nature discriminant »
En marge des débats sur les discriminations au Forum, Zineb a interrogé la porte-parole de la Fédération qui milite pour les droits des gais et lesbiennes.

Sex-change surfer still making waves
He was the golden haired hero of the macho world of surfing – known for his good looks as well as his fearless moves.
But now former world champion Peter Drouyn is making waves of a different kind by becoming a woman.

Police investigating death of 22-year-old as suspicious
Sacramento police are investigating the death of a transgender person pulled from the American River last week as suspicious.
The body of 22-year-old Fernando Molina (Photo) of Sacramento was discovered by a fisherman east of the Highway 160 bridge on Sept. 21, according to police. There were no obvious signs of trauma or foul play, but police say circumstances surrounding the death prompted them to label it as suspicious.

[USA] [Blog/People]
Model In the Middle: ANTM's Isis King
LIKE EVERY OTHER serious contender for "America's Next Top Model," Isis King knows her stuff when it comes to makeup.
Ousted 'Top Model' Isis King: "I have a lot of personality people!"
After watching her performance on America's Next Top Model, Isis King wants to make one thing clear

1 hurt, 1 dead in unrelated North Dade shootings
Excerpt: A man dressed as a woman was shot by someone driving past him in a red four-door sedan about 5:55 a.m. at Northwest Fourth Avenue and 79th Street.
The man was taken to Ryder Trauma Center at Jackson Memorial Hospital, where he was undergoing emergency surgery and was listed in stable condition, according to Miami police spokesman Napier Velazquez.