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terça-feira, novembro 18, 2008

Maior parque de paquidermes do mundo ameaçado por lixo
O parque Kasan, no Botsuana, – uma das reservas naturais mais importantes do continente africano –, está a ser ameaçado pelo descarregamento de lixo humano no habitat de diversas espécies, sobretudo de elefantes.

Transgender awareness week aims for increased interest
Transcendence is set to battle prejudice and discrimination this week, along with increasing awareness of the oppression faced by transgender individuals.
Transgender awareness, commit to tolerance
Washington Governor Recognizes TDOR/Trans Honor Their Dead
[News/Commentary] TransNation tribute to our dead
Still Remembering Those Who Have Fallen
Students raise awareness of anti-transgender violence
Dawn Service for Trans Remembrance Day
Transgender day of remembrance
Transgender Awareness Week begins
Nationally acclaimed author to visit ISU for Transgender Day of Remembrance
Transgender Day of Remembrance
Trans Day of Remembrance in Ottawa, 2008
Trans Awareness Week promotes transgender understanding

Denuncian una grave agresión física contra un transexual en Jerez
El joven fue golpeado a la puerta de un local de ambiente por cuatro hombres Jerelesgay también lamenta las pintadas homófobas en la zona del suceso.

Transvestism 'no longer a disease' in Sweden
Transvestism, along with six other sexual behaviours, will be struck from Sweden’s official list of medical diagnoses starting on January 1st, 2009.

[South Korea]
Transsexuals should be allowed to change legal gender without surgery: watchdog
Transsexuals should be allowed to change their legal gender without undergoing a sex-change operation, South Korea's rights watchdog said Monday, suggesting the Supreme Court amend its transgender guidelines.

Difunden el caso de Alondra diarios y portales de Internet en el mundo
“Sencillamente deprimente: separar a dos personas, una de ellas niña, que se quieren y conviven desde la infancia de la niña, y hacerlo en nombre de la ‘decencia’ en el país más corrupto de América. Y en el que todavía hay muchos niños en las calles ‘olvidados’. ¡Si Buñuel levantara la cabeza!”, es el comentario de Joseph, un barcelonés que opinó ayer, en el diario La Vanguardia, de España, sobre el caso de Alondra, la transexual a la que el Consejo Estatal de la Familia (CEF) le retiró en 2006 a Rosa Isela, una pequeña de 10 años a la que cuidó desde que era una bebé.
El caso de Alondra se internacionaliza (Foto)

Enseñan las 30 fotos "más representativas" del colectivo trans
La Secretaría de Cultura del Gobierno del Distrito Federal informó que la muestra 30 Imágenes de Orgullo Trasvesti, Transgénero y Transexual fue convocada por el colectivo Travesti México, desde octubre del año pasado.

Entrará en vigor ley trans el próximo 24 de noviembre en el DF
El subsecretario del Gobierno del Distrito Federal, Juan José García Ochoa, confirmó la fecha de entrada en vigor de la llamada ley trans y aseguró no se elaborará ningún reglamento.

Mary Veronica's Miss Vera's School for Boys Who Want to Be Girls is in session
High heels are pesky things.
They get caught in sidewalk grates, come in styles high enough to cause the wearer nosebleeds and, truth be told, aren't terribly healthy for feet.

Gender motive in death, cops say
Dwight DeLee is accused of killing Moses Cannon, 22, who was a transsexual.
No bail for suspect in Cannon murder
Human Rights Campaign Responds to Syracuse Hate Crime

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Tyra Banks Surprises Contestant With Sex Change Operation
Tyra Banks surprises Isis King, the first transgender contestant on America's Next Top Model, with sex reassignment surgery in an episode of her talk show to air Tuesday.
Tyra Banks to surprise Marylander Isis with sex reassignment surgery

Murder of Transgender Woman Revives Scrutiny
The videotaped beating of a transgender woman in police custody in Memphis last February led to charges against two officers and national condemnation from gay rights groups. The officers were fired, and the Police Department overhauled some of its procedures and began sensitivity training for the entire force.
Trans murder must be investigated properly says US gay rights group

California Appeals Court Revives Transsexual Inmate's Negligence Suit Against Prison Officials, but Rejects State Constitutional Claim
A transsexual former California state prison inmate, who claimed to have suffered repeated sexual assaults and beatings at the hands of two cellmates, should be allowed to pursue a negligence damage claim against prison officials, an appeals court ruled on November 14, but she was not entitled to pursue damages under the "cruel and unusual punishment" provision of the state constitution.