Transfofa em Blog

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terça-feira, maio 12, 2009

Central nuclear multada em 15,4 milhões de euros
É a sanção mais elevada de sempre em Espanha

Tasmanian take on transgender issues
They are often in the media when they are arrested for prostitution, beaten by a client or police, or worst of all when they are victims of a hate crime. But this time transgender people living in Istanbul are on camera to talk about themselves and their lives to an independent filmmaker from Australia’s Tasmania.

Woman disputes gender advice
A VICTORIAN woman who had sex-change treatment including having her breasts surgically removed is fighting to have the psychiatrist who, she claims, wrongly diagnosed her as a transsexual, censured by the state's medical board.

Gender change 'priceless'
The approximate cost of surgery to transition from a man to a woman? Around $20,000.
The cost for a woman to become a man? Roughly $80,000.
The peace of mind that comes after years of hoping, dreaming and planning to make the gender you feel match the sex you are? Priceless, according to Carol Allan, a local transsexual woman who made her transition nearly two decades ago and is now beginning a PhD on the topic.