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quarta-feira, maio 06, 2009

International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia 2009 : an International Appeal to reject transphobia and respect gender identity
Each year, the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (the “IDAHO”, as it is usually called), will see actions and initiatives take place in many countries and contexts and on many different issues.

Justiça autoriza travesti a trocar de nome mesmo sem mudar de sexo
A 8ª Câmara Cível do TJ-RS (Tribunal de Justiça do Rio Grande do Sul) manteve decisão que permitiu que um travesti alterasse seu nome de masculino para feminino, mesmo sem ter realizado cirurgia para troca de sexo.

Asociación de Transexuales de Andalucía pide el esclarecimiento del acoso y chantaje a Carla Antonelli
Desde hace dos años aproximadamente la directora del Medio Digital Transexual, Carla Antonelli, viene recibiendo amenazas, acoso, insultos, faltas al honor, revelación de datos protegidos por la ley, difamaciones y en los últimos días chantaje.

Rubén está embarazado
Rubén y Esperanza esperan gemelos. Este hecho no llamaría la atención si Esperanza estuviera encinta. Lo curioso es que Rubén es quien enseña una barriga (fue mujer). ¿Puede ser madre?

Around the World in Eighty Years: Celebrating Travel Writer Jan Morris
For a long time, Jan Morris was known as the one who’d had the sex change, though as both James and Jan she was an historian and scholar who wrote some fifty books and traveled the world over. She has joked that when her roll is called up yonder, the papers will announce “Sex Change Author Dies.”

Former paratrooper becomes Scotland's first trans police officer
A trans woman who successfully won a sex discrimination case against the Army has been accepted by Strathclyde Police as a trainee constable.

[Ireland] [Commentary]
The only gay in the village
Welsh police in Dyfed Powys have hired a transsexual to help their officers deal with the scourge of "transgender phobic violence".
Mark Douglas, a 49-year-old father of two, decided to become a laydee 18 months ago and now insists on being called Michelle. So we'll call him Mark.
Trans woman joins Welsh police force to tackle transphobia

Transphobie: La confusion des genres
Dérapages médiatiques et déni des autorités : l’agression de deux trans, le mois dernier à Annecy, met en lumière le manque de reconnaissance et de juridiction en la matière

Prefeitura de Moscou arma guerra contra Parada Gay
Mais uma vez a prefeitura de Moscou está em pé de guerra com os organizadores da Parada Gay da cidade. Depois de poribi-la por dois anos seguidos e prender seus principais líderes que "ousaram" sair às ruas sem autorização oficial, as autoridades da cidade disseram que vão agir com firmezapara coibir qualquer tentaiva de que a Parada aconteça.
Moscou tenta impedir parada gay a todo o custo

Centro de compras nicaragüense discrimina a mujeres trans
La Asociación Nicaragüense Trans (ANIT) hizo pública una denuncia de agresión protagonizada por tres mujeres tras y el equipo de seguridad privada del centro de compras Plaza Inter en Managua, cuando las compañeras se disponían a utilizar el baño de mujeres el pasado martes 28 de abril.

Andrea Paredes, trans et joueuse de tennis pro
La Fédération internationale de Tennis vient d'autoriser Andrea Paredes, une Chilienne transsexuelle de 37 ans, à participer à des tournois professionnels.

Justiça australiana autoriza que jovem trans remova seios
Uma adolescente transexual australiana identificada como Alex recebeu autorização da Justiça para retirar os seios. De acordo com o jornal "The Age", Alex faz tratamento hormonal para impedir o desenvolvimento de formas femininas desde os 13 anos.

Rally calls on Alberta to re-list sex-change surgery
People from Alberta's transgender community are holding a rally outside a health budget debate meeting Monday night to pressure the government to reinstate funding for gender reassignment surgery.
No 'magic bullet' for hospital wait times in Alberta

[USA] [News/Commentary]
Transsexual sues Library of Congress, wins big
A transsexual sued the Library of Congress over job discrimination and won -- and now taxpayers are footing the bill.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
NH Senate Kills Transgender Rights Bill On 24-0 Vote
Here's the bitter irony in this 24-0 vote. The New Hampshire Senate is the only legislative body in the United States in which women not only have the majority, but hold key leadership positions.