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quarta-feira, abril 29, 2009

Lisboa: Associação pede ajuda financeira e alimentar - Sem comida para 700 cães e gatos
A União Zoófila, em Lisboa, vive momentos de grande dificuldade. O crescente abandono de animais e o acentuado decréscimo dos donativos em resultado da crise económica fazem com que a associação não tenha capacidade para suportar as despesas com alimentação e medicamentos dos cerca de 500 cães e 200 gatos

Amazónia: Brasil luta para travar destruição da floresta
O Brasil está a dar prioridade à travagem da destruição da Floresta Amazónica, que reduziria fortemente as emissões poluentes globais, mas já se prepara também para os efeitos das alterações climáticas, afirmou hoje o ministro do Ambiente, Carlos Minc.
Brasil quer travar desflorestação da Amazónia

Analysis: New bill aims to entrench gay rights in all aspects of public life
Excerpt: The new Equality Duty will require public authorities to advance equality of opportunity for transsexual people. For example, if a local authority notices that there are no support groups for people undergoing gender reassignment in their area it can fund a charity to help reach out to the transsexual community. The legislation will widen the definition of ‘gender reassignment’ to make it clear that a person does not have to be under medical supervision to be protected from discrimination and protect people who face discrimination because of their association with transsexual people, for example, as their partner.
Get behind the Equality Bill
Equality Bill published in trial format

'Third sex' want poll recognition
India's transgender community has threatened to boycott the general election voting unless they are recognised as a "third sex".

[Canada] [Commentary]
Alberta will have trouble with its sex-change policy
The government of Alberta recently announced that public funding for sex reassignment surgery will be eliminated to save about $ 700,000 of a roughly $13-billion annual health care budget.

Ang Lee retorna com mais um filme de temática gay. Taking Woodstock concorre à Palma de Ouro
O filme "Taking Woodstock", que conta a história real de Elliot Tiber, um designer de interiores gay, está concorrendo à Palma de Ouro no Festival de Cannes de 2009. Dirigida por Ang Lee, o mesmo de "O Segredo de Brokeback Mountain", a produção mostra como um jovem ainda não totalmente fora do armário se tornou um dos principais articuladores do festival Woodstock, que reuniu milhares de ripongas em uma fazenda perto de Nova York na década de 60.

A jornalista de tecnologia do CNET Ina Fried trabalhou anos como homem antes de assumir a mudança de sexo
Ian Fried é um veterano da notícia. Escreve desde 2000 sobre as tendências da tecnologia no renomado site norte-americano CNET. Há seis anos deixou subitamente de existir. Colegas de trabalho, fontes cultivadas por anos a fio e até mesmo leitores tiveram de se acostumar a seus novos nome e sexo. Ian, que vivia há quase dez anos como transgênero em sua vida pessoal, decidira enfim assumir sua opção também no ambiente profissional.

Transsexual city manager starts new job
The former Largo city manager who was fired after her plans to have a sex change became public has started her new job as the city manager for Lake Worth.
Stanton starts work today as Lake Worth city manager

'Matrix' Director Larry Wachowski Transitioned to Lana
Directorial siblings, The Wachowski’s are best known for bringing the world The Matrix trilogy of films.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Dwight DeLee Trial To Start June 11
Now that Allen Andrade is rotting in jail for the rest of his life, it's now time for the transgender community's attention to focus on the other alleged murderer facing hate crimes charges for killing a transwoman.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
In Support of GENDA
As I imagine most of you reading this blog know, transgender people face enormous amounts of bigotry and discrimination in the U.S.
But what some of you may not know is that that there is also currently no federal legislation that protects against such discrimination on the basis of gender identity or gender expression. And in most states, there is no such state legislation, either.

[CO, USA] [Video]
Zapata Trial Coverage by Autumn Sandeen
Ques To Weld County DA: What Msg Did Jury Send To Trans Residents In Angie Zapata Trial Convictions?
Raw Video: Angie Zapata Hate Crime Murder Trial District Attorney News Conference And Questions
Angie Zapata Family Statement On Angie Zapata Hate Crime Murder Trial Guilty Verdicts
Beth Karas Of TruTV In Session Interviewed By Autumn Sandeen Of Pam's House Blend