Transfofa em Blog

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sexta-feira, maio 01, 2009

Ricardo Kelmer fala sobre as crianças transexuais
Se isso acontecesse em sua família, você apoiaria seu filho? Rejeitaria sua filha?

Drag Michelle Summer completa 10 anos de carreira e arrasa em bate-bola com o Mix
A drag Michelle Summer é uma das mais icônicas da cena gay atual. Natural de Recife, pernambuco, Summer ficou conhecida pelas apresentações super originais que leva a clubes gays de várias cidades e por hits bem bate-cabelo como "Hablar Con Te". Michelle Summer está completando 10 anos de carreira e, aproveitando o bafôn, o Mix fez um bate-bola com a bonita.

[Isle of Mann]
Transsexuals to enjoy equal rights after Bill is passed
TRANSSEXUALS look set to enjoy equal rights in the Isle of Man after a Gender Recognition Bill survived political scrutiny.

Indemnizan a comandante transexual por discriminación
Tras informar que se sometería a una reasignación sexual para ser mujer, un ex militar estadounidense perdió la oportunidad de ser contratado por la Biblioteca del Congreso. Un juez falló a su favor y recibirá 491 mil190 dólares en daños y perjuicios.
Biblioteca del Congreso discrimina a ex comandante transexual
Trans woman wins almost $500,000 in discrimination lawsuit

La Cámara de Representantes respalda la ley que incluye LGTBfobia en los crímenes de odio
La Cámara de Representantes de EEUU respaldó este miércoles la modificación de la ley federal de crímenes de odio, que data de 1969, para incluir los crímenes cuyo móvil sea la orientación sexual o identidad de género, lo que permitiría a las autoridades federales involucrarse en aquellos crímenes homófobos o tránsfobos que las autoridades locales decidan no perseguir. Otra consecuencia importante sería la obligación por parte del FBI de hacer un seguimiento de los crímenes contra personas transexuales (actualmente no hay estadísticas federales al respecto).
[Blog/Commentary] Trans Pastors Speak Out Against Hate Crimes
[Blog/Commentary] 'Hate Crimes' Bill Would Open a Prosecutorial Pandora's Box
US House vote to expand 'hate-crime' protections to gays
N.C. Rep. Foxx called out for criticism of anti-hate crime bill
[Blog/Commentary] Fox's Henneberg repeats right-wing myth that hate crimes bill could gag ministers
Hate Crimes bill advances as House committee OKs 'special protections' for gay rights
Hate crimes bill moves
Hate Crimes Bill Is Approved

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Drafts from the DSM-V workgroup are out and they're continuing to pathologize trans people
When the infamous Ray Blanchard was appointed to the work group revising the American Psychiatric Association's "Manual for Diagnosis of Mental Disorders" -- the standard reference book used by psychiatrists in North America, there was widespread worry that he'd used the opportunity to push his pathologizing and discredited theories about trans people all being sexual fetishists.

NY State Assembly Passes Transgender Antidiscrimination Bill
Hat tip to Mitch Rubinstein at Adjunct Prof Blog for pointing out that the New York State Assembly has passed the Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act, which would ban discrimination on the basis of transgender in housing, employment, credit, and public accommodations.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Angie Zapata as fodder for Transgender politics
Just a few comments about the transgender thing. The coverage of the Angie Zapata story shows how the transgender machine has managed (temporarily) to convince the media that the polite term for transsexual is “transgender”. I wouldn’t be so proud if I was one of these activists, however, because they will soon discover how much use the media has for its sideshow attractions once the 15 minutes are up.