Masivas manifestaciones para celebrar el Día del Orgullo LGTB en todo el mundo
Miles de personas se dieron cita en diferentes capitales alrededor del mundo para conmemorar el 40º Aniversario de la Revuelta de Stonewall, o también conocido como Día Mundial del Orgullo Gay, Lesbico, Travesti, Transexual, Bisexual.[UK]
Transexual wins surgery funding
A transsexual from Nottinghamshire has won her fight with the NHS to be given hormone treatment and surgery to change sex from a man to a woman. (Photo)
El presidente de Lituania veta la ley que prohíbe hablar de homosexualidad en las escuelas
El presidente de Lituania, Valdas Adamkus, ha ejercido su derecho de veto y ha devuelto al Parlamento de su país la ley “para la protección de menores contra el efecto perjudicial de la información pública”, recientemente aprobada, que como venimos informando prohíbe hablar sobre lesbianas, gays, transexuales y bisexuales en el sistema educativo.
[Iran] [Film/Commentary]
It's easy to get a sex change in Iran
Gender reassignment is a way to deal with homosexuality in a place where gays are executed
Bangalore makes a queer pitch
This year, Bangalore has given Pride celebrations a distinct local flavour with a week-long celebration titled the Karnataka Queer Habba. It began with a bang with an innovative cricket match. Titled “Queering the Pitch”, the match saw teams from different LGBT organisations pitted against each other. A live and humorous commentary interspersed with messages about LGBT rights and safe sex practices, ensured that no one was bored even for a minute. The Sangama team emerged the undisputed winner and was handed a trophy designed with queer symbols.
Parliament discusses sexual offences bill
Excerpt: Another parliamentarian is urging her colleagues to block every loophole to prevent a man who undergoes a sex change from seeking coverage under the definition of sexual intercourse in the proposed law.
Government Senator Hyacinth Bennett cautioned that care should be taken to state that the sexual organs of the vagina and the penis be stated as the natural sex organs as defined at birth.
Gay legal group backs new employment discrimination law
A legal organisation that fights for the civil rights of lesbians and gay men has urged the United States Congress to act swifly to introduce new legislation protecting LGBT people in the workplace.
The Employment Non-Discrimination Act was introduced in the US Congress yesterday.
[Blog/Commentary] Political Calculations of ENDA
Legislative Progress on Protecting Transgender People
[News/Commentary] Colorado beats feds on employment non-discrimination
Federal Gov’t Poised to Add New Protections for Trans Workers
In keeping with his promise to work for full equality for GLBT Americans, President Obama’s administration is set to put protections for transgendered federal workers into place.
[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
'What a trans woman is, is somebody who is a woman but whose biology has betrayed them in someway'
"One of the things I realized in approaching this role was that I actually figured out early on that I was going to learn a lot about being a woman — period. Because, really, what a trans woman is, is somebody who is a woman but whose biology has betrayed them in someway. For me, I take for granted my identity as a woman. (...)"
[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Honoring Stonewall: Transgender Day of Action
The Stonewall Riotsoccurred 40 years ago this Sunday in Greenwich Village, New York. They were sparked by one of many late-night police raids and erupted into a powerful and spontaneous resistance against years of abuse of LBGT folk by police officers. Although this fact is often forgotten, the Stonewall resistance was lead by Trans and gender non-conforming people and homeless youth.
Trans Day of Action: “The Rebellion Is Not Over”
Judge Won't Toss Transgender Woman's Claim
A federal judge has cleared the way for a discrimination lawsuit by a filed by a former state employee who claimed she was fired because she was undergoing a sex-change procedure.
[USA] [Books/History]
A Truly Queer History
Myth has it that the 1969 riots at the Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village were the first open queer rebellion against discrimination. Not so. In 1965, the first queer sit-ins on record took place at a late-night Philadelphia coffee shop and lunch counter called Dewey’s, which was a popular hangout for young gays and lesbians, and particularly drag queens and others with gender-variant attire. The establishment had begun refusing service to this LGBT clientele.
[USA] [Commentary]
Déjà vu all over again
The “hairpin drop heard round the world” — that is how New York’s Mattachine Society, and others, 40 years ago described the June 28, 1969, events at Stonewall, a gay and queen bar in the heart of Greenwich Village.
The name “Stonewall” has come to symbolize the beginning of gay activism and, in fact, spawned the Gay Liberation Front (GLF). In actuality, however, Stonewall was not the first encounter between persons we now describe as gender diverse and the authorities/status quo. Dewey’s Lunch Counter in Philadelphia and Compton’s Cafeteria in San Francisco both saw incidents wherein drag queens — or transvestites, as they were often termed in the vernacular of the ’60s — were at odds with management and the local police.
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