U.N. Terrorism Report Cites Transgender Prejudice
A report to the U.N. expressing concern that transgendered persons might be caught up in security measures designed to catch terrorists have been lambasted by conservatives.
[Commentary] Roadblock in the War on Terrorism: Transgender Politics

Cerca de 70 mil participam de Parada de Uberlândia
A Parada do Orgulho LGBT da cidade mineira de Uberlândia foi realizada no último domingo, 18, registrando número recorde de participantes. De acordo com estimativas da organização do evento, cerca de 70 mil pessoas acompanharam o desfile. (Foto)
Gays de Madrid crean un calendario laico con vírgenes transexuales
Organizaciones cristianas lo consideran ofensivo con la Iglesia y hablan de "inquisición rosa"
Protagonizan transexuales Calendario Laico 2010
[Spain/Germany] [Blog/People]
Kim Petras, Norman Spack, Carla Antonelli on trans youth
Kim Petras was interviewed on Telecinco (TV5) in Spain yesterday. Someone has posted video on Youtube of the entire interview and subsequent discussion in three parts (about 27 minutes total.).
It appears she was wearing an earpiece, hearing translations of the talk show host’s questions and answering in English. Her answers are voiced-over by a Spanish translator, but with a little effort (and by following her lips) you can understand her responses. Brief comments by Norman Spack and Carla Antonelli are included in Part 1, and Kim performs a song in Part 2.
Part 3 includes a discussion of the issues and advantages of early transition. The overall effect of the interview is a profound demonstration of the advantages of early transition.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Hate Crimes In Brighton
The seaside UK city of Brighton is the scene of two recent GLBT hate crimes – the murder of a woman whose body was found strangled after a fire at her flat, and the assault of a lesbian couple on the street.
We will never stop loving Andrea Waddell
Tributes have been paid to a former Reading School student whose strangled body was discovered in a flat fire in Brighton.
[South Africa]
Caster saga 'because of Zola Budd'
Athletics SA has once again rallied around its embattled president Leonard Chuene, defending his handling of the Caster Semenya saga and denying he lied about knowledge of sex tests conducted on the athlete.
On Tuesday, the body also took a swipe at the International Association of Athletics Federations, accusing it of laying sex-test "landmines" aimed at damaging young women athletes who looked different.
Iranian transgenders are not secure in Iran
Iranian transsexuals in fact experience humiliation, assault and abuse, if not outright death - and not just by government agents, but also by neighbours, family members, and those considered friends.
We have received reports very recently from our contacts in Iran exemplifying the torment endured by transgendered persons. On Saturday October 10, members of Basiji forces fired a gun at Sahar, an Iranian transgender, in the Abbasabad Street of Tehran. Sahar was hit in the shoulder and was taken to hospital by her friends. Once she is out of hospital, however, her safety is not assured.[India]
2 eunuchs found killed, jewellery & cash missing
Two eunuchs were found murdered inside a three-storey house in C Block of Shaheen Bagh near Jamia Nagar on Tuesday. The police said the bodies of Vimlesh (47) and Meena (31) had started to rot when they found them around 10.30am on Tuesday, suggesting they were killed at least two days ago. Their throats were slashed and the house was ransacked, with cash and jewellery worth several lakhs missing.
Prostitute gets 30 days in jail for hitting man
A transgendered prostitute who punched a Kanata man in the face after meeting him on a telephone chat line was sentenced to 30 days in jail Tuesday.
[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Broad expansion of “paraphilia” planned for 2012
Ray “man without a penis” Blanchard has set his sites on further pathologizing crossdressers as well as other sorts of trans people in the 2012 American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).
[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Transgender Shoplifting Story Inspires Absurd Corrections
NBC Washington shows what happens when news outlets fail to confirm the correct gender identity of their subjects before publication. The outlet has just posted another story about the two shoplifting suspects who were shot by police near the University of Maryland last Friday. Here’s the absurd lede:
Upon closer review, it appears two shoplifting suspects shot by a Prince George’s County police officer weren’t men, as originally reported, or cross-dressers, as was later reported, but transgender women.
Gay hate crimes awaits Senate vote
Supporters and opponents of legislation that will expand hate-crimes protections to homosexuals continue to wait on a Senate vote on a defense authorization bill that includes the controversial measure.
[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Protect Us From The Male, CVS Managers Who Support Keeping Trans Women Out Of Women's Restrooms
It's a bit hypocritical when that group was allegedly putting the petition on the ballot to protect women in bathrooms and then the manager of the store who was allowing the petition gathering was in fact preying on women in bathrooms.
[USA] [Blog/Science]
Can a man talk like a woman?
When men try to imitate the voice of a woman, they typically raise their voices to a higher pitch, and in the end, sound like men imitating women. Actually training a man to "sound" like a woman is enormously difficult and doesn't have much to do with pitch, according to a paper by James Dembowski, a researcher at Texas Tech University in San Antonio.
Kings County Supreme Court rules transsexual father has standing to petition for custody of child
In a complex decision released yesterday, the Supreme Court of Kings County ruled that a transsexual father has standing to petition for custody of a non-biological child.
[GA, USA] [Blog/News]
Gender Bending Student Too Wild for Atlanta Returning to Miami
All 16-year-old Jonathon Escobar wanted was a better education, and apparently that meant getting the hell out of the Miami-Dade school system. So he moved in with his sister in Atlanta to attend North Cobb High.
Murderer wants taxpayers to pay for removing hair
A cross-dressing wife murderer who is suing the state to pay for a sex-change operation now wants a federal judge to force taxpayers to pay for hair-removal treatments.
Comienzan consultas para reglamentar trabajo sexual en DF
El gobierno local dio luz verde para realizar mesas de análisis y discusión con representantes de trabajadores y trabajadoras sexuales de toda la ciudad, a fin de diseñar una ley, o en su caso, un reglamento que ordene el ejercicio de esa actividad.
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