Párroco iglesia Brasil dice va a denunciar novios casados porque ella es trans y le "engañó"
Aplazan juicio 2 mujeres por matar trans masculino después brutales torturas, piden 25 años
[UK] [Commentary]
The equality bill is less than equal
Hardliner Zul Noordin backs transsexual Fatine to return
Gays and transsexuals 'will never go to Heaven', cardinal says
[Australia] [Blog/Health/Commentary]
Hormone Related Tumours and Transsexuals
York police hope bust will help solve historic homicide
[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Is ENDA dead for the year?
Mourning for Christine Daniels
Trans da Bahia vão poder usar nome social em sistema de assistência social
Nomes sociais poderão ser usados em documentos como prontuários, fichas e cadastros em toda a Bahia
Nomes sociais poderão ser usados em documentos como prontuários, fichas e cadastros em toda a Bahia
Párroco iglesia Brasil dice va a denunciar novios casados porque ella es trans y le "engañó"
El párroco de una iglesia ortodoxa del interior de Brasil que en noviembre pasado casó a una pareja de dos personas, una de ellas una mujer transexual, ahora amenaza con procesar a los responsables del "engaño" el atribulado "defensor de la fe".
Aplazan juicio 2 mujeres por matar trans masculino después brutales torturas, piden 25 años
La Audiencia Provincial de Madrid acordó hoy suspender el juicio que tenia previsto celebrar contra dos acusadas del homicidio de un hombre transexual, a quien dieron entre febrero y marzo de 2007 un trato humillante y le propinaron diversas palizas con la excusa de que la víctima había iniciado un cambio hormonal de sexo.
[UK] [Commentary]
The equality bill is less than equal
By excluding lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, the proposed legislation sadly fails to live up to its name
Hardliner Zul Noordin backs transsexual Fatine to return
Britain-based Malaysian hermaphrodite Fatine, who is facing a possibility of criminal prosecution if she returns here has received support from an unlikely source — PKR Kulim parliamentarian Zulkifli Noordin, a staunch conservative chastised for his “hard-line Islamic views”, said it was wrong for immigration authorities to accused Fatine “of bringing shame” to the country and threatened legal action against her.
Fatine's family pleading for him to come home
Transsexual worries for safety after negative reactions to ‘marriage’
[Blog/Commentary] Of Fatine and her right to marry
Fatine's family pleading for him to come home
Transsexual worries for safety after negative reactions to ‘marriage’
[Blog/Commentary] Of Fatine and her right to marry
Gays and transsexuals 'will never go to Heaven', cardinal says
The Roman Catholic Church still regards homosexuality as an “insult to God” and homosexuals and transsexuals will never go to Heaven, a leading cardinal said on Wednesday, prompting a rebuke from the Vatican.
Vatican's fury as cardinal claims gays and transsexuals 'can't enter Heaven'
"Señor Cardenal: Es usted un SINVERGÜENZA" Transexuales y gays no irán nunca al cielo...Vatican's fury as cardinal claims gays and transsexuals 'can't enter Heaven'
[Australia] [Blog/Health/Commentary]
Hormone Related Tumours and Transsexuals
There are so far only a few cases of hormone-related cancer in transsexuals. There may be an underreporting. The probability of a hormone-related tumor increases with the duration of exposure to cross-sex hormones and the aging of the population of transsexuals.
Recently, a website has been opened for reporting side effects of cross-sex hormone treatment (http://www.wpath.org/resources_transgender.cfm).
This contribution focuses on the risk of development of hormone-dependent malignancies in transsexuals. It will try to formulate some recommendations to reduce the risk of development of hormone-related malignancies and strategies which might lead to early diagnosis.
York police hope bust will help solve historic homicide
York police hope that a new, museum-quality clay bust will help solve the mystery of a suspected cross-dresser whose body was found in Markham almost 30 years ago.
[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Is ENDA dead for the year?
Guess what's on next week's markup schedule? Not ENDA.
The House Committee on Education and Labor has published its schedule for next week, and ENDA is not there. ENDA could be marked up the following week, but there wouldn't be enough time to get it to the floor for a vote before the House left for the winter vacation.
[Blog/Commentary] It is time for Congress to take action and pass ENDA now
The House Committee on Education and Labor has published its schedule for next week, and ENDA is not there. ENDA could be marked up the following week, but there wouldn't be enough time to get it to the floor for a vote before the House left for the winter vacation.
[Blog/Commentary] It is time for Congress to take action and pass ENDA now
Mourning for Christine Daniels
The complicated story of the death of Los Angeles Times sports writer Mike Penner–who famously transitioned to Christine Daniels in 2007 and then apparently detransitioned back to Penner in 2008–raises complicated questions as the media is grappling with telling the story of one of its own, but also the complexity of talking about transgender people.
[Blog/Commentary] Death Be Not Proud - RIP Christine
[Blog/Commentary] Death Be Not Proud - RIP Christine
At 04 dezembro, 2009 12:32,
Anónimo said…
Oi menina, olha o que achei hoje na globo.com,
Taís Araújo ganha abraço apertado de travesti gigante em concurso no Rio
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