
Leo Kret Do Brasil: Primeira vereadora transexual do país a mudar o nome
O seu nome de registro é Leo Kret Do Brasil: a primeira vereadora transexual do país ganha ação e tem o direito de mudar o seu nome civil.
Eu sou Leo Kret do Brasil, assertiva já conhecida por muita gente, passa a ser também o nome civil da dançarina e vereadora de Salvador, desde a publicação da sentença no último dia 18 de novembro, pelo Juiz Nelson Cordeiro, da Vara de Registro Civil.
A ação de retificação de nome foi dada entrada em dezembro de 2008 (Processo2373576-1/2009) e até então gerou expectativa, uma vez que o nome de registro, Alecsandro, sempre causou constrangimento devido a identidade feminina assumida desde os 15 anos por Leo Kret, cujo nome surgiu do apelido de nome original e uma brincadeira na escola, devido sua dança sensual.
Dançarina e Vereadora de Salvador, com quarta maior votação, Leo Kret do Brasil de Souza Santos, exulta-se com a sentença e diz “que esta é uma grande vitória e evolução, não só para mim, mas para milhares de travestis e transexuais que vivem constrangidas e excluídas de diversos meios devido a esta questão. A partir de agora passo a conviver com tranqüilidade e paz com meu nome, uma vez que ao ser chamada por um nome masculino, tendo esta identidade feminina, sempre havia um gracejo, um constrangimento e surgiam as piadinhas”.
De acordo com a sentença do Juiz Nelson Cordeiro, “cumpre lembrar que esse nosso entendimento visa a inserção social da transexual, que sofre rejeição da própria família, tendo em vista a tríade dignidade-solidariedade-igualdade. Apontamos também que o direito à opção sexual constitui um direito da personalidade, inerente a liberdade da pessoa e a sua dignidade”, conclui Cordeiro.
A Advogada Anhamona de Brito, patrocinadora da ação, ressalta que “nessa ação, demonstramos para o juízo, além de outros fundamentos jurídicos apresentados, que a alteração do nome social de Leo Kret, que vive publicamente como mulher e que, inclusive, sob essa condição conseguiu obter mandato eletivo para representar os cidadãos de Salvador, era uma medida necessária para garantir a primazia do princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana. Essa alteração impediria, inclusive, que a vereadora continuasse vivenciando situações vexatórias e constrangedoras, ao apresentar os seus documentos de identificação, os quais continham nome masculino, quando a mesma tem fenótipo de mulher, construído por força da identidade sexual que detém.”, disse Anhamona de Brito.
Para Renildo Barbosa, presidente da PRO HOMO - Associação de Defesa e Proteção dos Direitos de Homossexuais, “esta é uma decisão que deve ser comemorada pelo Movimento LGBT (Lésbicas, Gays, Bissexuais, Travestis e Transexuais) uma vez que demonstra a evolução e avanços do Judiciário da Bahia, já que no Legislativo não conseguimos aprovar leis que defendam nossos direitos.” “Servirá de exemplo e estimulo para dar dignidade a diversas trans que convivem com o incomodo de serem chamadas pelo nome civil masculino, mesmo tendo a identidade feminina, afastando-as da escola, da saúde e do convívio pacífico com a comunidade”, enfatiza Barbosa.
Paulete Furacão, trans, presidente da Laleska de Capri Associação LGBT, ri com a informação e deslumbra-se como se fosse a própria mudança do seu nome, explicando “ que sempre envergonhou-se do nome civil, pois não combina com minha imagem, com minha feminilidade. Deixei de estudar devido as gracinhas e chacotas que ouvia todos os dias, somente retornando a escola este ano, trazendo muito prejuízos à minha vida”. “Com certeza vou procurar assessoria para mudar o meu também, diz Paulete, sem revelar seu nome civil”.
A alteração do nome não servirá, obviamente, para eliminar a forte carga de preconceito que parte da sociedade destila contra as cidadãs travestis e transexuais. Mesmo assim, é um passo importante na afirmação da cidadania das pessoas que detém orientação sexual diversa da heteronormatividade vigente. “Ser vereadora em Salvador não me deixa imune de preconceitos. Mesmo assim, sei que a Lei precisa servir a todas as pessoas, sem distinção. Conseguir usar, em meus documentos, o nome como sou identificada cotidianamente é quebrar barreiras; algo que fiz durante toda a minha vida. Como legisladora da primeira Câmara do país não poderia deixar de buscar que a Lei fosse cumprida e, principalmente, primar pelo cumprimento dos princípios constitucionais que protegem a pessoa humana, independentemente de sua orientação sexual.”, disse Leo Kret do Brasil, cuja luta pela igualdade de direitos e oportunidades da comunidade LGBT não parará por aí.
Leo Kret do Brasil, 71 3320 0430 / 9973 9148 – leokret@cms.ba.gov.br
Anhamona de Brito, OAB/BA 19.671, telefones: 9996-2222 e 3321-0079, anhamonabrito@yahoo.com.br
Renildo Barbosa, presidente da PRO HOMO, 71 8767 8219 – renildo.barbosa@gmail.com
Crédito obrigatório da foto: Clóvis Dragone/Divulgação
Adan Nascimento Assessoria de Imprensa Tel:9112-4324
Gobierno Vasco elimina las ayudas aprobadas para las cirugías de los transexuales
Mientras el Ararteko, Iñigo Lamarca, reclamaba ayer la necesidad de aprobar en la CAV una Ley Integral sobre Transexualidad como en Nafarroa, el Gobierno de Gasteiz ha eliminado las ayudas para cirugía de las personas transexuales aprobadas en los presupuestos para 2009. La partida de 60.000 euros ha sido desviada dejando a este colectivo sin la ayuda prevista, según han denunciado personas afectadas.
Transexuales reclaman el acceso a los recursos orientados a la violencia de género 'sin distinciones'
La Asociación de Transexuales de Andalucía (ATA), reclamaron con motivo de la celebración el próximo miércoles del Día contra la violencia hacia las Mujeres, que las mujeres transexuales que aún no han registrado su cambio de nombre y de sexo "puedan acceder a los recursos que existen en caso de que sufran violencia de género sin distinciones".
'Give my 14-year-old son sex change treatment on the NHS', demands mother
The mother of a 14-year-old boy who is desperate to undergo sex change treatment has hit out at the NHS for refusing to give him hormone blockers.
She wants her son to receive the medication now to stop his adolescence from progressing.
By the time the youngster, who wears make-up and dresses like a girl, turns 18 it will be too late for him to look like a woman, the mother believes.
Let me have sex change treatment NOW, says schoolboy age 14
Boy, 14, wants sex change
'Give my 14-year-old son sex change treatment on the NHS', demands mother
The mother of a 14-year-old boy who is desperate to undergo sex change treatment has hit out at the NHS for refusing to give him hormone blockers.
She wants her son to receive the medication now to stop his adolescence from progressing.
By the time the youngster, who wears make-up and dresses like a girl, turns 18 it will be too late for him to look like a woman, the mother believes.
Let me have sex change treatment NOW, says schoolboy age 14
Boy, 14, wants sex change
La madre de una adolescente transexual británica de 14 años lucha porque se le facilite a su hija el tratamiento hormonal
Taxpayer cash used for Wolverhampton sex-change event
A taxpayer-funded lecture to teach civil servants how to treat sex-change customers has been branded a waste of cash.
The event took place at the Britannia Hotel in Wolverhampton on Tuesday as part of West Midlands Diversity Week.
It saw 50 public sector staff given advice by seven transsexuals on their legal duties and how to treat “transgender individuals” with respect.
Yet there are less than 30,000 transsexuals in the whole of Britain, leading campaigners to question why the event received taxpayer cash.
Morte de Brenda assusta transexuais
Corpo da brasileira que surgiu em vídeo que levou à demissão do presidente da região de Lazio foi encontrado numa cave dos arredores. As suas amigas queixam-se da falta de segurança.
Transexual in Italy political scandal found murdered
Transsexuals to be deported after prostitute's death
Call girl in Silvio Berlusconi sex scandal claims series of attacks and threats
Mort du transsexuel qui avait dénoncé le gouverneur de Rome
Aparece muerta en extrañas circunstancias la transexual por la que dimitió político Italia
[Afrique du Sud]
Semenya va garder son titre
Le ministre des sports sud-africain a déclaré jeudi que l'IAAF avait accepté que Caster Semenya conserve son titre de championne du monde du 800 m décroché en août dernier à Berlin.
Semenya gardera sa médaille
La IAAF desmiente que haya acuerdo con Semenya
[Commentary] Caster Semenya's Story Has the Power to Educate About Intersexuality
Life's a drag act for the TV presenter challenging homophobia in Pakistan
Arifa Akbar meets the unlikely celebrity forcing an intolerant society to confront its prejudices
EC's decision comes as big reprieve for eunuchs
The formal recognition to transsexuals by the Election Commission (EC) as a special category has brought a big relief for the six million-strong community which had to compromise with its identity while exercising its right to franchise for the past 52 years.
Transsexuals win identity battle
[Malaysia] [Blog/News/Commentary]
Malaysia Report: Transgender Day of Remembrance
Held on the 20th of November every year, this day is set to commemorate transgenders who have been killed due to discrimination, prejudice and hatred towards the community. It is also to raise awareness and act against the violence, brutality and murder of gender variant or non-gender conforming individuals within the LGBT community worldwide.
Sex change rules mended
The rules about who can and cannot get permission for a sex change operation has been changed.
Only those 20 or above with documented psychological reasons will be allowed to become a transsexual. And only surgeons with at least 10 years of related experience in hospitals approved by health authorities may carry out such procedures, according to the new regulations unveiled by the Ministry of Health.
[Hong Kong] [Blog/News/Health]
Sam Winter calls for end to trans psychopathologization
In honor of the 2009 Transgender Day of Remembrance, Dr. Sam Winter has just issued a strong appeal for the removal of gender identity variance from the psychiatric diagnostic manuals.
New Democrats marks international trans day of remembrance
Today, on the International Trans Day of Remembrance, New Democrats join members of the transsexual and trangender communities, their, families, friends, coworkers and allies to remember victims of transphobic violence, hate and prejudice.
‘Inappropriate’ protest slammed
Transgender activists are calling a protest that interrupted a memorial event on Saturday “disgusting” and “inappropriate.”
Taxpayer cash used for Wolverhampton sex-change event
A taxpayer-funded lecture to teach civil servants how to treat sex-change customers has been branded a waste of cash.
The event took place at the Britannia Hotel in Wolverhampton on Tuesday as part of West Midlands Diversity Week.
It saw 50 public sector staff given advice by seven transsexuals on their legal duties and how to treat “transgender individuals” with respect.
Yet there are less than 30,000 transsexuals in the whole of Britain, leading campaigners to question why the event received taxpayer cash.
Morte de Brenda assusta transexuais
Corpo da brasileira que surgiu em vídeo que levou à demissão do presidente da região de Lazio foi encontrado numa cave dos arredores. As suas amigas queixam-se da falta de segurança.
Transexual in Italy political scandal found murdered
Transsexuals to be deported after prostitute's death
Call girl in Silvio Berlusconi sex scandal claims series of attacks and threats
Mort du transsexuel qui avait dénoncé le gouverneur de Rome
Aparece muerta en extrañas circunstancias la transexual por la que dimitió político Italia
[Afrique du Sud]
Semenya va garder son titre
Le ministre des sports sud-africain a déclaré jeudi que l'IAAF avait accepté que Caster Semenya conserve son titre de championne du monde du 800 m décroché en août dernier à Berlin.
Semenya gardera sa médaille
La IAAF desmiente que haya acuerdo con Semenya
[Commentary] Caster Semenya's Story Has the Power to Educate About Intersexuality
Life's a drag act for the TV presenter challenging homophobia in Pakistan
Arifa Akbar meets the unlikely celebrity forcing an intolerant society to confront its prejudices
EC's decision comes as big reprieve for eunuchs
The formal recognition to transsexuals by the Election Commission (EC) as a special category has brought a big relief for the six million-strong community which had to compromise with its identity while exercising its right to franchise for the past 52 years.
Transsexuals win identity battle
[Malaysia] [Blog/News/Commentary]
Malaysia Report: Transgender Day of Remembrance
Held on the 20th of November every year, this day is set to commemorate transgenders who have been killed due to discrimination, prejudice and hatred towards the community. It is also to raise awareness and act against the violence, brutality and murder of gender variant or non-gender conforming individuals within the LGBT community worldwide.
Sex change rules mended
The rules about who can and cannot get permission for a sex change operation has been changed.
Only those 20 or above with documented psychological reasons will be allowed to become a transsexual. And only surgeons with at least 10 years of related experience in hospitals approved by health authorities may carry out such procedures, according to the new regulations unveiled by the Ministry of Health.
[Hong Kong] [Blog/News/Health]
Sam Winter calls for end to trans psychopathologization
In honor of the 2009 Transgender Day of Remembrance, Dr. Sam Winter has just issued a strong appeal for the removal of gender identity variance from the psychiatric diagnostic manuals.
New Democrats marks international trans day of remembrance
Today, on the International Trans Day of Remembrance, New Democrats join members of the transsexual and trangender communities, their, families, friends, coworkers and allies to remember victims of transphobic violence, hate and prejudice.
‘Inappropriate’ protest slammed
Transgender activists are calling a protest that interrupted a memorial event on Saturday “disgusting” and “inappropriate.”
[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Why ENDA Matters: True Stories of Anti-LGBT Employment Discrimination
To illustrate why Congress must pass the Employment Non Discrimination Act (ENDA), a federal law that would ban discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people in the workplace, we will be posting the firsthand accounts of people from across the nation who have been fired, refused a job, or harassed in the workplace because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. This summer the ACLU put out a call for stories, and these are just a fraction of stories they received.
[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
In Honor of our Fallen Brothers and Sisters on this Day of Remembrance
My sisters, brothers, friends and allies,
Tonight, on this eleventh International Transgender Day of Remembrance, we come together once again to honor those who lost their lives to anti-transgender hatred or prejudice. Our annual Day of Remembrance was founded by Gwendolyn Smith in 1998 and is observed each November 20 in communities around the world today. Attorney and advocate Lisa Gilinger has called this tradition our holy day in the trans community.
Thank you for joining us this evening, for sharing your sorrow, your grief, your fear, your outrage and your support.
[GA, USA] [News/Video]
Photos from Atlanta Transgender Day of Remembrance, and of those we lost
This is a short video put to music of photos takes at the Atlanta TDORevent, November 20, 2009. Also included are photos of those we lost,at least the ones we had photos of.
Kevin MacLeod's "With the Sea" provided the perfect background musicto this video.
Tonight, on this eleventh International Transgender Day of Remembrance, we come together once again to honor those who lost their lives to anti-transgender hatred or prejudice. Our annual Day of Remembrance was founded by Gwendolyn Smith in 1998 and is observed each November 20 in communities around the world today. Attorney and advocate Lisa Gilinger has called this tradition our holy day in the trans community.
Thank you for joining us this evening, for sharing your sorrow, your grief, your fear, your outrage and your support.
[GA, USA] [News/Video]
Photos from Atlanta Transgender Day of Remembrance, and of those we lost
This is a short video put to music of photos takes at the Atlanta TDORevent, November 20, 2009. Also included are photos of those we lost,at least the ones we had photos of.
Kevin MacLeod's "With the Sea" provided the perfect background musicto this video.
Acusan a dos latinos de crimen odio por agresión a una transexual en Estados Unidos
Dos fueron acusados hoy de siete cargos de asalto como crimen de odio, intento de asalto, posesión criminal de un arma y hostigamiento contra un transexual. hombres latinos del condado de Queens
Daughter wants jury to hear of David Swain’s troubled past
Excerpt: Swain was born in Louisville, Ky., one of three children of Betty Jane and Donald Swain. The couple quarreled often, and Donald had a record involving violent crimes. Betty Jane worked as a product development researcher for the Pillsbury cereal company. Donald Swain later changed his name to Diane after a sex-change operation in the early 1970s. He left the family when David was between 7 and 10 years old.

Film about Cortez youth explores transgenderism
Fred Martinez was anything but simple.
He was, at various moments, a boy, a girl, a Navajo, a Montezuma-Cortez High School student, gay, transgendered, nadleehi.
In June 2001, in a ravine just south of Cortez, he became a murder victim.
Now, he's the subject of a movie, and, if the filmmakers have their way, he will become a window onto a view of gender that is at once new to American society and older than America itself.
(Photo: Courtesy of Say Yes Quickly Productions - In a scene from the documentary “Two Spirits,” Pauline Mitchell, mother of slain Cortez teenager Fred Martinez, sits at the site in Cortez where he was killed in 2001. The film made its world debut at the Starz Denver Film Festival on Saturday afternoon. It tells the story of the teenager’s murder because he was a transgender.)
One person’s joy: Living as woman ‘felt like home’
Leslie Ryan knows the question you’re about to ask.
That’s because the first thing you might notice about Ryan isn’t her clothes (ankle-high boots, jeans, cardigan) or her hair (long, blond and able to make even the most confident among us sneer with jealousy).
Nope. The first thing you may notice about Leslie Ryan is that she’s tall. (Photo)
Transgender murderer renews electrolysis request
A convicted murderer serving a life sentence goes before a judge to ask for electrolysis treatments as she seeks a taxpayer-funded sex-change operation.
Wife murderer back in court
Transgender victims honored in Day of Remembrance
Wearing black arm bands emblazoned with the transgender symbol and holding flickering candles in the cool November air, more than 40 people gathered Friday on the Plaza of Americas to remember.
Cambio sexo lleva 37 años en Ecuador aunque el primero sin CRS fuera hace un mes
Noviembre 11 de 1989. Wendy Calle Alvarado es estrangulada en Guayaquil. Era un crimen más hasta que en la sala de autopsia de medicina legal se descubrió que la anatomía interna de su cuerpo no concordaba con su nombre, con las redondeces femeninas de su apariencia ni con su genitalidad externa de mujer.
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