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segunda-feira, dezembro 28, 2009

Detienen a un hombre por disparar a su ex pareja, mujer transexual, tenia orden alejamiento
Un hombre ha sido detenido en Torremolinos (Málaga) como presunto autor de tentativa de homicidio por disparar a su ex pareja, una mujer transexual con la que había convivido en el pasado, según confirmaron fuentes policiales.

Satisfacción por sentencia Tribunal Supremo
El Colectivo de Lesbianas, Gays, Bisexuales y Transexuales de la Región de Murcia (COLEGA-MURCIA) han mostrado hoy su satisfacción por la condena impuesta al juez Fernando Ferrín Calamita por parte del Tribunal Supremo (TS).

[South Africa]
A Question of Gender Topples a Track Official
One of the most explosive sports stories of the year involved the sex verification of Caster Semenya, 18, the world-champion middle-distance runner from South Africa. The story became so volatile, in no small part, because of the way the Semenya case was bungled by Leonard Chuene, the president of the South African track and field federation.
Semenya to sue IAAF and ASA in multi-million dollar lawsuits

Pakistan govt pass eunuchs' rights
Pakistan's top judge has ordered the government to recognise eunuchs as a distinct gender in a landmark ruling, officials say.
Medical examinations to sort out ‘fake transvestites'
SC’s advice to hire eunuchs for recovery of loans: Transvestites say it’s payback time
Eunuchs in Pak want four percent commission like Indian counterparts for loan recovery
Pakistan Recognizes Third Gender

Sex workers, transgenders run restaurant for HIV+ people and fight social stigma
Sex workers and transgenders in Mysore city of Karnataka are running a restaurant and serve traditional south Indian food to guests as a way of raising funds for HIV positive people and fighting social stigma.

Court approves sex change for 30-year-old man
The Batang District Court in Central Java has approved a request filed by a man to change his sex.
Agus Widodo, 30, now officially is Nadia Ilmira, tvOne reported.
Agus underwent a sex change operation in Dr Soetomo Hospital in Surabaya, East Java, in 2005.
Indonesian Mullahs Says Sex Change is Haram

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Gender Identity and the Bathroom Game
Here is a tragic trivia question: Whom are among the most ‘at risk’ adolescents in our society today?Answer: Transgender individuals living in America today have a one in 12 chance of being murdered. In contrast, the average person has about a one in 18,000 chance of being murdered.
None the less, every time a transgender student becomes visible to mainstream society it isn’t more than a matter of seconds before the bathroom worries are flying all over the place. And I don’t mean anyone is worried about the safety of the transgendered student.

Transgender activist leaves legacy
Death of de LaFreniere quiets major voice in gay community, friends say
Her body wracked with cancer, Michele de LaFreniere still made it a point to travel to Mesa on Oct. 1.

Transgender issues subject of event at cafe
Rose Elizabeth will share her transgender journey on film at the Lifetree Cafe at 7 p.m. Sunday and noon and 7 p.m. Tuesday.

East Point adds protections for gay, transgender workers
East Point has become just the second city in Fulton County -- and one of a handful statewide -- to adopt protections for its gay and transgender employees.
Transgender Workers Now Protected In East Point, GA

La maternidad es un ejercicio cotidiano, un aprendizaje constante. Claro que para las mamás trans ese ejercicio y ese aprendizaje se enfrenta, a diario, con prejuicios sociales y obstáculos legales que las convierten además en duchas buscadoras de atajos y recursos que protejan tanto al vínculo como a los niños y niñas que crecen a su amparo. Cali Riveros, Noelia Luna y doña Pocha cuentan sus historias, dando cuenta de cuántas hebras diversas consiguen formar ese entramado llamado familia.

La Justicia cordobesa autorizó el cambio de sexo de la profesora transexual Verónica Giordano
Finalmente, la Justicia falló a favor de Verónica Giordano (42), docente transexual y ex directora del Ipem 315 dela ciudad cordobesa de San Francisco, para que sea sometida a una cirugía de adecuación sexual de la que aún se desconoce cuándo y dónde se realizará.