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terça-feira, setembro 06, 2011

Lea T. foi cogitada para nova série da Globo
A top model Lea T. foi cogitada para “Brado Retumbante”, nova série da Globo prevista para estrear em 2012. Segundo o site F5, a história é sobre o presidente de um país fictício que é pai de uma transexual.
Globo cogita Lea T. para nova série
Nova série da Globo terá transexual; Lea T. foi cotada para o papel

ALEAS-IU llama a la movilización de las transmaribibolleras contra el ataque de la derecha y los mercados
La reforma de la Constitución planteada por el PP y el PSOE nos parece que constitucionaliza el neoliberalismo que nos ha llevado a esta situación de crisis, desempleo y precariedad. Desde ALEAS-IU rechazamos este nuevo intento de los dos grandes partidos de seguir legislando para los mercados forjando una dictadura capitalista que no permite las consultas populares ni la participación política ciudadana. Ante este panorama, las transmaribibolleras nos preguntamos ¿dónde se ha quedado la democracia?
La Generalitat se compromete a mantener la atención sanitaria a las personas transexuales pese al acuerdo presupuestario entre CiU y PP

Moderates backpedal on sex change law
Sweden has taken further steps towards changing the law on gender reassignment. The governing Moderates have now taken a stand against the disputed law, and its demands of sterilisation and divorce.

Botswana's transgender, intersex people face challenge of identity documents
Botswana’s transgender and intersex communities face a maze of legal and bureaucratic challenges especially when it comes to changing identity documents.
Being able to prove whom you are and where you come from is everyone`s wish. In Botswana access to basic services, employment, a bank account, health services and voting are impossible without an Omang card. Omang is a Setswana word meaning “Who are you?”

[USA] [Letters to the Editor]
Bono a bad choice for DWTS
I wish to express my disgust at the decision to cast transgender Chaz Bono on ABC's "Dancing With the Stars." This is not entertainment but the advancement of moral decadence.
Chaz Bono Insists There's No Backing Out Of 'Dancing With The Stars'
Chaz Bono says America 'really needs' him on 'Dancing'
Chaz Bono On DWTS Might Cause Kids To Wish They Were Amputees, Keith Ablow Says
'I had a little breakthrough': Chaz Bono shows off his impressive moves at DWTS rehearsal
Chaz a long shot

LGBT patients: Reluctant and underserved
Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender patients sometimes postpone care because of discrimination concerns. Sometimes health professionals chase them away unknowingly. Here are ways to combat that.

"Seth's Law" Passes, Seeks Schools' Protection for LGBT Students
A 13-year-old boy's suicide last year prompted lawmakers in California to pass a law on Friday that orders schools to stop looking the other way on bullying of students for their sexual orientation.

Prosecutors seek new trial for boy who shot gay classmate
Prosecutors in California are seeking a new trial for a teenager who shot his gay classmate dead.
Jury Caught Up in Circumstances of Gay Teen Death

MPD Officer Charged in Shooting Trans Women Ordered Held Without Bond
Yesterday, the court found probable cause that Officer Furr, the 20-year MPD veteran who was recently charged in a violent incident involving several trans women, committed assault with a dangerous weapon.