Experta internacional sostiene que se debe retirar la transexualidad de la lista de trastornos mentales
La presidenta de la Asociación Profesional Mundial para Salud Transgénero (WPATH, por sus siglas en inglés), Lin Fraser, consideró que "la transexualidad no es una enfermedad mental, de ahi que se debe garantizar el acceso a la salud de esas personas, y evitar que sufran estigma y discriminación".
Profanity filters, homophobic slurs, and Blizzard's shaky relationship with the LGBT community
Yesterday on the official World of Warcraft forums, a poster brought up the fact that the word "transsexual" gets censored by Blizzard's mature language filter. Almost immediately after, another poster brought up the fact that the word "homosexual" is censored as well. The obvious follow-up question has stirred a hornet's nest of controversy: Why are these considered bad words?
Long Overdue: Blizzard Removes “Homosexual,” “Transsexual” From List of Blocked Profanity in World of Warcraft
The big news on the Blizzard front yesterday was that they’d decided not to have a BlizzCon in 2012; that is, the large fan convention at which the titan (ha ha insidery Blizzard joke) of the gaming community makes the biggest of its big announcements. The reasoning was that with three games/expansions expected to drop within the next year and a half, the company’s time would be better spent working on them and, moreover, they just didn’t have anything really exciting and new to show.
Homophobic MEPs quizz Commission on equality funding
Right-wing populist Member of the European Parliament Godfrey Bloom has asked several written questions to the European Commission, challenging the legitimacy of European funding to fight homophobia and transphobia.
President of the European Parliament and MEPs pledge support for LGBT rights
Yesterday the President of the European Parliament and dozens of Members gathered in support of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people’s rights.
President of the European Parliament and MEPs pledge support for LGBT rights
Laerte é discriminado por usar banheiro feminino em pizzaria
Crossdresser, cartunista Laerte é vítima de discriminação em pizzaria paulistana
Publicamente crossdresser desde 2010, o cartunista Laerte Coutinho, 60 anos, foi vítima de discriminação por sua identidade de gênero em uma pizzaria de São Paulo na última terça-feira, 24 de janeiro. Laerte usou o banheiro feminino do estabelecimento e foi alertado, após reclamações de clientes “com família”, pelo gerente do local para que usasse o banheiro masculino.
Metrô de SP recebe talk show trans e reforça campanha friendly
Dia Trans terá talk show no Metrô, que vai reforçar campanha contra o preconceito
O Dia Nacional de Visibilidade Trans, comemorado em 29 de janeiro, vai ser lembrado pelo Governo do Estado de São Paulo na próxima segunda-feira, 30 de janeiro, com um talk show em um dos lugares mais movimentados da capital paulista, a estação Sé do Metrô. A partir das 17h30, a cantora Renata Perón começa a comandar uma série de entrevistas com pessoas trans para mostrar a realidade delas.
Travesti é morto a tiros na BR-470, em Indaial
Um disparo no braço, três no rosto e um no peito, causaram a morte de Maicon Roux, 20 anos, na madrugada de quarta-feira. O crime ocorreu por volta da 00h30min, às margens da BR-470, no limite entre Indaial e Blumenau. Roux era travesti e, de acordo com a Polícia Civil de Indaial, se prostituía às margens da rodovia. Por enquanto, não há pistas sobre suspeitos.
Travesti assassinado em Indaial pode ter se envolvido em assalto
Travesti assassinado
Um travesti foi morto com 13 golpes de canivete em um motel. A vítima foi identificada como Ronaldo Sabino de Lima, de 25 anos, conhecido como Rayssa. O principal suspeito foi identificado como Ronney Oliveira Bramusse, 33 anos.
Governo de SP arma talk show com transexuais na estação Sé do Metrô
O Governo do Estado de São Paulo criou uma iniciativa para comemorar o Dia Nacional da Visibilidade Trans, que é celebrado no dia 29 de janeiro.
Governo de SP arma talk show com transexuais na estação Sé do Metrô
Homemade bombs found in South Croydon mental health hospital
A mental health hospital had to be evacuated after five explosive devices were found.
Police were called to Southleigh Community Hospital, in Brighton Road, South Croydon, last Wednesday, where they found improvised explosive devices (IEDs).
Angie Dews, 42, a transsexual formerly known as known as Mark Camm, was arrested at the scene by police.
Data changes raise concerns for trans and intersex university students
Concerns have been expressed this week after it was revealed that the Higher Education Statistics Authority (HESA) is considering changes to the way it records data on sex and gender, with implications for trans and intersex students enrolling at university.
Interview: Jackie Green, the first trans Miss England?
Jackie Green made history recently being the first trans woman to enter the Miss England competition, and hopes to use the prestige of the pageant to stand up for trans rights, and against transphobia.
Couple tell of journey from Mr & Mr to Mrs & Mrs
A pair of transsexual lesbians spoke of their joy at becoming "man and wife" and "wife and wife" on day-time telly.
Jenny-Anne Bishop, 65 — formerly known as Paul — and Elen Heart, 68, previously called Alan, have put their lives as men behind them.
Initally they got together as a male gay couple in 2004. Today the pair revealed how they were born in the wrong bodies and their journey to become "wife and wife".
Ireland to Host European Transgender Forum
Later this year Ireland will have the honour of hosting Europe’s largest forum on transgender rights and activism. This prestigious event, the European Transgender Forum, will take place in Dublin City University over the weekend of September 7th to 9th. The forum has taken place biannually since 2006 and will be attended by policy makers and activists from across the continent.
Transgender Pakistanis Celebrate Newfound Voting Rights
It's been two months since transgender Pakistanis were granted voting rights, and joyful celebrations continue as many register to vote for the first time in their lives.
Spouse with GID to sue for recognition as boy's legal father
A 2-year-old boy born via artificial insemination is in family registry limbo, having been fathered by the younger brother of a gender identity disorder patient who acquired legal status as a male and who is now waging a battle to gain recognition as the child's legitimate father.
Sex-change husband to file suit to register son as legitimate child
Discrimination complaints on rise
The Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission (VEOHRC) has seen a rise in complaints relating to sexuality and gender identity.
U.S. issues new guidance for LGBT asylum claims
U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services issued new guidance on Tuesday to assist officers handling asylum and refugee claims from LGBT people seeking to escape persecution by living in the United States.
Filling in the Data Gaps on Black Gay and Transgender Americans
At an event on January 19, the Center for American Progress released its groundbreaking report, “Jumping Beyond the Broom: Why Black Gay and Transgender Americans Need More Than Marriage Equality,” which draws together data to prove that severe economic, social, and health disparities continue to affect the black gay and transgender community.
Thieves strike new store catering to transgender community
Within a week of its opening, a thrift store in Pinellas County catering to the area’s transgender community was robbed when a cash box holding $200 was swiped overnight.
According to Michael Keeffe, he noticed the missing funds when he went in to open Julio’s Closet one morning in January.
Gearing up for ‘Change’
Not surprisingly, Rea Carey, executive director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, is excited about the start of the 24th Creating Change conference, now underway in Baltimore.
Civil rights leader urges unity among gay activists
NAACP president says group supports extending rights to transgender residents in Maryland
NAACP President Benjamin Jealous said Thursday the civil rights group supports legislation in Maryland to extend rights to transgender residents.
Jealous spoke at a national conference on rights for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community, the 24th national conference on LGBT equality.
NAACP President Delivers LGBT Conference Keynote
Junior returns after gender reconstructive surgery
Chris Largent came out of anesthesia thinking it was the apocalypse.
“How many zombie movies start with someone waking up in a hospital?” Largent thought from the hospital room.
After months of planning, fundraising, and waiting, the junior theater design technology major underwent surgery on Dec. 29 to remove his breasts. Largent was born female and has spent the majority of his life becoming male.
NY-based Sabel Scities takes Miss’d America
Glitter was flying Saturday night as the Miss’d America competition took over Atlantic City’s Boardwalk Hall.
After a night of competition and camp, Sabel Scities was crowned queen in the drag competition that is meant to parody the mainstream Miss America contest.
D.A. office to release 911 transcript — transcribed by PGN
The District Attorney’s office this week sent an email to the Police Advisory Commission stating that it has located a transcript of 911 recordings in its possession related to the Nizah Morris case that was made by a PGN reporter.
Trans advocates criticize Tennessee Rep. Floyd
Tennessee state Rep. Richard Floyd (R) has been criticized for saying he would “stomp a mudhole” into a transgender person who tried to use a proper dressing room. Floyd is a sponsor of a bill that would prevent transgender people from accessing facilities that correspond with their gender identities.
Dennis Shepard Says Tenn. Legislature Is Bullying Gays
The father of slain gay college student Matthew Shepard spoke out to Tennessee's legislature, asking members to drop their antigay prejudices and the antigay policies they're considering.
Araguz gets 50 days in theft case
According to WTAW, Nikki Araguz, the transgender widow fighting for the legitimacy of her marriage in court, was sentenced in an unrelated case to 50 days in jail after pleading guilty to theft. The charge stems from the theft of a Rolex watch last year. Araguz has also paid $2,800 in restitution.
Harrisville, Utah passes nondiscrimination ordinance
Harrisville, Utah, has become the 14 locality in Utah to pass an ordinance protecting people from being discriminated against because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.
Protesta comunidad lésbica y trans por supuestos abusos de policías municipales
Un grupo de personas transgénero se apostaron afuera de las instalaciones de la presidencia municipal para exigir a las autoridades un trato digno, fuera de la discriminación y maltrato por las autoridades y denunciaron violencia y abuso de autoridad por elementos de la Policía Municipal.
Congress on Sex Education Closes in Cuba
The president of the organizing committee of the 6th Congress on Sex Education, Counseling and Therapy, Mariela Castro Espin, was very pleased with the progress and outcome of the event, which ended on Thursday in Havana.
Persecusión policial contra las mujeres trans en Quetzaltenango
Fuerzas de seguridad de Quetzaltenango detienen a cuatro travestis en la zona uno de dicha ciudad al suroccidente del país. La detención se produce de forma ilegal y como descarado acto de Transfobia ya que se invoca una falta y no un delito, pues se refiere a que fueron detenidas por “escándalo público”.
Arrestan a travestis en Xela
Muerto hallan a otro travesti en Tegucigalpa
La Policía recibió una llamada donde se les indicaba que una mujer estaba muerta en la calle principal de la colonia Las Torres. El hecho ocurrió a las 8:30 de la mañana.
En audiencia travesti que robó arma a un policía
En un operativo, el acusado se negó a ser revisado, por lo que fue detenido y al revisar su bolso, descubieron la pistola que le había robado al agente.
Mulher transexual é a primeira a entrar na equipe do governo de Bogotá
Tatiana Piñeros Laverde é a nova diretora de Gestão Corporativa da Secretaria de Integração Social de Bogotá. A nomeação de uma transexual, é um bom exemplo do compromisso do prefeito recém-eleito, Gustavo Petro, para incluir a comunidade LGBT em sua equipe.
Polícias recebem formação para proteger direitos da comunidade homossexual e transexual
A Venezuela iniciou na quinta-feira uma ação de formação policial orientada para a promoção dos direitos humanos dos homossexuais e transexuais, uma iniciativa que contou com o apoio da embaixada britânica em Caracas.
Polícia venezuelana recebe treinamento para proteger e lidar melhor com transexuais
Transexuales denuncian abusos y reclaman más seguridad
El Frente Rosario Diversidad Movimiento Evita exige mayor presencia policial en la zona roja. Asegura que, desde el crimen de Sandra Cabrera, las trabajadoras son también víctimas de robos e insultos
Por intento de homicidio volvió a la cárcel Diana, el travesti que se casó con un reo y lo esperaba en libertad
La travesti Diana, quien el 4 de agosto de 2010 se casó con un interno de Almafuerte y lo esperaba en libertad, cayó por segunda vez en prisión por dispararle a un hombre con quien tuvo una pelea. Está presa desde noviembre y aseguró que lo ocurrido "fue una mala jugada del destino". En 2007 había recuperado su libertad después de 10 años de condena por haber asesinado a su pareja en Tunuyán.
Micaela Bayer, travesti de la Policía Federal
Micaela Bayer entró a las fuerzas de seguridad hace cerca de 15 años, y en la Policía Federal Argentina se le complicaron las cosas cuando la vieron fuera de servicio vestida de mujer. La joven comenzó una lucha por discriminación para que aceptaran tal como es. Finalmente, la ministra Nilda Garré ordenó que se reconociera su identidad, y en Telefe Noticias se puede ver un video en el que cuenta su historia.
Experta internacional sostiene que se debe retirar la transexualidad de la lista de trastornos mentales
La presidenta de la Asociación Profesional Mundial para Salud Transgénero (WPATH, por sus siglas en inglés), Lin Fraser, consideró que "la transexualidad no es una enfermedad mental, de ahi que se debe garantizar el acceso a la salud de esas personas, y evitar que sufran estigma y discriminación".
Profanity filters, homophobic slurs, and Blizzard's shaky relationship with the LGBT community
Yesterday on the official World of Warcraft forums, a poster brought up the fact that the word "transsexual" gets censored by Blizzard's mature language filter. Almost immediately after, another poster brought up the fact that the word "homosexual" is censored as well. The obvious follow-up question has stirred a hornet's nest of controversy: Why are these considered bad words?
Long Overdue: Blizzard Removes “Homosexual,” “Transsexual” From List of Blocked Profanity in World of Warcraft
The big news on the Blizzard front yesterday was that they’d decided not to have a BlizzCon in 2012; that is, the large fan convention at which the titan (ha ha insidery Blizzard joke) of the gaming community makes the biggest of its big announcements. The reasoning was that with three games/expansions expected to drop within the next year and a half, the company’s time would be better spent working on them and, moreover, they just didn’t have anything really exciting and new to show.
Homophobic MEPs quizz Commission on equality funding
Right-wing populist Member of the European Parliament Godfrey Bloom has asked several written questions to the European Commission, challenging the legitimacy of European funding to fight homophobia and transphobia.
President of the European Parliament and MEPs pledge support for LGBT rights
Yesterday the President of the European Parliament and dozens of Members gathered in support of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people’s rights.
President of the European Parliament and MEPs pledge support for LGBT rights
Laerte é discriminado por usar banheiro feminino em pizzaria
Crossdresser, cartunista Laerte é vítima de discriminação em pizzaria paulistana
Publicamente crossdresser desde 2010, o cartunista Laerte Coutinho, 60 anos, foi vítima de discriminação por sua identidade de gênero em uma pizzaria de São Paulo na última terça-feira, 24 de janeiro. Laerte usou o banheiro feminino do estabelecimento e foi alertado, após reclamações de clientes “com família”, pelo gerente do local para que usasse o banheiro masculino.
Metrô de SP recebe talk show trans e reforça campanha friendly
Dia Trans terá talk show no Metrô, que vai reforçar campanha contra o preconceito
O Dia Nacional de Visibilidade Trans, comemorado em 29 de janeiro, vai ser lembrado pelo Governo do Estado de São Paulo na próxima segunda-feira, 30 de janeiro, com um talk show em um dos lugares mais movimentados da capital paulista, a estação Sé do Metrô. A partir das 17h30, a cantora Renata Perón começa a comandar uma série de entrevistas com pessoas trans para mostrar a realidade delas.

Travesti é morto a tiros na BR-470, em Indaial
Um disparo no braço, três no rosto e um no peito, causaram a morte de Maicon Roux, 20 anos, na madrugada de quarta-feira. O crime ocorreu por volta da 00h30min, às margens da BR-470, no limite entre Indaial e Blumenau. Roux era travesti e, de acordo com a Polícia Civil de Indaial, se prostituía às margens da rodovia. Por enquanto, não há pistas sobre suspeitos.
Travesti assassinado em Indaial pode ter se envolvido em assalto

Travesti assassinado
Um travesti foi morto com 13 golpes de canivete em um motel. A vítima foi identificada como Ronaldo Sabino de Lima, de 25 anos, conhecido como Rayssa. O principal suspeito foi identificado como Ronney Oliveira Bramusse, 33 anos.
Governo de SP arma talk show com transexuais na estação Sé do Metrô
O Governo do Estado de São Paulo criou uma iniciativa para comemorar o Dia Nacional da Visibilidade Trans, que é celebrado no dia 29 de janeiro.
Governo de SP arma talk show com transexuais na estação Sé do Metrô
Homemade bombs found in South Croydon mental health hospital
A mental health hospital had to be evacuated after five explosive devices were found.
Police were called to Southleigh Community Hospital, in Brighton Road, South Croydon, last Wednesday, where they found improvised explosive devices (IEDs).
Angie Dews, 42, a transsexual formerly known as known as Mark Camm, was arrested at the scene by police.
Data changes raise concerns for trans and intersex university students
Concerns have been expressed this week after it was revealed that the Higher Education Statistics Authority (HESA) is considering changes to the way it records data on sex and gender, with implications for trans and intersex students enrolling at university.
Interview: Jackie Green, the first trans Miss England?
Jackie Green made history recently being the first trans woman to enter the Miss England competition, and hopes to use the prestige of the pageant to stand up for trans rights, and against transphobia.
Couple tell of journey from Mr & Mr to Mrs & Mrs
A pair of transsexual lesbians spoke of their joy at becoming "man and wife" and "wife and wife" on day-time telly.
Jenny-Anne Bishop, 65 — formerly known as Paul — and Elen Heart, 68, previously called Alan, have put their lives as men behind them.
Initally they got together as a male gay couple in 2004. Today the pair revealed how they were born in the wrong bodies and their journey to become "wife and wife".
Ireland to Host European Transgender Forum
Later this year Ireland will have the honour of hosting Europe’s largest forum on transgender rights and activism. This prestigious event, the European Transgender Forum, will take place in Dublin City University over the weekend of September 7th to 9th. The forum has taken place biannually since 2006 and will be attended by policy makers and activists from across the continent.
Transgender Pakistanis Celebrate Newfound Voting Rights
It's been two months since transgender Pakistanis were granted voting rights, and joyful celebrations continue as many register to vote for the first time in their lives.
Spouse with GID to sue for recognition as boy's legal father
A 2-year-old boy born via artificial insemination is in family registry limbo, having been fathered by the younger brother of a gender identity disorder patient who acquired legal status as a male and who is now waging a battle to gain recognition as the child's legitimate father.
Sex-change husband to file suit to register son as legitimate child
Discrimination complaints on rise
The Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission (VEOHRC) has seen a rise in complaints relating to sexuality and gender identity.
U.S. issues new guidance for LGBT asylum claims
U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services issued new guidance on Tuesday to assist officers handling asylum and refugee claims from LGBT people seeking to escape persecution by living in the United States.
Filling in the Data Gaps on Black Gay and Transgender Americans
At an event on January 19, the Center for American Progress released its groundbreaking report, “Jumping Beyond the Broom: Why Black Gay and Transgender Americans Need More Than Marriage Equality,” which draws together data to prove that severe economic, social, and health disparities continue to affect the black gay and transgender community.
Thieves strike new store catering to transgender community
Within a week of its opening, a thrift store in Pinellas County catering to the area’s transgender community was robbed when a cash box holding $200 was swiped overnight.
According to Michael Keeffe, he noticed the missing funds when he went in to open Julio’s Closet one morning in January.
Gearing up for ‘Change’
Not surprisingly, Rea Carey, executive director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, is excited about the start of the 24th Creating Change conference, now underway in Baltimore.
Civil rights leader urges unity among gay activists
NAACP president says group supports extending rights to transgender residents in Maryland
NAACP President Benjamin Jealous said Thursday the civil rights group supports legislation in Maryland to extend rights to transgender residents.
Jealous spoke at a national conference on rights for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community, the 24th national conference on LGBT equality.
NAACP President Delivers LGBT Conference Keynote
Junior returns after gender reconstructive surgery
Chris Largent came out of anesthesia thinking it was the apocalypse.
“How many zombie movies start with someone waking up in a hospital?” Largent thought from the hospital room.
After months of planning, fundraising, and waiting, the junior theater design technology major underwent surgery on Dec. 29 to remove his breasts. Largent was born female and has spent the majority of his life becoming male.
NY-based Sabel Scities takes Miss’d America
Glitter was flying Saturday night as the Miss’d America competition took over Atlantic City’s Boardwalk Hall.
After a night of competition and camp, Sabel Scities was crowned queen in the drag competition that is meant to parody the mainstream Miss America contest.
D.A. office to release 911 transcript — transcribed by PGN
The District Attorney’s office this week sent an email to the Police Advisory Commission stating that it has located a transcript of 911 recordings in its possession related to the Nizah Morris case that was made by a PGN reporter.
Trans advocates criticize Tennessee Rep. Floyd
Tennessee state Rep. Richard Floyd (R) has been criticized for saying he would “stomp a mudhole” into a transgender person who tried to use a proper dressing room. Floyd is a sponsor of a bill that would prevent transgender people from accessing facilities that correspond with their gender identities.
Dennis Shepard Says Tenn. Legislature Is Bullying Gays
The father of slain gay college student Matthew Shepard spoke out to Tennessee's legislature, asking members to drop their antigay prejudices and the antigay policies they're considering.
Araguz gets 50 days in theft case
According to WTAW, Nikki Araguz, the transgender widow fighting for the legitimacy of her marriage in court, was sentenced in an unrelated case to 50 days in jail after pleading guilty to theft. The charge stems from the theft of a Rolex watch last year. Araguz has also paid $2,800 in restitution.
Harrisville, Utah passes nondiscrimination ordinance
Harrisville, Utah, has become the 14 locality in Utah to pass an ordinance protecting people from being discriminated against because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.
Protesta comunidad lésbica y trans por supuestos abusos de policías municipales
Un grupo de personas transgénero se apostaron afuera de las instalaciones de la presidencia municipal para exigir a las autoridades un trato digno, fuera de la discriminación y maltrato por las autoridades y denunciaron violencia y abuso de autoridad por elementos de la Policía Municipal.
Congress on Sex Education Closes in Cuba
The president of the organizing committee of the 6th Congress on Sex Education, Counseling and Therapy, Mariela Castro Espin, was very pleased with the progress and outcome of the event, which ended on Thursday in Havana.
Persecusión policial contra las mujeres trans en Quetzaltenango
Fuerzas de seguridad de Quetzaltenango detienen a cuatro travestis en la zona uno de dicha ciudad al suroccidente del país. La detención se produce de forma ilegal y como descarado acto de Transfobia ya que se invoca una falta y no un delito, pues se refiere a que fueron detenidas por “escándalo público”.
Arrestan a travestis en Xela

Muerto hallan a otro travesti en Tegucigalpa
La Policía recibió una llamada donde se les indicaba que una mujer estaba muerta en la calle principal de la colonia Las Torres. El hecho ocurrió a las 8:30 de la mañana.
En audiencia travesti que robó arma a un policía
En un operativo, el acusado se negó a ser revisado, por lo que fue detenido y al revisar su bolso, descubieron la pistola que le había robado al agente.
Mulher transexual é a primeira a entrar na equipe do governo de Bogotá
Tatiana Piñeros Laverde é a nova diretora de Gestão Corporativa da Secretaria de Integração Social de Bogotá. A nomeação de uma transexual, é um bom exemplo do compromisso do prefeito recém-eleito, Gustavo Petro, para incluir a comunidade LGBT em sua equipe.
Polícias recebem formação para proteger direitos da comunidade homossexual e transexual
A Venezuela iniciou na quinta-feira uma ação de formação policial orientada para a promoção dos direitos humanos dos homossexuais e transexuais, uma iniciativa que contou com o apoio da embaixada britânica em Caracas.
Polícia venezuelana recebe treinamento para proteger e lidar melhor com transexuais
Transexuales denuncian abusos y reclaman más seguridad
El Frente Rosario Diversidad Movimiento Evita exige mayor presencia policial en la zona roja. Asegura que, desde el crimen de Sandra Cabrera, las trabajadoras son también víctimas de robos e insultos
Por intento de homicidio volvió a la cárcel Diana, el travesti que se casó con un reo y lo esperaba en libertad
La travesti Diana, quien el 4 de agosto de 2010 se casó con un interno de Almafuerte y lo esperaba en libertad, cayó por segunda vez en prisión por dispararle a un hombre con quien tuvo una pelea. Está presa desde noviembre y aseguró que lo ocurrido "fue una mala jugada del destino". En 2007 había recuperado su libertad después de 10 años de condena por haber asesinado a su pareja en Tunuyán.
Micaela Bayer, travesti de la Policía Federal
Micaela Bayer entró a las fuerzas de seguridad hace cerca de 15 años, y en la Policía Federal Argentina se le complicaron las cosas cuando la vieron fuera de servicio vestida de mujer. La joven comenzó una lucha por discriminación para que aceptaran tal como es. Finalmente, la ministra Nilda Garré ordenó que se reconociera su identidad, y en Telefe Noticias se puede ver un video en el que cuenta su historia.
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