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terça-feira, janeiro 31, 2012

UN secretary general: African governments must respect gay rights
The United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has told African leaders that they must respect gay rights in an unusually outspoken declaration made at an African Union summit in Ethiopia.
UN Secretary General Calls Out African Homophobia
Ban urges African respect for gay rights

Blogagem Coletiva: Dia da Visibilidade Trans
Ontem, 29 de janeiro foi o Dia da Visibilidade Trans. O Marcelo escreveu sobre sua condição. Sobre esse intenso ser e não ser. E, sobre a realidade concreta de quem enfrenta imensas barreiras no texto: Por onde passa a compreensão da transexualidade?

Após ser barrado de usar banheiro feminino, Laerte aciona Secretaria de Justiça
Depois de ser barrado ao usar o banheiro feminino de uma pizzaria da zona oeste de São Paulo, o cartunista Laerte, 60, que prática o cross-dresser, resolveu acionar a Secretaria de Estado da Justiça.

Após dez anos de atividades, Grupo SOMOS fecha as portas
Com reconhecida atuação nacional e trajetória na luta pelos Direitos Humanos, com ações focadas na Incidência Política e no Controle Social das políticas públicas voltadas à Diversidade Sexual e à Saúde Integral, atuando junto às populações vulneráveis de lésbicas, gays, bissexuais, travestis e transexuais, bem como pessoas vivendo com HIV/Aids, a ONG SOMOS – Comunicação, Saúde e Sexualidade fecha as portas em fevereiro de 2012, e suspende todos os serviços de atendimento direto ao público, oferecidos na sede da instituição.

Britain prepares for LGBT History Month
February 2012 marks the eighth annual British LGBT History Month. First initiated in 2005, LGBT History Month is a time to celebrate the lives and achievements of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.

Gay people from United Arab Emirates attack ‘cure’ video
Gay people in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have attacked a YouTube video ‘tutorial’ which shows how gays can be ‘cured’ or ‘scrubbed clean’ of their sexuality.
The six-minute ‘tutorial’ entitled ‘Be Yourself’ has shocked the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community of the UAE.

Intersex; The Neglected
Intersex people are usually born with anatomical differences and might have genitals of both

Transgender groups criticise tampon ad ruling
Transgender advocacy groups have slammed a ruling by the advertising regulator on a controversial Libra tampon ad as like "spitting in the face" of those trying to stop violence against transgender people.

Gay-friendly classroom sign controversial
A Grade 5 teacher in Altona is under fire for displaying a plaque declaring his classroom a safe haven for gays, lesbians, bisexual and transgendered students.

Republican Presidential Candidates Distance Themselves from Gay Rights Support
Heading into the Florida primary this week, Republican candidates for the presidency have faced in this election cycle more questions about gay rights issues than ever before, and none of their answers should leave any LGBT proponents feeling comfortable.

The Next Battle
The question of trans service could be getting a big boost with the focus OutServe has decided to give it
[Commentary] OutServe Magazine on "The New DADT: Transgender Service''

Hundreds Across the State Rally Lawmakers to Add the Words
Over 1,000 Idahoans stood on the steps of the State Capitol Saturday to deliver a clear message to state lawmakers: They want Idaho lawmakers to add the words “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” to the Idaho Human Rights Act.

Maryland Governor O'Malley: "We Must Choose Words and Laws" Of Compassion
At the closing brunch of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force 2012 Creating Change conference, Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley (D) spoke of his newly introduced civil marriage bill, the state's gender identity bill, the country's other recent advances in LGBT rights and -- possibly -- referenced his wife's recently having called anti-marriage legislators "cowards."

Transexual busca candidatura para la ALDF
Este sábado se registró como precandidata a diputada de la Asamblea Legislativa del Distrito Federal (ALDF) la primera mujer transexual que aspira a ese cargo.

Concejales kirchneristas rosarinos se comprometieron a trabajar en favor de la diversidad sexual
La vicepresidenta del Concejo Municipal de Rosario, Norma López, y el jefe del bloque de concejales del Frente para la Victoria – PJ, Roberto Sukerman, mantuvieron una reunión con referentes de VOX Asociación Civil, del Frente Santafesino de Diversidad y Género, y los responsables del Archivo de la Memoria de la Diversidad.