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sábado, fevereiro 04, 2012

Saúde mobiliza jovens gays na prevenção à aids
O Ministério da Saúde lançou ontem uma campanha de prevenção à aids para o carnaval deste ano, tendo como foco jovens gays, de 15 a 24 anos. A ação dá prosseguimento ao tema lançado no Dia Mundial de Luta contra a Aids, feito no dia 1º de dezembro. O conceito da campanha será "Na empolgação pode rolar de tudo. Só não rola sem camisinha. Tenha sempre a sua". Ela será veiculada em dois momentos, começando ontem, antecipando o carnaval com alertas para o uso responsável do preservativo e, no período pós-festa, a partir do final de fevereiro, com a promoção do diagnóstico e a conscientização da necessidade da realização do teste.
Gays são foco de Ministério da Saúde no carnaval

Interior declara de utilidad pública la Federación de Lesbianas y Gays
El ministerio del Interior ha declarado de utilidad pública a la Federación Estatal de Lesbianas, Gays, Transexuales y Bisexuales (FELGTB) en una iniciativa que ha sido valorada por esta organización como un reconocimiento a su labor y a su transparencia en la gestión.

Sex addict reveals she used to be a man
A woman who revealed on a television chat show that she was addicted to sex has admitted she used to be a man.
This Morning sex addict Crystal Warren grew up in Somerset
This Morning sex addict Crystal Warren reveals: I used to be a man
'There'll be some angry men out there!' Sex addict who claims she had slept with 1,000 men… used to be a MAN herself

We should be elected because we aren’t corrupt: transgender
Armed with a National Identity Card for the first time in the community’s history, transgender Sanam Fakir declares that she’s committed to contesting the next general elections.

[Australia/New Zealand]
New group steps out from under trans umbrella
Transwomen who are fed up with being lumped under “the transgender umbrella” are joining through social media and are urging others who feel the same to get in touch, in the hope of creating an independent voice.

Are transgender Canadians being banned from boarding flights?
Changes to Canada's airline screening regulations that took effect last year have recently angered some members of the transgender community and raised questions about whether the new rules could effectively prevent them from boarding planes.

Online file hosting service removes Xtra document after complaint
A spokesperson for Transport Canada says the federal office asked for a document to be removed from Xtra’s website because it contained the direct phone number for one of its media relations spokespeople, a number that is publicly available online. Xtra had uploaded the document to Scribd, a popular free online service for hosting files and embedding them into web posts.
[Commentary] Editorial: Discrimination takes flight

[Canada] [Commentary]
Canadian Trans Teen’s Sudden Death May Have Been Bullying-Related Suicide
The small town of Chatham, Ontario has been rocked by the sudden death of Coltyn Mayrand, a 16-year-old trans teen who passed away Saturday night.
There is some question, though, as to the cause of Mayrand’s death: He’s believed to have committed suicide, though no official report has been made public. And though family members admit Coltyn was bullied for being trans, they say it wasn’t the root of his problems:

DynCorp updates non-discrimination policy to include LGBT protections
A military contractor that has come under fire for allegedly allowing anti-gay harassment on the job has changed its policy to include non-discrimination protections based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

Senate panel approves LGBT-inclusive domestic violence bill
A Senate panel approved LGBT-inclusive legislation on Thursday that would extend and strengthen programs working to combat and prevent domestic violence.

The Right-Wing War On a Transgender Girl Scout
Three Girl Scout troops in Louisiana won't be hawking Thin Mints this year.

D.C. Man Gets 15-Year Sentence for Transgender Assault
A District man convicted of attacking a transgender woman last summer in Northwest Washington was sentenced to 15 years in prison Thursday, according to the United States Attorney’s Office.

Update: Police Release Video Showing Person Of Interest In Transgender Stabbing Death
MPD has released video showing a person of interest in the stabbing death of a transgender woman earlier this week.
The woman, identified as 23-year-old JaParker Jones a/k/a Deoni and Logan, of Northeast DC, was stabbed in the head on Thursday night at a NE bus stop and died Friday.
Transgender Person Stabbed at Metrobus Stop

Md. juvenile authorities seek release of youth charged in transgender beating case
The Maryland Department of Juvenile Services is taking steps to obtain the early release of a 15-year-old female who pleaded guilty to the April 2011 hate crime beating of transgender woman Chrissy Lee Polis at a McDonald’s restaurant outside Baltimore.

Creating Change wraps up in Baltimore
The 24th National Conference on LGBT Equality: Creating Change, produced by the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force, completed its five-day stay at the Baltimore Hilton on Jan. 29. Close to 3,000 attendees from all over the country attended the confab that included four plenary sessions, 12 day-long institutes and more than 260 workshops and seminars covering a wide swath of topics. These included immigration, politics, bisexuality, organizing, faith, family, HIV/AIDS, gender, aging and youth.

Timetable set on protections for gays
A timetable is now set for public discussion of a renewed push to change Omaha city ordinances to ban discrimination against gay and transgender residents.

Does the NYPD Have an Endemic Problem With Trans People?
A transgender woman tells Gawker that after she was arrested for a minor violation this month, New York City police officers berated her and left her cuffed to a wall for 28 hours.
In NYPD Custody, Trans People Get Chained to Fences and Poles
Transgender Woman Sues NYPD For Humiliating Her, Chaining Her Up For 28 Hours

Transgendered police officer slay suspect
A transgendered Oregon police officer suspected of being involved in his wife's killing was fired because of fraud, documents show.

Abington to Look at Jenkintown's Anti-Discrimination Ordinance
Previous draft defeated in January 2011; resident presents alternative anti-discrimination ordinance

Speak up at LGBT Non-Discrimination Hearing on the Hill!
Friday a bill offering non-discrimination protections in the workplace and in housing for all lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Utahns will get its first -- and perhaps only -- committee hearing. Show up and speak out if you think discrimination is bad for business in Utah.

Denuncian violación a los derechos humanos de trabajadoras sexuales
Ante un Congreso en Ginebra, Suiza, Ana Karen López Quintana, presidenta de la Agrupación Diversidad Vhida Trans, propuso que en Tamaulipas se termine con la violación a los derechos humanos de las trabajadoras sexuales en el contexto de VIH y población travesti, transgénero y transexual, luego de que en la zona sur hay un padrón de 800 personas y la mayoría de ellas han padecido esta problemática.

Brazilian subway posters tackle transphobia
The Brazilian state of São Paulo, in partnership with the São Paulo City Metro (subway), have launched a campaign to combat homophobia throughout their subway stations. The campaign entitled, See beyond prejudice. Respect differences aims to increase respect toward, and decrease discrimination against, LGBT people living in Sao Paulo. The first stage of the project combats discrimination and prejudice against transgender people, as well as dissemination of a law that punishes homophobic behavior and discrimination within the state of Sao Paulo.

Privan de libertad a dos transexuales por homicidio
El Ministerio Público logró privativa de libertad para los transgénero Anthony Alay Requena (22) y Laine Díaz (21) por su presunta responsabilidad en la muerte de Eloy Palacios (21), hecho ocurrido el 14 de enero de 20012, en la urbanización Las Acacias