Transgender Identities in an Age of Globalization and Colonialism - Part One
Whenever I write about transgender people and understandings of gender and sexuality around the world, I tend to criticize those who tack Western terms on to other understandings of gender. But could I be going too far in the other direction? Are kathoeys, fa’afafine, two-spirits, hijras, and other culture-specific gender identities unique to their cultures, or is there just one spectrum of transgender identity that’s understood in different ways in different cultures? How much do discrimination and negative aspects of culture play into those specific identities? I’ll be exploring those questions for the next two days.
Transgender Identities in an Age of Globalization and Colonialism - Part Two
Transexualidade em movimento 3
O segundo encontro do GRIT - Grupo de Reflexão e Intervenção sobre Transexualidade da Associação ILGA Portugal, realiza-se este Sábado, 3 de Março, no Centro LGBT entre as 15h30 e as 18h00.
Equo quiere promover una ley de igualdad que "despatologice" a transexuales
El partido Equo quiere promover una ley de igualdad en Asturias que luche contra la discriminación "en todos los ámbitos" y que consiga "despatologizar" la transexualidad.
Transsexual went on spending spree as Katie Price
A transsexual fan of Katie Price tricked Sleaford bank staff into handing over cash from the celebrity’s account after stealing her identity then went on a £10,000 spending spree.
Changes to sub fusc rules ahead
An OUSU council motion allowing students to wear sub fusc of either gender according to personal preference was passed on Wednesday, abolishing the former rule requiring them to dress according to the gender listed on their student record.
My Dad is a Woman on ITV1 tonight!
My Dad is a Woman, a new documentary for ITV1, explores the emotional trials and tribulations when the man of the house decides to change sex.
Nuevos casos de grave violencia contra mujeres transexuales
Hoy queremos dirigir nuestra mirada a la situación del colectivo transexual en Italia, víctima de agresiones cada vez más frecuentes y violentas. Un importante semanario italiano titulaba hace unos días que en Italia “está de moda matar a las mujeres“. Desgraciadamente es así, aún más al parecer si estas son mujeres transexuales. Lo que sigue es un resumen de las principales agresiones a este colectivo ocurridas en las últimas semanas.
Forced trans sterilisations to end
Sweden’s conservative Christian Democrats — members of the governing coalition — have reversed their position on forced sterilisations for trans people.
The party was the primary obstacle to ending the policy of forced sterilisations.
St. Petersburg passes ‘gay propaganda’ law
St. Petersburg’s legislature has passed its proposed ‘gay propaganda’ law in a third and final reading yesterday, with 29 parliamentarians in favour and five against.
St. Petersburg Says “Nyet” to Gay Pride
Government: The laws of the land are very clear, homosexuality is not allowed
Government has finally come out to give its position on the on going debate on gay rights ignited by UN Secretary General Ban KI Moon. Chief Government Spokesperson Fackson Shamenda has told a media briefing in Lusaka today that the laws of the land are very clear that homosexuality is not allowed in Zambia.
In Pakistan and India, Transgendered but No Longer Endangered
The topic of rights for the LGBT community is one that is commonly the catalyst for heated political debates in the United States. But are parts of South Asia jumping ahead of the curve in terms of moving the debate forward?
Councillors in grip of poll fever, dole out pensions for eunuchs
Ahead of municipal polls, councillors are sparing no efforts to woo voters. The decision to give monetary benefits to underprivileged eunuchs was taken a year ago. But the MCD has finally started giving cheques to all those who had applied and were found eligible.
10 eunuchs held from railway station
Police arrested 10 eunuchs from the Surat and Udha railway stations on Wednesday morning of which seven have been found fake.
[Hong Kong/China]
Top court to hear transgender case
A transgender woman seeking to overturn a legal ban on marrying her boyfriend, has won the battle to take the case to Hong Kong's highest court. The woman, identified only as 'Ms W', lost her initial court hearing and an appeal.
Ball back in court as transgender wins appeal right
Court upholds police ban on gay festival in Malaysia
A Malaysian court on Thursday rejected a petition by gay rights activists to review a police ban on its arts and music festival in Kuala Lumpur.
Malaysia court rejects appeal of gay festival ban
Malaysian activist will fight to hold sexualities festival
Man allegedly stabbed by ladyboy said to be top bank exec
He is believed to be a vice-president in a foreign bank.
The New Paper understands that the 46-year-old Australian expatriate was the boyfriend of a Filipino transvestite who allegedly stabbed him on Sunday evening.
[New Zealand]
Govt's "transphobic attitudes" condemned
A national transgender advocacy agency has slammed the “pure ignorance and transphobic attitudes” of the Government and called for change in the prison system.
Customs Announces Transgender Protections For Immigration Detention
Officials of the National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) welcome the release of revised standards for immigration detention from the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency.
NCTE Welcomes Transgender Protections in Immigration Detention
Transgender children focus of Rainbow Center lecture
Haley is an eight-year-old girl who loves nail polish, unicorns, and sparkles, just like lots of other young girls. The only difference is, Haley used to be Harry. Yesterday in the Rainbow Center, Dr. Barbara Gurr gave a lecture with a very personal undertone about the parental view of transgender children. Her daughter Haley began at the age of three to assert that she was not a boy, Harry, but truly a girl.
Transgender Activists Wait For MPD Response After Bias Allegations
The U.S. Justice Department is mediating allegations that D.C.'s police department is violating the civil rights of transgendered people.
DC police chief says independent assessment of handling of bias crimes will be done
Activist Tells Council He's 'Lost Confidence' When MPD Investigates Anti-Transgender Crimes
Trans Group Decries DC Police Chief for "Abdicating" Responsibilities, But Lanier Shoots Back
TODAY! DCTC testifying before DC Council on Anti-Trans Violence; Letter sent to Mayor Gray
This morning, DCTC sent a letter to DC Mayor Vince Gray on anti-trans violence and police response, and we will be testifying before the DC Council Judiciary Committee as part of the annual oversight hearing on the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD). We will also be participating in a briefing for Council members and staff on preventing anti-trans violence, including passing an implementing DC’s proposed anti-bullying bill, supporting the research being conducted through our DC Trans Needs Assessment project, and improving police accountability.
Outside the box
Jadyn Kilmon, 21, comparative humanities major from Hestand, is a junior at Eastern. She enjoys photography, arts, theater and writing. She is also a transgendered female, or someone born a male who is in the process of living everyday life as a woman.
Telling Jessie's story
Julie Ross didn't always plan to blog about her experience as the mother of a 10-year-old transgender child named Jessie (who, until her 10th birthday in 2011, was known as George).
Md. lawmakers consider transgender anti-discrimination bill
Less than a week after Maryland lawmakers approved same-sex marriage, a state legislative committee has turned its attention to another contentious issue: whether to forbid discrimination against transgender people.
With Marriage Done, Maryland Gender Identity Bill Gets a Senate Hearing
Broadcasting a transformation
Missoula resident Aaron McPeck, 24, smiled through his acne, cracking voice and changing body. He is going through puberty again and could not be any happier.
Transexuales se quejan por acoso policial
La mexicana "Diday", una transexual de 44 años, dice ser acosada por la policía sólo por su apariencia física.
"No violo la ley al vestir de mujer", dijo con voz firme, "soy transexual, no prostituta", indicó.
"Diday", quien labora como artista performance en un club nocturno en las inmediaciones de la Avenida Roosevelt, dijo que numerosas veces ha sido detenida y cuestionada por policías del cuartel 115.
"Me han quitado la peluca, me han seguido hasta mi casa al salir del trabajo o al ir de compras, me han dicho que no puedo exhibirme en la calle"
Black Madam busted in another toxic butt injection
'BLACK MADAM,' the transgender "gothic hip-hop artist" best known for allegedly administering the illegal butt injection that killed a 20-year-old British woman last year, was arrested last night in connection with another potential deadly injection.
Police an arrest in illegal injections case
Transgender presentation promotes acceptance
Students, faculty and staff gathered yesterday at the Student Activities Center to discuss transgender identity and ways UT can better serve the existing transgender community. The Gender and Sexuality Center conducts multiple seminars throughout the semester in attempt to educate the campus community on gender issues facing the population. Shane Whalley, education coordinator for the Gender and Sexuality Center, led the presentation titled, “Transgender Identities: Expanding the Concepts of Gender.”
LGBT-rights rally vents fury over failed legislation
As lawmakers met on Wednesday in their final committee hearings this session, more than 100 people shouted outside their doors to protest lawmakers inaction on measures that would protect Utah’s gay and transgender community. They called out several Republican senators by name and chanted "Enough is enough."
Lesbian, gay, transgender community stages 'dignity rally'
Protest for anti-discrimination law at the state capital
Marcha contra la violencia física y verbal en Villavicencio
Las consignas se hicieron sentir en una marcha que rechazó la violencia física y verbal.
Transgender Identities in an Age of Globalization and Colonialism - Part One
Whenever I write about transgender people and understandings of gender and sexuality around the world, I tend to criticize those who tack Western terms on to other understandings of gender. But could I be going too far in the other direction? Are kathoeys, fa’afafine, two-spirits, hijras, and other culture-specific gender identities unique to their cultures, or is there just one spectrum of transgender identity that’s understood in different ways in different cultures? How much do discrimination and negative aspects of culture play into those specific identities? I’ll be exploring those questions for the next two days.
Transgender Identities in an Age of Globalization and Colonialism - Part Two
Transexualidade em movimento 3
O segundo encontro do GRIT - Grupo de Reflexão e Intervenção sobre Transexualidade da Associação ILGA Portugal, realiza-se este Sábado, 3 de Março, no Centro LGBT entre as 15h30 e as 18h00.
Equo quiere promover una ley de igualdad que "despatologice" a transexuales
El partido Equo quiere promover una ley de igualdad en Asturias que luche contra la discriminación "en todos los ámbitos" y que consiga "despatologizar" la transexualidad.
Transsexual went on spending spree as Katie Price
A transsexual fan of Katie Price tricked Sleaford bank staff into handing over cash from the celebrity’s account after stealing her identity then went on a £10,000 spending spree.
Changes to sub fusc rules ahead
An OUSU council motion allowing students to wear sub fusc of either gender according to personal preference was passed on Wednesday, abolishing the former rule requiring them to dress according to the gender listed on their student record.
My Dad is a Woman on ITV1 tonight!
My Dad is a Woman, a new documentary for ITV1, explores the emotional trials and tribulations when the man of the house decides to change sex.
Nuevos casos de grave violencia contra mujeres transexuales
Hoy queremos dirigir nuestra mirada a la situación del colectivo transexual en Italia, víctima de agresiones cada vez más frecuentes y violentas. Un importante semanario italiano titulaba hace unos días que en Italia “está de moda matar a las mujeres“. Desgraciadamente es así, aún más al parecer si estas son mujeres transexuales. Lo que sigue es un resumen de las principales agresiones a este colectivo ocurridas en las últimas semanas.
Forced trans sterilisations to end
Sweden’s conservative Christian Democrats — members of the governing coalition — have reversed their position on forced sterilisations for trans people.
The party was the primary obstacle to ending the policy of forced sterilisations.
St. Petersburg passes ‘gay propaganda’ law
St. Petersburg’s legislature has passed its proposed ‘gay propaganda’ law in a third and final reading yesterday, with 29 parliamentarians in favour and five against.
St. Petersburg Says “Nyet” to Gay Pride
Government: The laws of the land are very clear, homosexuality is not allowed
Government has finally come out to give its position on the on going debate on gay rights ignited by UN Secretary General Ban KI Moon. Chief Government Spokesperson Fackson Shamenda has told a media briefing in Lusaka today that the laws of the land are very clear that homosexuality is not allowed in Zambia.
In Pakistan and India, Transgendered but No Longer Endangered
The topic of rights for the LGBT community is one that is commonly the catalyst for heated political debates in the United States. But are parts of South Asia jumping ahead of the curve in terms of moving the debate forward?
Councillors in grip of poll fever, dole out pensions for eunuchs
Ahead of municipal polls, councillors are sparing no efforts to woo voters. The decision to give monetary benefits to underprivileged eunuchs was taken a year ago. But the MCD has finally started giving cheques to all those who had applied and were found eligible.
10 eunuchs held from railway station
Police arrested 10 eunuchs from the Surat and Udha railway stations on Wednesday morning of which seven have been found fake.
[Hong Kong/China]
Top court to hear transgender case
A transgender woman seeking to overturn a legal ban on marrying her boyfriend, has won the battle to take the case to Hong Kong's highest court. The woman, identified only as 'Ms W', lost her initial court hearing and an appeal.
Ball back in court as transgender wins appeal right
Court upholds police ban on gay festival in Malaysia
A Malaysian court on Thursday rejected a petition by gay rights activists to review a police ban on its arts and music festival in Kuala Lumpur.
Malaysia court rejects appeal of gay festival ban
Malaysian activist will fight to hold sexualities festival
Man allegedly stabbed by ladyboy said to be top bank exec
He is believed to be a vice-president in a foreign bank.
The New Paper understands that the 46-year-old Australian expatriate was the boyfriend of a Filipino transvestite who allegedly stabbed him on Sunday evening.
[New Zealand]
Govt's "transphobic attitudes" condemned
A national transgender advocacy agency has slammed the “pure ignorance and transphobic attitudes” of the Government and called for change in the prison system.
Customs Announces Transgender Protections For Immigration Detention
Officials of the National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) welcome the release of revised standards for immigration detention from the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency.
NCTE Welcomes Transgender Protections in Immigration Detention
Transgender children focus of Rainbow Center lecture
Haley is an eight-year-old girl who loves nail polish, unicorns, and sparkles, just like lots of other young girls. The only difference is, Haley used to be Harry. Yesterday in the Rainbow Center, Dr. Barbara Gurr gave a lecture with a very personal undertone about the parental view of transgender children. Her daughter Haley began at the age of three to assert that she was not a boy, Harry, but truly a girl.
Transgender Activists Wait For MPD Response After Bias Allegations
The U.S. Justice Department is mediating allegations that D.C.'s police department is violating the civil rights of transgendered people.
DC police chief says independent assessment of handling of bias crimes will be done
Activist Tells Council He's 'Lost Confidence' When MPD Investigates Anti-Transgender Crimes
Trans Group Decries DC Police Chief for "Abdicating" Responsibilities, But Lanier Shoots Back
TODAY! DCTC testifying before DC Council on Anti-Trans Violence; Letter sent to Mayor Gray
This morning, DCTC sent a letter to DC Mayor Vince Gray on anti-trans violence and police response, and we will be testifying before the DC Council Judiciary Committee as part of the annual oversight hearing on the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD). We will also be participating in a briefing for Council members and staff on preventing anti-trans violence, including passing an implementing DC’s proposed anti-bullying bill, supporting the research being conducted through our DC Trans Needs Assessment project, and improving police accountability.
Outside the box
Jadyn Kilmon, 21, comparative humanities major from Hestand, is a junior at Eastern. She enjoys photography, arts, theater and writing. She is also a transgendered female, or someone born a male who is in the process of living everyday life as a woman.
Telling Jessie's story
Julie Ross didn't always plan to blog about her experience as the mother of a 10-year-old transgender child named Jessie (who, until her 10th birthday in 2011, was known as George).
Md. lawmakers consider transgender anti-discrimination bill
Less than a week after Maryland lawmakers approved same-sex marriage, a state legislative committee has turned its attention to another contentious issue: whether to forbid discrimination against transgender people.
With Marriage Done, Maryland Gender Identity Bill Gets a Senate Hearing
Broadcasting a transformation
Missoula resident Aaron McPeck, 24, smiled through his acne, cracking voice and changing body. He is going through puberty again and could not be any happier.
Transexuales se quejan por acoso policial
La mexicana "Diday", una transexual de 44 años, dice ser acosada por la policía sólo por su apariencia física.
"No violo la ley al vestir de mujer", dijo con voz firme, "soy transexual, no prostituta", indicó.
"Diday", quien labora como artista performance en un club nocturno en las inmediaciones de la Avenida Roosevelt, dijo que numerosas veces ha sido detenida y cuestionada por policías del cuartel 115.
"Me han quitado la peluca, me han seguido hasta mi casa al salir del trabajo o al ir de compras, me han dicho que no puedo exhibirme en la calle"
Black Madam busted in another toxic butt injection
'BLACK MADAM,' the transgender "gothic hip-hop artist" best known for allegedly administering the illegal butt injection that killed a 20-year-old British woman last year, was arrested last night in connection with another potential deadly injection.
Police an arrest in illegal injections case
Transgender presentation promotes acceptance
Students, faculty and staff gathered yesterday at the Student Activities Center to discuss transgender identity and ways UT can better serve the existing transgender community. The Gender and Sexuality Center conducts multiple seminars throughout the semester in attempt to educate the campus community on gender issues facing the population. Shane Whalley, education coordinator for the Gender and Sexuality Center, led the presentation titled, “Transgender Identities: Expanding the Concepts of Gender.”
LGBT-rights rally vents fury over failed legislation
As lawmakers met on Wednesday in their final committee hearings this session, more than 100 people shouted outside their doors to protest lawmakers inaction on measures that would protect Utah’s gay and transgender community. They called out several Republican senators by name and chanted "Enough is enough."
Lesbian, gay, transgender community stages 'dignity rally'
Protest for anti-discrimination law at the state capital
Marcha contra la violencia física y verbal en Villavicencio
Las consignas se hicieron sentir en una marcha que rechazó la violencia física y verbal.
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