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quinta-feira, março 01, 2012

Sleaford teenager given community sentence over Katie Price ID fraud
A transsexual Katie Price fan tricked bank staff into handing over cash from the celebrity's account after stealing her identity, Lincoln Crown Court was told.

St. Petersburg Enacts Homosexuality Restrictions
Local lawmakers in St. Petersburg, on a third and final reading, passed a controversial law Wednesday that introduces fines for promoting gay and lesbian relationships in the presence of minors and advocating pedophilia, Interfax reported.
St Petersburg passes ‘gay propaganda’ law
‘Propaganda’ law passed in the final hearing in St. Petersburg

Resentment Toward the West Bolsters Uganda’s New Anti-Gay Bill
At first, it was a fiery contempt for homosexuality that led a Ugandan lawmaker to introduce a bill in 2009 that carried the death penalty for a “serial offender” of the “offense of homosexuality.”

[New Zealand]
Tolley reveals ignorance about gender identity
Corrections Minister Anne Tolley has told Parliament that “a man who is transgender, but pre-surgery, is still a man”.

Taking on the bullies: PINK SHIRT TODAY
Symposium tackles tough subject
One’s a Jew, another’s too skinny for her own good. One speaks too softly, and another prefers to be alone.
Bullies are a creative bunch. Across the spectrum, they have found ways to persecute others for as many reasons as there are stars in the night sky.

Loop 21 Spotlights the Stories of Black Transgender Men
The Loop 21, a news and opinion site geared towards African Americans, recently highlighted the stories of black transgender men. In “Becoming a (Trans) Black Man,” editorial director, Chloe Hilliard, writes about how courageous young black transgender men use social media to document their transition:
Becoming a (Trans) Black Man

HRC Offers New Resource to Make Workplaces More Equitable for Transgender Employees
Today the HRC Workplace Project released their latest resource in the effort to make workplaces more fair and equal for America’s transgender workers.

Senate looks at transgender inclusiveness
Two Undergraduate Student Government Senators introduced resolutions to create more gender-neutral accommodations for transgender students at the USC Senate meeting Tuesday night. The resolutions addressed student concerns on gender-neutral bathrooms and gender-neutral housing.

Medical Student and Professors Examine the Financial and Psychological Costs of Self-Castration in a Transsexual Woman
Michael S. Irwig, M.D., assistant professor of Medicine, Anton Trinidad, M.D., PhD., associate professor of Psychiatry, and Matthew St. Peter, a fourth year medical student at the GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences, co-authored an article in the Journal of Sexual Medicine entitled, “Self-Castration by a Transsexual Woman: Financial and Psychological Costs: A Case Report.” Dr. Irwig and his co-authors discuss the case of a transsexual woman who presented to the emergency room after undertaking self-castration.

For some, struggle to find gender-neutral bathrooms persists
For Jack Izen, the choice is often difficult — being late for class or having to use a "dude bathroom."

Senate Committee hears from transgender individuals
A Senate Committee hears from transgender individuals on a bill which would prohibit discrimination against those who have undergone surgery to change their sex.

Local group presents benefits of proposed anti-discrimination ordinance; City Commission hears support, opposition
Many of them said they came for one thing — justice.
More than 150 people filled the meeting room at City Hall, 320 W. Broadway St., on Monday a few minutes before the City Commission to hear a formal presentation on a proposed anti-discrimination ordinance.

Equal Employment Ordinance
A group of Omaha leaders strives to amend the city’s anti-discrimination ordinance. The equal Omaha Coalition and Councilman Ben Gray spoke in support of change. They spoke about the importance of having importance of having equal employment rights for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender workers.

Fighting for LGBT healthcare rights
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender groups said their members are marginalized when it comes to healthcare.
So they've declared march L-G-B-T Health Month to call attention to some of the challenges faced by their members.

Ohio city commission debates adding sexual orientation to non-discrimination code
A western Ohio city is close to ending a debate about whether to add sexual orientation and gender identity to the city's non-discrimination codes for fair housing and job protection.
Housing/job rights fail in Springfield
Anti-gay bias not a problem, city says
Oklahoma House Committee Rejects Anti-LGBT Bill

Penn adds transgender employee insurance
A year after deciding not to extend insurance coverage to transgender employees seeking gender reassignment surgery, Penn has reversed its decision.

Advocates to rally at Capitol for LGBT rights
With a popular anti-discrimination law tabled for the fifth year in a row, members and supporters of Utah’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community plan to make some noise at Capitol Hill on Wednesday.

“El juez debería darnos explicaciones sobre dónde está el cuerpo de pequeña Pe”, dijo la hermana del travesti
“Nadie nos dice nada, nadie aparece, ayer fuimos a la morgue y nos encontramos con la sorpresa de que la cámara estaba vacía con las puertas abiertas”, dijo a RADIO MÁXIMA Alejandra Atum, hermana de Pequeña Pe.

El brutal asesinato de un joven de 22 años se suma a la ola de homofobia y transfobia que vive Honduras
La sangría no cesa en Honduras, donde a lo largo de estos últimos años se ha producido un recrudecimiento de la violencia homófoba y tránsfoba. Nos llega ahora la noticia del brutal asesinato de Jonathan José Pineda, de 22 años, al que un guardia de seguridad homófobo ha matado a balazos en la localidad de San Pedro Sula, ciudad en la cual los crímenes homófobos y tránsfobos están a la orden del día.
Travesti ultimado había denunciado a su homicida

Integrantes de comunidad gay de Iquitos intervienen en el caso de joven travesti que fue agredido por celos
La agresión que sufriera un joven travesti la madrugada del lunes, viene siendo seguida de cerca por los integrantes de la Comunidad Homosexual Esperanza para la Región Loreto, CHERL, quienes han indicado que en Iquitos existen muchos actos de violencia contra homosexuales y travestis.

Sexto operativo de inclusión
En la noche del viernes 24 de febrero pasado, el movimiento LGBT de San Martín realizó un nuevo operativo en la zona de José León Suárez de zona roja, que se extiende por la avenida Márquez y atraviesa arterias como 9 de julio, Ruta 8 y Triunvirato.

Piden juicio oral por crimen de travesti incinerada por su pareja
El crimen de una travesti que fue rociada con alcohol por su pareja en la cama de la casa que ambos compartína en Berisso será ventilado en juicio oral, luego de que el fiscal a cargo de la investigación diera por cerrada la investigación y enviara el expediente al juez del caso, confirmaron fuentes judiciales a
Piden juicio para acusado de rociar con nafta y matar a un travesti