Professora teria chamado aluna travesti de 'desprezível' no Paraná
A escola estadual Ivanete Martins, de Piraquara (PR), informou nesta quinta-feira que investiga uma suposta ofensa homófobica de uma professora de geografia contra uma estudante travesti. Rafaelly disse que foi ameaçada pela educadora, que teria dito que ela era inútil, desprezível e que deveria se envergonhar.
Controversial guidelines for UK doctors
The General Medical Council, the UK body which registers and disciplines doctors, is proposing controversial amendments to its guidelines for good patient care. A proposed draft, released this week, declares that doctors may not even refuse requests for sex-change surgery.
Queeristan, Amsterdam's queer festival, takes place from May 18 to 20
There are workshops, performances, art, encounters, and togetherness.
Transwoman contacted men via several dating websites and relieved them of 850,000 Swedish kronas altogether. Now she was sentenced to 1½ years in jail.
Legal sex change doesn't require surgery, tribunal says
Genital surgery isn't required for a man to be legally recognized as a woman, the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal says.
Ontario may toss out surgery as prerequisite for legal sex change
Obama says we need ENDA, not an executive order; don’t expect either anytime soon
The Obama administration revealed a political calculation last week: Now is not a good time to sign an executive order prohibiting discrimination against LGBT people who work for federal contractors.
Trans Leader Urges Restraint in Executive Order Response
Walking While Trans: Law Enforcement & Trans Latinas
“They are abusive, offensive and without respect.”
“They say they are going to protect us but they don’t. They treat us differently and call us crazy and say that we all have AIDS.”
“When they see us, they abuse their power.”
“They make fun of us and discriminate against us, especially if we are illegal.”
These are the words of several Latina trans* women in Los Angeles, from the recently published report,“Interactions of Latina Transgender Women with Law Enforcement.”
Transgender ‘Bully’ teen visits the White House for National Day of Silence
Kelby Johnson, the transgender teen portrayed in the film Bully, will attend a showing of the film at the White House on Friday for National Day of Silence, according to an email sent by GLSEN.
GLAD Publishes Groundbreaking Transgender Family Law Book; organizations react
Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders, GLAD, is proud to announce the publication of Transgender Family Law: A Guide to Effective Advocacy, the first book to comprehensively address legal issues facing transgender people in the family law context and provide practitioners the tools to effectively represent transgender clients. Featuring chapters by attorneys with expertise in both family law and transgender legal advocacy, the book was edited by Jennifer L. Levi , director of GLAD’s Transgender Rights Project, and Elizabeth E. Monnin-Browder, a litigation associate in the Boston office of Ropes & Gray and a former GLAD attorney. Transgender Family Law: A Guide to Effective Advocacy will be available in bound and electronic versions on May 16, 2012.
Pregnant Man Thomas Beatie and Wife Separate
Thomas Beatie, who gained fame as the world's first known legal man to give birth, has split from his wife of nine years.
After spat, groups press ahead on transgender police order
Despite a disagreement over tactics that boiled over April 16, groups that have been working to get a comprehensive order on the books detailing how Chicago police interact with transgenders are expressing hope that they will achieve their goal soon.
Louisiana Queer Conference 2012 offers attendees day of support, interaction
LGBT college students and allies from across Louisiana will populate campus Saturday for the Louisiana Queer Conference 2012 in an effort to further the LGBT movement.
Fighting For Her Life: Transgender Woman Charged With Murder
One night in front of a Minneapolis bar has changed CeCe McDonald's life forever.
Anti-discrimination bill could come to Lincoln
Omaha passed an anti-discrimination ordinance last month, and now a Lincoln councilman says it's our turn to move in the same direction.
Lincoln may be next to ban gay bias
Transgender student's grandparent angry over 'Day of Silence' cancellation at Delaware Valley High School
The grandmother of a Delaware Valley High School transgender student is speaking out about the "postponement," until further notice, of tomorrow’s Day of Silence.
Judge Says NYC “Capricious” in Birth Certificate Case
Justice Paul G. Feinman of New York County Supreme Court has ordered the city’s Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to reconsider its refusal to issue a new birth certificate to a transgender man that shows his current male gender identity.
Feds raid transgendered couple’s Johnstown-area home
Another round of threats forced students to evacuate their University of Pittsburgh dormitories early Friday morning.
Police evacuated seven buildings on the campus around 2 a.m.
Couple's computer seized in probe of Pitt case
SEPTA to drop gender markers in 2013
The end appears to be in sight for SEPTA’s decades-old gender-marker system that many say discriminates against transgender and gender nonconforming riders.
Funcionario electoral arma fiesta travesti en las oficinas del Ipepac en Dzidzantún
La policía municipal de esta comunidad reportó que en el local del Instituto de Procedimientos Electorales municipal, fueron encontrados el consejero electoral municipal Felipe Baas Uicab ingiriendo bebidas embriagantes en compañía de otras personas al parecer homosexuales.
Estigma, exclusión social, discriminación y violencia, manifestaciones sobre transexualidad: expertos
Con la finalidad de abrir un espacio hacia los usos y costumbres sexuales de los diferentes sectores poblacionales en situación de marginación, exclusión o vulnerabilidad, se presentó ayer el tercer número de la Revista de Estudios de Antropología Sexual, este año dedicado a la comunidad trans, mencionó en entrevista Yesenia Peña, editora de la publicación anual.
Dos personas procesadas por crimen de travesti
Dos jóvenes de 17 y 20 años fueron procesados por la Justicia como responsables del homicidio de un travesti en la ciudad de Melo.
Lohana Berkins y una vida de lucha por los derechos de las minorías sexuales
El viernes 20 de abril en el Centro Cultural Maracó, Sala 1, se llevará a cabo una charla sobre diversidad sexual e identidad de género con Lohana Berkins, una militante por los derechos de travestis y transexuales, fundadora de la primera cooperativa de trabajo textil de travestis y transexuales, impulsora de la Asociación de Lucha por la Identidad Travesti y Transexual, ciudadana ilustre de Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, asesora de dos legisladores porteños, entre varias cualidades.
Travesti habría sido agredido por un cliente
El curioso hecho de violencia se produjo entre dos hombres, José Luis Casafus de 21 años ingresó con heridas en el cuerpo producto de un encontronazo con un supuesto “cliente”.
Professora teria chamado aluna travesti de 'desprezível' no Paraná
A escola estadual Ivanete Martins, de Piraquara (PR), informou nesta quinta-feira que investiga uma suposta ofensa homófobica de uma professora de geografia contra uma estudante travesti. Rafaelly disse que foi ameaçada pela educadora, que teria dito que ela era inútil, desprezível e que deveria se envergonhar.
Controversial guidelines for UK doctors
The General Medical Council, the UK body which registers and disciplines doctors, is proposing controversial amendments to its guidelines for good patient care. A proposed draft, released this week, declares that doctors may not even refuse requests for sex-change surgery.
Queeristan, Amsterdam's queer festival, takes place from May 18 to 20
There are workshops, performances, art, encounters, and togetherness.
Transwoman contacted men via several dating websites and relieved them of 850,000 Swedish kronas altogether. Now she was sentenced to 1½ years in jail.
Legal sex change doesn't require surgery, tribunal says
Genital surgery isn't required for a man to be legally recognized as a woman, the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal says.
Ontario may toss out surgery as prerequisite for legal sex change
Obama says we need ENDA, not an executive order; don’t expect either anytime soon
The Obama administration revealed a political calculation last week: Now is not a good time to sign an executive order prohibiting discrimination against LGBT people who work for federal contractors.
Trans Leader Urges Restraint in Executive Order Response
Walking While Trans: Law Enforcement & Trans Latinas
“They are abusive, offensive and without respect.”
“They say they are going to protect us but they don’t. They treat us differently and call us crazy and say that we all have AIDS.”
“When they see us, they abuse their power.”
“They make fun of us and discriminate against us, especially if we are illegal.”
These are the words of several Latina trans* women in Los Angeles, from the recently published report,“Interactions of Latina Transgender Women with Law Enforcement.”
Transgender ‘Bully’ teen visits the White House for National Day of Silence
Kelby Johnson, the transgender teen portrayed in the film Bully, will attend a showing of the film at the White House on Friday for National Day of Silence, according to an email sent by GLSEN.
GLAD Publishes Groundbreaking Transgender Family Law Book; organizations react
Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders, GLAD, is proud to announce the publication of Transgender Family Law: A Guide to Effective Advocacy, the first book to comprehensively address legal issues facing transgender people in the family law context and provide practitioners the tools to effectively represent transgender clients. Featuring chapters by attorneys with expertise in both family law and transgender legal advocacy, the book was edited by Jennifer L. Levi , director of GLAD’s Transgender Rights Project, and Elizabeth E. Monnin-Browder, a litigation associate in the Boston office of Ropes & Gray and a former GLAD attorney. Transgender Family Law: A Guide to Effective Advocacy will be available in bound and electronic versions on May 16, 2012.
Pregnant Man Thomas Beatie and Wife Separate
Thomas Beatie, who gained fame as the world's first known legal man to give birth, has split from his wife of nine years.
After spat, groups press ahead on transgender police order
Despite a disagreement over tactics that boiled over April 16, groups that have been working to get a comprehensive order on the books detailing how Chicago police interact with transgenders are expressing hope that they will achieve their goal soon.
Louisiana Queer Conference 2012 offers attendees day of support, interaction
LGBT college students and allies from across Louisiana will populate campus Saturday for the Louisiana Queer Conference 2012 in an effort to further the LGBT movement.
Fighting For Her Life: Transgender Woman Charged With Murder
One night in front of a Minneapolis bar has changed CeCe McDonald's life forever.
Anti-discrimination bill could come to Lincoln
Omaha passed an anti-discrimination ordinance last month, and now a Lincoln councilman says it's our turn to move in the same direction.
Lincoln may be next to ban gay bias
Transgender student's grandparent angry over 'Day of Silence' cancellation at Delaware Valley High School
The grandmother of a Delaware Valley High School transgender student is speaking out about the "postponement," until further notice, of tomorrow’s Day of Silence.
Judge Says NYC “Capricious” in Birth Certificate Case
Justice Paul G. Feinman of New York County Supreme Court has ordered the city’s Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to reconsider its refusal to issue a new birth certificate to a transgender man that shows his current male gender identity.
Feds raid transgendered couple’s Johnstown-area home
Another round of threats forced students to evacuate their University of Pittsburgh dormitories early Friday morning.
Police evacuated seven buildings on the campus around 2 a.m.
Couple's computer seized in probe of Pitt case
SEPTA to drop gender markers in 2013
The end appears to be in sight for SEPTA’s decades-old gender-marker system that many say discriminates against transgender and gender nonconforming riders.
Funcionario electoral arma fiesta travesti en las oficinas del Ipepac en Dzidzantún
La policía municipal de esta comunidad reportó que en el local del Instituto de Procedimientos Electorales municipal, fueron encontrados el consejero electoral municipal Felipe Baas Uicab ingiriendo bebidas embriagantes en compañía de otras personas al parecer homosexuales.
Estigma, exclusión social, discriminación y violencia, manifestaciones sobre transexualidad: expertos
Con la finalidad de abrir un espacio hacia los usos y costumbres sexuales de los diferentes sectores poblacionales en situación de marginación, exclusión o vulnerabilidad, se presentó ayer el tercer número de la Revista de Estudios de Antropología Sexual, este año dedicado a la comunidad trans, mencionó en entrevista Yesenia Peña, editora de la publicación anual.
Dos personas procesadas por crimen de travesti
Dos jóvenes de 17 y 20 años fueron procesados por la Justicia como responsables del homicidio de un travesti en la ciudad de Melo.
Lohana Berkins y una vida de lucha por los derechos de las minorías sexuales
El viernes 20 de abril en el Centro Cultural Maracó, Sala 1, se llevará a cabo una charla sobre diversidad sexual e identidad de género con Lohana Berkins, una militante por los derechos de travestis y transexuales, fundadora de la primera cooperativa de trabajo textil de travestis y transexuales, impulsora de la Asociación de Lucha por la Identidad Travesti y Transexual, ciudadana ilustre de Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, asesora de dos legisladores porteños, entre varias cualidades.
Travesti habría sido agredido por un cliente
El curioso hecho de violencia se produjo entre dos hombres, José Luis Casafus de 21 años ingresó con heridas en el cuerpo producto de un encontronazo con un supuesto “cliente”.
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