Realiza-se no dia 23 de Junho a 13ª Marcha do Orgulho LGBT, organizada por um conjunto de associações e colectivos, com o objectivo de celebrar e promover a igualdade de direitos e contribuir para a eliminação de preconceitos e discriminação negativa das pessoas LGBT (lésbicas, gays, bissexuais e transgénero).
Este ano é organizada pela AMPLOS, APF, ATTAC Portugal, Clube Safo, GAIA, GAT, Grupo Transexual Portugal, ILGA Portugal, Janela Indiscreta, Médicos pela Escolha, não te prives, Opus Gay, Panteras Rosa, PolyPortugal, Precários Inflexíveis, rede ex aequo, Rumos Novos, Solidariedade Imigrante, SOS Racismo, UMAR, e UGT. Estas organizações, de diversos âmbitos, pretendem reforçar o compromisso da sociedade civil em prol da eliminação de todas as formas de discriminação com base na orientação sexual e na identidade de género e da sensibilização para uma mudança social e cultural na sociedade.
Algumas das mudanças necessárias encontram-se espelhadas no manifesto deste ano que pode ser lido em:
A Marcha terá início no Príncipe Real, às 17h00, seguindo pelo Miradouro de São Pedro de Alcântara e Chiado, e terminando na Praça da Figueira.
Este ano é organizada pela AMPLOS, APF, ATTAC Portugal, Clube Safo, GAIA, GAT, Grupo Transexual Portugal, ILGA Portugal, Janela Indiscreta, Médicos pela Escolha, não te prives, Opus Gay, Panteras Rosa, PolyPortugal, Precários Inflexíveis, rede ex aequo, Rumos Novos, Solidariedade Imigrante, SOS Racismo, UMAR, e UGT. Estas organizações, de diversos âmbitos, pretendem reforçar o compromisso da sociedade civil em prol da eliminação de todas as formas de discriminação com base na orientação sexual e na identidade de género e da sensibilização para uma mudança social e cultural na sociedade.
Algumas das mudanças necessárias encontram-se espelhadas no manifesto deste ano que pode ser lido em:
A Marcha terá início no Príncipe Real, às 17h00, seguindo pelo Miradouro de São Pedro de Alcântara e Chiado, e terminando na Praça da Figueira.
Silencing voices against homophobia violates human rights
Recent months have seen renewed efforts in some Council of Europe member states to silence voices against homophobia and transphobia. Laws banning information about lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and inter-sex (LGBTI) issues mark a worrying step back towards a bygone era when homosexuals were treated like criminals. These efforts to curtail freedom of expression and assembly run starkly against international and European human rights standards.
Valesca Popozuda escolhe primeira finalista transexual de seu concurso; veja foto
A primeira das dez finalistas do concurso promovido por Valesca Popozuda, que tem como objetivo encontrar uma dançarina transexual para seu grupo, o “Gaiola das Popozudas”, foi escolhida nesta semana.
Transgêneros de Campinas poderão usar nome social em documentos
Travestis e transexuais de Campinas – SP conseguiram autorização para usar o nome social nos registros de atendimento de todos serviços públicos municipais – fichas de cadastro, formulários, prontuários, registros escolares e outros documentos. Em publicação no Diário Oficial do Município de terça-feira, 19 de junho, um decreto esclarece que o nome social é aquele pelo qual as pessoas travestis e transexuais se reconhecem e que são identificadas pela comunidade e no meio social. A medida entrou em vigor no dia da publicação.
La Izquierda Unidapregunta al Gobierno sobre la eliminación de los contenidos de diversidad afectivo-sexual de Educación para la Ciudadanía
El Ministro de Educación, José Ignacio Wert, mantuvo una reunión con los consejeros autonómicos de Educación el pasado 24 de mayo para presentarles los nuevos contenidos de Educación para la Ciudadanía, contenidos que serán aprobados mediante real decreto en las próximas semanas y que eliminan del temario de esta asignatura toda referencia a la diversidad afectivo-sexual y a la discriminación por motivos de orientación sexual o identidad de género.
El PP de Málaga presentará mociones en defensa de una igualdad efectiva para el colectivo LGBT
El coordinador de Acción Política del PP de Málaga, Julio Andrade, ha anunciado hoy que la formación presentará en todos los ayuntamientos de la provincia una moción en defensa de “una igualdad real y efectiva” para el colectivo de lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y transexuales (LGBT).
BBC to axe its radio network’s only LGBT programme
The BBC has confirmed it will axe a volunteer-run programme on its Manchester station, the only LGBT-interest programme on its national radio network.
[UK] [Commentary]
Primary schools praised for labelling children 'transgender'
Ofsted inspectors have praised several primary schools for labelling children ‘transgender’ and encouraging pupils to disregard gender norms.
Lost in transition
Alexander was two years old when he sat up in the bathtub next to his baby sister and declared “I’m a girl, too.” His mother Anna thought little of this and replied simply, “No, you’re a boy.” Still, Alexander insisted, so Anna told him, “Look between your legs. See. You’re a boy.” But Alexander saw something else, something his mother would learn to understand but his father never could. “I’m just a different type of girl,” he would later say.
Trans facts
The Transsexuellengesetz was introduced in 1981, offering trans people the option to
either change their name (“small solution”) or all birth records (“big solution”).
Uganda bans 38 agencies it says are promoting gay rights
The Ugandan government said Wednesday it will ban at least 38 nongovernmental agencies it says are promoting gay rights and recruiting children into homosexuality.
Transgender rights: Shemale association formed in Haripur
United against the harassment and discrimination they face in the society, transgender persons from across the country formed the Haripur chapter of the All Pakistan Shemale Association on Wednesday.
Lawyer tells Malaysian minister her reading of constitution is ‘narrow’
Syahredzan Johan contradicts deputy minister Dr Mashitah Ibrahim's reading of Article 8 of the Malaysian constitution
Cuties at the TBar
Queensland Pride chats to Jaxxon Chilli, who has been building up the transgender social group QT's and the popular once a month TBar night.
TBar was started in 2010 by Vic Ogilvie and Paige Phoenix as transgender and friends Sunday afternoon club. It was handed over to me about a year and a half ago. I have been trying to build it up and get the word out about this fresh new club that feels a little different from the average.
Gina G: A Lifetime Achievement
Gina G has been a lobbyist for the transgender community since 1992. The winner of a Lifetime Achievement Award at the recent Queens Birthday Ball, she talks to Andrew Shaw about how she became the poster girl for the Queensland trans movement.
Trans Health Care Rights on Trial
In the coming days, the Supreme Court is expected to issue its ruling on the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The National Center for Transgender Equality, along with other LGBT organizations, strongly believes that the ACA’s passage was instrumental in creating new health care rights for transgender and LGB community members. Not only does the ACA expand coverage for all Americans, but protects a vulnerable and disproportionately uninsured (and underinsured) population.
Hammer Thrower Could Become First Transgender US Olympic Athlete
Keelin Godsey, who is poised to compete in the women’s hammer throw at the United States Olympic trials Thursday, could become the first-ever transgender athlete to represent the United States at the Olympic Games, according to The New York Times.
Transgender Athlete Looks to Qualify in Hammer
HRC Report: 2012 sees progress toward LGBT healthcare equality
The number of American hospitals striving to treat LGBT patients equally and respectfully is on the rise, according to a report released Tuesday by the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundation at a press conference with U.S. Health & Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius at Howard University Hospital in Washington, D.C.
Trans March aims to span generations
Thousands of attendees are expected to fill Dolores Park with the color of purple to show the transgender community's unity as it mourns its losses and celebrates its victories at the ninth annual Trans March Friday, June 22 from noon to 6:30 p.m.
Team DC participates in Nike’s LGBT sports summit
A transgender former George Washington University basketball player was among the nearly 30 people who took part in an LGBT sports summit at Nike’s world headquarters in Beaverton, Ore., from June 14-17.
Veterans’ Affairs focus on transgender issues
The Orlando VA Medical Center is working toward its goal of providing better support to transgender veterans. On July 7, it hosted an hour long seminar titled “Deep Inside My Brain—A Transgender Woman’s Journey” by Rachel Hunt of Orlando. The presentation was aimed at helping medical and mental healthcare professionals provide healthcare to transgendered veterans.
Lorraine Sade Baskerville: Transcending into womanhood
It is often said that the LGBT community sometimes forgets about the "T." Lorraine Sade Baskerville is here to remind those people.
Candice Hart: A life before transition
Take off your shoes. Put them on the opposite feet.
You can walk around like that for a while, but it'll gnaw at you. If you're distracted, you can get through the day. But no matter what, you know something isn't right.
Communities Rally for 8th Annual Trans Day of Action March
The eighth annual Trans Day of Action (TDOA), a march and rally, will take place on Friday, June 22 at 3 pm in Washington Square Park in New York.
Candidata transexual en Hidalgo sufre atentado
Además de señalar que el PRD no le ha proporcionado recursos para la campaña, Diana Marroquín Bayardo, candidata del Movimiento Progresista a una diputación federal, destacó que tras el atentado sufrido el 17 de junio en el que resultó herida de bala se han entorpecido las investigaciones.
Huyendo del régimen castrista
El caso de Alejandro no es del cubano que tuvo que salir de la isla porque el régimen le decomisó los bienes a su familia. Ni el del que emigró porque sentía que sus ideas políticas no encajaban en el país en el que nació, hace 42 años. Ni el del que tuvo problemas con los revolucionarios cuando supieron que había consagrado su vida a la santería. O el del homosexual a quien la policía golpeó y violó por andar “regando plumas” en La Habana. No. Su caso no es uno de ellos. Son todos los anteriores.
Exigen respeto al género en hospitales
La internación de una transexual en un pabellón de hombres del hospital de Roca derivó en una denuncia ante el Instituto Nacional contra la Discriminación, la Xenofobia y el Racismo (Inadi), que recomendó a las autoridades provinciales capacitar al personal de salud para que conozca los alcances de la Ley de Identidad de Género aprobada recientemente por el Congreso de la Nación.
Silencing voices against homophobia violates human rights
Recent months have seen renewed efforts in some Council of Europe member states to silence voices against homophobia and transphobia. Laws banning information about lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and inter-sex (LGBTI) issues mark a worrying step back towards a bygone era when homosexuals were treated like criminals. These efforts to curtail freedom of expression and assembly run starkly against international and European human rights standards.
Valesca Popozuda escolhe primeira finalista transexual de seu concurso; veja foto
A primeira das dez finalistas do concurso promovido por Valesca Popozuda, que tem como objetivo encontrar uma dançarina transexual para seu grupo, o “Gaiola das Popozudas”, foi escolhida nesta semana.
Transgêneros de Campinas poderão usar nome social em documentos
Travestis e transexuais de Campinas – SP conseguiram autorização para usar o nome social nos registros de atendimento de todos serviços públicos municipais – fichas de cadastro, formulários, prontuários, registros escolares e outros documentos. Em publicação no Diário Oficial do Município de terça-feira, 19 de junho, um decreto esclarece que o nome social é aquele pelo qual as pessoas travestis e transexuais se reconhecem e que são identificadas pela comunidade e no meio social. A medida entrou em vigor no dia da publicação.
La Izquierda Unidapregunta al Gobierno sobre la eliminación de los contenidos de diversidad afectivo-sexual de Educación para la Ciudadanía
El Ministro de Educación, José Ignacio Wert, mantuvo una reunión con los consejeros autonómicos de Educación el pasado 24 de mayo para presentarles los nuevos contenidos de Educación para la Ciudadanía, contenidos que serán aprobados mediante real decreto en las próximas semanas y que eliminan del temario de esta asignatura toda referencia a la diversidad afectivo-sexual y a la discriminación por motivos de orientación sexual o identidad de género.
El PP de Málaga presentará mociones en defensa de una igualdad efectiva para el colectivo LGBT
El coordinador de Acción Política del PP de Málaga, Julio Andrade, ha anunciado hoy que la formación presentará en todos los ayuntamientos de la provincia una moción en defensa de “una igualdad real y efectiva” para el colectivo de lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y transexuales (LGBT).
BBC to axe its radio network’s only LGBT programme
The BBC has confirmed it will axe a volunteer-run programme on its Manchester station, the only LGBT-interest programme on its national radio network.
[UK] [Commentary]
Primary schools praised for labelling children 'transgender'
Ofsted inspectors have praised several primary schools for labelling children ‘transgender’ and encouraging pupils to disregard gender norms.
Lost in transition
Alexander was two years old when he sat up in the bathtub next to his baby sister and declared “I’m a girl, too.” His mother Anna thought little of this and replied simply, “No, you’re a boy.” Still, Alexander insisted, so Anna told him, “Look between your legs. See. You’re a boy.” But Alexander saw something else, something his mother would learn to understand but his father never could. “I’m just a different type of girl,” he would later say.
Trans facts
The Transsexuellengesetz was introduced in 1981, offering trans people the option to
either change their name (“small solution”) or all birth records (“big solution”).
Uganda bans 38 agencies it says are promoting gay rights
The Ugandan government said Wednesday it will ban at least 38 nongovernmental agencies it says are promoting gay rights and recruiting children into homosexuality.
Transgender rights: Shemale association formed in Haripur
United against the harassment and discrimination they face in the society, transgender persons from across the country formed the Haripur chapter of the All Pakistan Shemale Association on Wednesday.
Lawyer tells Malaysian minister her reading of constitution is ‘narrow’
Syahredzan Johan contradicts deputy minister Dr Mashitah Ibrahim's reading of Article 8 of the Malaysian constitution
Cuties at the TBar
Queensland Pride chats to Jaxxon Chilli, who has been building up the transgender social group QT's and the popular once a month TBar night.
TBar was started in 2010 by Vic Ogilvie and Paige Phoenix as transgender and friends Sunday afternoon club. It was handed over to me about a year and a half ago. I have been trying to build it up and get the word out about this fresh new club that feels a little different from the average.
Gina G: A Lifetime Achievement
Gina G has been a lobbyist for the transgender community since 1992. The winner of a Lifetime Achievement Award at the recent Queens Birthday Ball, she talks to Andrew Shaw about how she became the poster girl for the Queensland trans movement.
Trans Health Care Rights on Trial
In the coming days, the Supreme Court is expected to issue its ruling on the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The National Center for Transgender Equality, along with other LGBT organizations, strongly believes that the ACA’s passage was instrumental in creating new health care rights for transgender and LGB community members. Not only does the ACA expand coverage for all Americans, but protects a vulnerable and disproportionately uninsured (and underinsured) population.
Hammer Thrower Could Become First Transgender US Olympic Athlete
Keelin Godsey, who is poised to compete in the women’s hammer throw at the United States Olympic trials Thursday, could become the first-ever transgender athlete to represent the United States at the Olympic Games, according to The New York Times.
Transgender Athlete Looks to Qualify in Hammer
HRC Report: 2012 sees progress toward LGBT healthcare equality
The number of American hospitals striving to treat LGBT patients equally and respectfully is on the rise, according to a report released Tuesday by the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundation at a press conference with U.S. Health & Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius at Howard University Hospital in Washington, D.C.
Trans March aims to span generations
Thousands of attendees are expected to fill Dolores Park with the color of purple to show the transgender community's unity as it mourns its losses and celebrates its victories at the ninth annual Trans March Friday, June 22 from noon to 6:30 p.m.
Team DC participates in Nike’s LGBT sports summit
A transgender former George Washington University basketball player was among the nearly 30 people who took part in an LGBT sports summit at Nike’s world headquarters in Beaverton, Ore., from June 14-17.
Veterans’ Affairs focus on transgender issues
The Orlando VA Medical Center is working toward its goal of providing better support to transgender veterans. On July 7, it hosted an hour long seminar titled “Deep Inside My Brain—A Transgender Woman’s Journey” by Rachel Hunt of Orlando. The presentation was aimed at helping medical and mental healthcare professionals provide healthcare to transgendered veterans.
Lorraine Sade Baskerville: Transcending into womanhood
It is often said that the LGBT community sometimes forgets about the "T." Lorraine Sade Baskerville is here to remind those people.
Candice Hart: A life before transition
Take off your shoes. Put them on the opposite feet.
You can walk around like that for a while, but it'll gnaw at you. If you're distracted, you can get through the day. But no matter what, you know something isn't right.
Communities Rally for 8th Annual Trans Day of Action March
The eighth annual Trans Day of Action (TDOA), a march and rally, will take place on Friday, June 22 at 3 pm in Washington Square Park in New York.
Candidata transexual en Hidalgo sufre atentado
Además de señalar que el PRD no le ha proporcionado recursos para la campaña, Diana Marroquín Bayardo, candidata del Movimiento Progresista a una diputación federal, destacó que tras el atentado sufrido el 17 de junio en el que resultó herida de bala se han entorpecido las investigaciones.
Huyendo del régimen castrista
El caso de Alejandro no es del cubano que tuvo que salir de la isla porque el régimen le decomisó los bienes a su familia. Ni el del que emigró porque sentía que sus ideas políticas no encajaban en el país en el que nació, hace 42 años. Ni el del que tuvo problemas con los revolucionarios cuando supieron que había consagrado su vida a la santería. O el del homosexual a quien la policía golpeó y violó por andar “regando plumas” en La Habana. No. Su caso no es uno de ellos. Son todos los anteriores.
Exigen respeto al género en hospitales
La internación de una transexual en un pabellón de hombres del hospital de Roca derivó en una denuncia ante el Instituto Nacional contra la Discriminación, la Xenofobia y el Racismo (Inadi), que recomendó a las autoridades provinciales capacitar al personal de salud para que conozca los alcances de la Ley de Identidad de Género aprobada recientemente por el Congreso de la Nación.
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