Projeto que pretendia por fim as cirurgias transexualizadoras é arquivado
Projeto de lei que queria impedir cirurgias de readequação sexual no SUS é arquivado na Câmara
Especialistas debatem identidade trans em MG
Identidade de transexuais vira tema de debate na capital mineira
Más de 2.700 extranjeros con VIH quedarán sin medicación por los recortes
Expertos en sida afirman que la medida aumentará la mortalidad, la aparición de enfermedades asociadas, los ingresos hospitalarios, los casos y la transmisión materno-fetal.
Cuantifican entre 324 y 580 las nuevas infecciones por la medida
El Parlamento vasco aprueba por unanimidad la ley de derechos de los transexuales
La nueva legislación recoge la creación de un documento identificativo durante el proceso de reasignación de sexo
British school sends transgender girl home to change into boys uniform
A 16-year-old British transgender girl was told that she couldn’t take her GCSE exam (equivalent to high school finals) and was sent home by teachers to change into the boys’ school uniform.
Big Brother Caroline's 'anti-transgender remark' stirs controversy
Big Brother contestant Caroline Wharram has been accused of making fun of fellow housemate Luke Anderson because he is transgender.
Serbia is Mecca for trans surgery
Trans around the world join Chaz Bono in choosing Eastern European country for gender reassignment surgery
17-year-old undergoes sex change
A 17-year-old girl, named Rabia, will start life as Muhammad Umair after undergoing a successful gender reassignment surgery (GRS) in Daggar tehsil, Buner district.
Transgenders interact with media
“We would like to be referred to as Nupi Manbi or as transgenders”, local transgenders voiced in unison during a one day media interaction held at Hotel Nirmala today.
Chaz Bono to Play Himself on Degrassi
The Canadian youth drama that is known for breaking boundaries and debunking stereotypes is getting ready to welcome one very famous guest star, Chaz Bono. The transgender activist, son of Cher and former Dancing with the Stars contestant, showed up at the Toronto set to film an episode to air in the fall. Chaz Bono will play himself on the show and most likely be there to mentor the show’s only transgender character, Adam, who was introduced in the show’s tenth season.
[Canada] [Commentary]
Transgender Issues: How Would You Grade the Media?
This post is for transgender people and for women and men “with histories” (i.e. who have transitioned) . . .
As GLAAD meets with the New York Times to discuss their coverage of trans-related subjects, perhaps it would be a good time for my readers to talk here about how the mainstream media in general covers these subjects.
Are Men In the Military More Likely To Be Transgender?
A soon-to-be published study claims men who served in the military were twice as likely to consider themselves transgender as men who were not veterans. Air Force veteran and psychologist George Brown told Courthouse News Service his study looked at more than 5 million veterans as subjects.
Young, Black, Gay and Bisexual Men in U.S. Are Becoming Infected with HIV at Three Times the Rate of White Counterparts
Researchers at ICAP’s Harlem Prevention Center joined the HIV Prevention Trials Network (HPTN) today to announce study results that showed disturbing rates of new HIV infections occurring among black gay and bisexual men in the U.S. (also known as men who have sex with men, or MSM), particularly among those age 30 and younger.
The stigma of HIV hits Latinos with AIDS harder, experts say
Mexicanos ganan premio por lucha contra el Sida
WATCH: Transgender Candidate Out to Make History in Florida
Gina Duncan, a candidate for the Orange County, Fla., Commission, could be the first transgender person elected in the Southeast.
A transgender candidate for the Orange County Commission in central Florida is drawing favorable attention from local media for her historic bid.
Gina Duncan, who was born Gregory Pingston and transitioned in 2007 at age 50, is a small-business owner and former bank executive focusing on economic issues in her race. Duncan, a Democrat, was recently profiled by Orlando Fox affiliate WOFL.
New South Florida Online Healthcare Directory for Lesbian, Transgender and Bisexual Women
For those who watch Mad Men, the AMC drama about an advertising agency in 1960s New York, you may recall the first episode in which a young secretary, Peggy Olson, visits the gynecologist’s office. Peggy is a single white heterosexual woman trying to get contraceptive pills. During her exam, she endures the doctor’s cigarette smoke along with a lecture about how “easy women don’t find husbands.”
The New York Times to meet with GLAAD, trans community to address coverage of trans lives
The New York Times has invited GLAAD and trans community members to meet in order to speak about story ideas, and ways to improve the paper's coverage of the transgender community.
[Commentary] Trans in the Media: The New York Times’ Warped Portrait of Trans Women
[Commentary] New York Slimes
[Commentary] The New York Times Is Hopeless On Trans Issues, Again
[Commentary] Trans People and Allies Demand Change from the New York Times
For Money or Just to Strut, Living Out Loud on a Transgender Stage
There are two Christopher Streets in the West Village. One is the precious scene of overpriced coffee and its drinkers, of designer shops and map-clutching tourists. Then there is the one that appears every summer: Christopher Street after nightfall.
Sexy F2M Calendar sales to fund surgeries
After receiving dozens of submissions from transgender men, the Sexy F2M Calendar not only features some of the sexiest trans men around, it also helps raise money for a good cause. The creator of the calendar, Aaron Bain, is using the calendar to raise funds for his own chest surgery.
Raising Gender-Variant Kids
In the past, parents of transgender or gender non–conforming children encouraged their kids to conform to society's expectations. That approach didn't work. According to a survey by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, the attempted–suicide rate for transgender adults is a shockingly high at 41 percent. So what should parents be doing? How can they raise a healthy transgender child? How can they address their own judgments and worries? What is the responsibility of communities and schools? We'll get first–hand accounts and answers your questions at 1.800.289.KUOW (5869)
Hoy comenzó a regir la Ley Antidiscriminación
La llamada Ley Zamudio, fue publicada en el diario oficial, con lo que las penas por actos arbitrarios por religión, sexo o raza, entre otros; tendrán un agravante.
Comienza a regir ley que sanciona actos discriminatorios
[Opinion] Un pendiente de la ley antidiscriminación
Comunidad LGBT marchará para exigir que se cumplan sus derechos
“La comunidad LGBT en Barrancabermeja debe hacer respetar sus derechos”, dice con seguridad Carol Rincón, miembro de la mesa LGBT local, quien lleva seis años conviviendo con una persona de su mismo sexo.
Servicio de Salud trabaja para mejorar atención de transexuales en los distintos establecimientos de la región
En mayo pasado, el Ministerio de Salud anunció que el Estado financiará las terapias de reemplazo hormonal y las cirugías de reconstrucción genital para personas transexuales. Sin embargo, el proceso de inclusión de la transexualidad en el sistema de salud público presenta nuevas medidas.
Por primera vez una mujer trans se postula como candidata a defensora del Pueblo de La Matanza
Diana Sacayan es activista de los derechos trans. Será la primera postulación de esa población en la historia del partido. Estudió en la Universidad de las Madres y escribe en la revista El Teje. Desde el poder político intentan evitar la elección.
Projeto que pretendia por fim as cirurgias transexualizadoras é arquivado
Projeto de lei que queria impedir cirurgias de readequação sexual no SUS é arquivado na Câmara
Especialistas debatem identidade trans em MG
Identidade de transexuais vira tema de debate na capital mineira
Más de 2.700 extranjeros con VIH quedarán sin medicación por los recortes
Expertos en sida afirman que la medida aumentará la mortalidad, la aparición de enfermedades asociadas, los ingresos hospitalarios, los casos y la transmisión materno-fetal.
Cuantifican entre 324 y 580 las nuevas infecciones por la medida
El Parlamento vasco aprueba por unanimidad la ley de derechos de los transexuales
La nueva legislación recoge la creación de un documento identificativo durante el proceso de reasignación de sexo
British school sends transgender girl home to change into boys uniform
A 16-year-old British transgender girl was told that she couldn’t take her GCSE exam (equivalent to high school finals) and was sent home by teachers to change into the boys’ school uniform.
Big Brother Caroline's 'anti-transgender remark' stirs controversy
Big Brother contestant Caroline Wharram has been accused of making fun of fellow housemate Luke Anderson because he is transgender.
Serbia is Mecca for trans surgery
Trans around the world join Chaz Bono in choosing Eastern European country for gender reassignment surgery
17-year-old undergoes sex change
A 17-year-old girl, named Rabia, will start life as Muhammad Umair after undergoing a successful gender reassignment surgery (GRS) in Daggar tehsil, Buner district.
Transgenders interact with media
“We would like to be referred to as Nupi Manbi or as transgenders”, local transgenders voiced in unison during a one day media interaction held at Hotel Nirmala today.

Chaz Bono to Play Himself on Degrassi
The Canadian youth drama that is known for breaking boundaries and debunking stereotypes is getting ready to welcome one very famous guest star, Chaz Bono. The transgender activist, son of Cher and former Dancing with the Stars contestant, showed up at the Toronto set to film an episode to air in the fall. Chaz Bono will play himself on the show and most likely be there to mentor the show’s only transgender character, Adam, who was introduced in the show’s tenth season.
[Canada] [Commentary]
Transgender Issues: How Would You Grade the Media?
This post is for transgender people and for women and men “with histories” (i.e. who have transitioned) . . .
As GLAAD meets with the New York Times to discuss their coverage of trans-related subjects, perhaps it would be a good time for my readers to talk here about how the mainstream media in general covers these subjects.
Are Men In the Military More Likely To Be Transgender?
A soon-to-be published study claims men who served in the military were twice as likely to consider themselves transgender as men who were not veterans. Air Force veteran and psychologist George Brown told Courthouse News Service his study looked at more than 5 million veterans as subjects.
Young, Black, Gay and Bisexual Men in U.S. Are Becoming Infected with HIV at Three Times the Rate of White Counterparts
Researchers at ICAP’s Harlem Prevention Center joined the HIV Prevention Trials Network (HPTN) today to announce study results that showed disturbing rates of new HIV infections occurring among black gay and bisexual men in the U.S. (also known as men who have sex with men, or MSM), particularly among those age 30 and younger.
The stigma of HIV hits Latinos with AIDS harder, experts say
Mexicanos ganan premio por lucha contra el Sida

WATCH: Transgender Candidate Out to Make History in Florida
Gina Duncan, a candidate for the Orange County, Fla., Commission, could be the first transgender person elected in the Southeast.
A transgender candidate for the Orange County Commission in central Florida is drawing favorable attention from local media for her historic bid.
Gina Duncan, who was born Gregory Pingston and transitioned in 2007 at age 50, is a small-business owner and former bank executive focusing on economic issues in her race. Duncan, a Democrat, was recently profiled by Orlando Fox affiliate WOFL.
New South Florida Online Healthcare Directory for Lesbian, Transgender and Bisexual Women
For those who watch Mad Men, the AMC drama about an advertising agency in 1960s New York, you may recall the first episode in which a young secretary, Peggy Olson, visits the gynecologist’s office. Peggy is a single white heterosexual woman trying to get contraceptive pills. During her exam, she endures the doctor’s cigarette smoke along with a lecture about how “easy women don’t find husbands.”
The New York Times to meet with GLAAD, trans community to address coverage of trans lives
The New York Times has invited GLAAD and trans community members to meet in order to speak about story ideas, and ways to improve the paper's coverage of the transgender community.
[Commentary] Trans in the Media: The New York Times’ Warped Portrait of Trans Women
[Commentary] New York Slimes
[Commentary] The New York Times Is Hopeless On Trans Issues, Again
[Commentary] Trans People and Allies Demand Change from the New York Times
For Money or Just to Strut, Living Out Loud on a Transgender Stage
There are two Christopher Streets in the West Village. One is the precious scene of overpriced coffee and its drinkers, of designer shops and map-clutching tourists. Then there is the one that appears every summer: Christopher Street after nightfall.
Sexy F2M Calendar sales to fund surgeries
After receiving dozens of submissions from transgender men, the Sexy F2M Calendar not only features some of the sexiest trans men around, it also helps raise money for a good cause. The creator of the calendar, Aaron Bain, is using the calendar to raise funds for his own chest surgery.
Raising Gender-Variant Kids
In the past, parents of transgender or gender non–conforming children encouraged their kids to conform to society's expectations. That approach didn't work. According to a survey by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, the attempted–suicide rate for transgender adults is a shockingly high at 41 percent. So what should parents be doing? How can they raise a healthy transgender child? How can they address their own judgments and worries? What is the responsibility of communities and schools? We'll get first–hand accounts and answers your questions at 1.800.289.KUOW (5869)
Hoy comenzó a regir la Ley Antidiscriminación
La llamada Ley Zamudio, fue publicada en el diario oficial, con lo que las penas por actos arbitrarios por religión, sexo o raza, entre otros; tendrán un agravante.
Comienza a regir ley que sanciona actos discriminatorios
[Opinion] Un pendiente de la ley antidiscriminación
Comunidad LGBT marchará para exigir que se cumplan sus derechos
“La comunidad LGBT en Barrancabermeja debe hacer respetar sus derechos”, dice con seguridad Carol Rincón, miembro de la mesa LGBT local, quien lleva seis años conviviendo con una persona de su mismo sexo.
Servicio de Salud trabaja para mejorar atención de transexuales en los distintos establecimientos de la región
En mayo pasado, el Ministerio de Salud anunció que el Estado financiará las terapias de reemplazo hormonal y las cirugías de reconstrucción genital para personas transexuales. Sin embargo, el proceso de inclusión de la transexualidad en el sistema de salud público presenta nuevas medidas.

Por primera vez una mujer trans se postula como candidata a defensora del Pueblo de La Matanza
Diana Sacayan es activista de los derechos trans. Será la primera postulación de esa población en la historia del partido. Estudió en la Universidad de las Madres y escribe en la revista El Teje. Desde el poder político intentan evitar la elección.
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