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sábado, julho 07, 2012

Carla Antonelli: "Temos todos de lutar pela nossa igualdade e pela dos outros"
Carla Delgado, conhecida por Carla Antonelli, a primeira deputada transexual de Espanha, actriz e activista pelos direitos das pessoas LGBT, estará este Sábado, em Lisboa, para uma tertúlia subordinada ao tema “Políticas Trans: Qual o futuro?”

'Vou subir a rampa do Planalto nua', diz finalista transex do DF à Gaiola das Popozudas
Stella tem 24 anos é cabeleireira, tem 1,69m, 64kg e 285ml de silicone nos seios.

Essex: Head praises ‘greatly loved’ trans teacher
A transgender teacher has been praised for her courage and popularity by staff and pupils at a secondary school in Essex ahead of her transition this summer.
Male teacher's bravery hailed as he undergoes sex change before returning to take classes as a woman

Sweden: Man Escapes Rape Charge for Transgender Victim
A Swedish man who was on trial for attempting to rape a woman has received a lighter sentence after it was discovered the victim he was accused of assaulting is a transgender woman.
Man dodges rape charge because trans victim was 'not a woman'
Transgender woman appeals rape acquittal

St. Petersburg Gays to Rally despite Ban
The St. Petersburg gay and transsexual community will stage a parade despite the city council’s ban on the event, organizer Yury Gavrikov said on Friday.
St Petersburg bans gay pride and charges activists for 'propaganda'

Uganda is using gay issue to fight non-government organizations
Foundation for Human Rights Initiative (FHRI) is one of the NGOs that now face a threat of closure after Ethics and Integrity Minister Rev Simon Lokodo accused them of promoting homosexuality.

Cricket Scandal rocks Tamil cinema
India's first transgender television show host, Rose who formerly hosted Ippaddiku Rose on Vijay TV was in the news for being the first prominent person to undergo a sex - change surgery in Bangkok. Now Rose is all set to venture in a new direction. She will be directing her first feature film entitled Cricket Scandal about some of the cricket scandals that have rocked the nation and how they are connected to a transgender dancer.

Malaysia schools to get sex education to combat LGBT “dangers”
In an effort to boost awareness among young people in Malaysia, the education ministry announced a new initiative to introduce Social and Reproductive Health Education (PKRS) into schools.
However, the aim is to combat the “dangers and threats” of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) population, the deputy minister Puad Zarkashi said in comments published by Bernama news agency.

Trans ‘ignored’ on gay house-finding site
A 36 year-old transsexual woman has accused flatmate finder website Gay Share of ignoring the trans community after she was unable to indicate her trans identity when looking for accommodation.

Ontario high school selects ‘transgender’ man as prom queen
At their graduation prom on June 22, attendees at Trenton High School voted an 18-year-old man who now lives as a woman to be this year’s prom queen.
Connor Ferguson, who said he was “really surprised” at being made prom queen, told the Trentonian, “I’ve lived as I am for four years now, so I believe the ‘shock value’ is gone and most people just accept me for me.”

Toronto school board promotes curriculum encouraging students to cross-dress
The Toronto District School Board is promoting a new curriculum guide encouraging students to cross dress.

Treatment guidelines for Gender Identity Disorder in development
In recent years, stories about transgender people have been front page news. The transformation of Chaz Bono, son of singers Sonny and Cher, from female to male is perhaps the most well known.
"In puberty, I felt like my body was betraying me," Bono said in an interview. Now the nation’s top psychiatrists are beginning to talk about developing treatment guidelines for transgender people.

[USA] [Commentary]
Gayjacking and Whitewashing Philadelphia Trans History?
When we talk about erasure and gayjacking of trans history, this is how it happens.
The Dewey's Lunch Counter Sit-In that occurred in April-May 1965 was the first protest organized around specifically trans issues, and it was done so predominately by Black trans people. There have been attempts to whitewash this FUBU protest organized around African-American Civil Rights Movement principles as a Clark Polak-Janus Society production.

[USA] [Commentary]
Ashley Love Has Been Consumed By The Dark Side Of The Trans Force
The fast and furious blowback from Ashley Love's unwarranted attack on Isis King for the groundbreaking American Apparel ads has started.

For the first time in decades, The Advocate has a candidate it can endorse for president. That candidate is Barack Obama.

Denver changes the way it handles transgender inmates
The Denver Sheriff's Department just implemented a new policy that deals with transgender inmates. Denver is one of only a handful of cities to implement such a policy.

Transvestite maid accused of inappropriately touching teen hotel guest
A housekeeper was arrested Thursday on charges of molesting a teenager inside of an International Drive hotel.
Transsexual housekeeper accused of sexually assaulting boy, 14, at motel where she works
Police: Transgender motel housekeeper touched boy's genitals

Episcopalians debate transgender inclusion in ministry
A proposal to expand the U.S. Episcopal Church's nondiscrimination canons for the ordained ministry to include "gender identity and expression" passed its first hurdle on Thursday, when it won committee approval at the church's General Convention.

Virginia: Doctor Recommends State Pay for Inmates Gender Reassignment Surgery
An endocrinologist has recommended full gender reassignment surgery for a Virginia inmate seeking a state-funded transition from male to female.

A pesar de amenazas, LGBT independientes celebran evento
A pesar de reiteradas amenazas a activistas LGBT independientes, por parte de la Seguridad del Estado numerosos eventos tuvieron lugar en los últimos días en que se celebraba la Jornada del Orgullo Gay.

[El Salvador]
Identidad de género y ley de homofobia, los temas pendientes
La gente no dejó de sorprenderse al verlos desfilar con plumas, tacones altos y pequeños vestidos por las principales calles de San Salvador; sin embargo, el movimiento que conforma la diversidad sexual en El Salvador, dejó de un lado esas miradas de aprobación y desaprobación y salió para celebrar su día.

[Dominican Republic]
Homosexuales expulsan uno alteró Bandera
Los dirigentes de la Caravana de Orgullo Gay (GLTB) indicaron que rechazaron la exhibición de una bandera que alteraba el diseño de la nacional y explicaron que al joven que la levantó se le expulsó de la actividad.
Police disrupt LGBT pride caravan over rainbow flag that resembled the national flag

En la Foch se expresó el Orgullo GLBT
“Qué viva la homosexualidad”. “Venimos a decir que estamos orgullosos de ser gays, lesbianas y transexuales”. Con estas consignas gritadas a viva voz llegó a la Plaza Foch una multitud que participó la tarde de ayer en la Marcha del Orgullo Gay.

Grupos marchan por la diversidad sexual
Unos 800 integrantes de la comunidad LGBT panameña (lesbianas, gais, bisexuales y transexuales), acompañados de familiares y amigos, caminaron ayer por vía Argentina celebrando la llamada “Marcha por la diversidad sexual”.

Medellín celebra la Semana de la Diversidad Sexual
Del 25 de junio al 1 de julio se celebrará en Medellín la Semana de la Diversidad Sexual y de Género. Un evento que convoca a la ciudadanía a reflexionar en torno al respeto por la diferencia de sexo e identidad de género.
Alcalde de Cúcuta niega permiso para marcha LGBT
En Cucuta, caravana de la comunidad LGBT circuló sin permiso

Ley antidiscriminación será promulgada el próximo jueves por el gobierno
El Presidente Sebastián Piñera encabezará la ceremonia de promulgación de esta ley tras ser aprobada por el Senado. El Movilh aseguró que con esta iniciativa "se abrirán nuevos caminos de justicia".

Transsexuals Given Gender Choice ID cards by President Cristina Fernandez
Argentine President Cristina Fernandez spearheads new law that grants people ability to choose their own name and gender on ID cards without seeking official approval.
[Commentary] Argentina's President Kirchner shows how it is done

Buscan fijar en Mendoza un "día del respeto a la diversidad de género"
La diputada oficialista Marina Femenía propone que sea el 15 de julio, en conmemoración del día en que se sancionó la Ley Nº 26.618 de Matrimonio Igualitario.