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quarta-feira, junho 27, 2012

Trans Pride March attacked in Istanbul
Riot police diffuse altercation between Trans Pride and right-wing marches

Putin’s new law may be used against gay marches
A new law in Russia fining people for ‘unsanctioned rallies’ could also be used to crack down on gay prides, says Amnesty
New laws restricting the right to peaceful assembly in Russia will affect gay pride marchers, warns human rights group Amnesty International.

Desmond Tutu and Nobel winners back gays in Uganda and globally
Archbishop Tutu and others make joint statement in response to Uganda’s ban on gay organizations and threats of new death penalty law

CGovernment plans survey of sexual minorities
Chief Minister D V Sadananda Gowda on Monday said the government would conduct a survey to identify the accurate number of transgenders / sexual minorities in the State.

Eunuch not a woman, high court upholds lower court order
This is the fascinating story of a eunuch elected as mayor from a seat reserved for Dalit woman and a three-year prolonged legal battle which was finally put to an end by the Madhya Pradesh high court on Monday afternoon.
The high court upheld disqualification of the eunuch and ruled that her nearest rival in the contest would be rightful claimant to the mayor's chair.

Chief Minister assures separate welfare board for transgender community
Karnataka Chief Minister D V Sadananda Gowda on Monday assured the transgender community to look into their demand for establishing a separate welfare board.

Activist plans home for ageing transgenders in Indonesia
Yulianus Rettoblaut, chair of the Indonesian Transgender Forum, says funds are needed for waria nursing home

Exploring Gender and Science
Is gender a given or a social construct, a matter of nature or nurture? And how is science understanding and influencing sexual politics?

NCTE Joins LGBT, HIV Advocates in Responding to Supreme Court Ruling on Anti-Immigrant Law
In a mixed ruling, the Supreme Court today struck down key parts of SB 1070, Arizona’s draconian anti-immigrant law. The nation’s leading organizations advocating on behalf of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) population and people living with HIV/AIDS responded to the ruling and expressed support for comprehensive immigration reform that includes LGBT people and their families.
More Than 30 LGBT, HIV/AIDS Orgs Call for National Immigration Reform in Wake of High Court Ruling

Bathroom Access Project
The DC Center is working to ensure that the Enforcement Policy for Single-Occupancy Bathrooms that was passed into law on February 24, 2011 is implemented thoroughly.The law states that single gender-specific stall bathrooms should be gender neutral and not labeled male or female. The DC Center will be meeting with Legislative Counsel Jillian L. Irvin to get help and a better understanding of how to enforce the law. This is very important because we are striving to put an end to discrimination against transgender people.

Florida transgender teen wants your help to attend friendly private school in Asheville
Fourteen-year-old transgender teenager Asher Doyle has mounted an online fundraising campaign to help him raise the funds needed to pay for tuition at an LGBT-friendly Quaker boarding school in Asheville.

Transgender support groups and resources in Illinois

GLAAD Marches in 8th Annual Trans Day of Action
The 8th Annual Day of Action (TDOA) began with a rally in Washington Square Park in Manhattan’s Greenwich Village, a march in the surrounding streets, and speak-outs by organizers of the project and members of the community. Some speakers celebrated the achievements that transgender and gender non-conforming people and their allies have made recently. Others encouraged the audience to mobilize and take a stance against the discrimination that they continue to experience in so many different areas of their lives. Many took the time to mourn and remember loved ones they had recently lost. Marchers chanted pleas to end hatred and discrimination towards trans people and held signs that proclaimed messages such as “Equal Protections for Trans People Now” and “Gender Justice Now.”

Human Rights Group Condemns Murder of 16-Year-Old Transsexual in Mexico
The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights condemned Monday the recent murder in Mexico of a 16-year-old transsexual.
Rights panel condemns murder of transsexual in Mexico

Michoacán: 87 muertos de 1995 a la fecha por crímenes de odio
Desde el año de 1995 a la fecha, aproximadamente 87 personas han muerto en Michoacán por el hecho de tener una preferencia sexual distinta a la heterosexual. Morelia, Apatzingán y Lázaro Cárdenas, en ese mismo orden, son las localidades donde se registra la mayor incidencia de ataques hacia este sector poblacional.

Matamoros holds first gay pride parade in Tamaulipas history
The gay community made history south of the border where organizers held the first gay pride parade in the State of Tamaulipas.

[Costa Rica]
Grupos GLBT marcharán de nuevo por sus derechos el sábado
El próximo domingo 1º de julio se llevará a cabo la Marcha de la Diversidad, una celebración de la diversidad costarricense y el orgullo GLBT (gais, lesbianas, bisexuales y personas transgénero). La marcha empezará en la estatua de León Cortés en La Sabana a las 12.30 md y concluirá en La Plaza de las Garantías Sociales, donde se realizará un concierto para finalizar la actividad alrededor de las 3 p.m.

Prostitutas, travestis y “trans” comparten la pasarela de “La Ruta de la Felicidad” en la C-2
<<100 oral y 400 la hora, si quieres podemos darle anal>>. Eso es lo primero que dicen las prostitutas al llegar con tres pasos a la ventana del vehículo donde el conductor pregunta por sus servicios. Los travestis y transexuales, estos últimos también conocidos como "trans", tienen otra tarifa que puede subir o bajar de acuerdo al modelo de "nave" que tenga el cliente o la empatía que surja en el momento.
“La Ruta de la Felicidad”: 2,5 kilómetros de prostitución las 24 horas en Maracaibo

Comunidad gay marcha con orgullo
Los gestos de cariño y demostración de amor no faltaron. Hubo personas que se detenían a ver el espectáculo de la comunidad GLBT, como dicen llamarse.

LGBT activists continue march for progress in Chile
Thousands show up in downtown Santiago to peacefully support gay rights.