Marcha do orgulho gay, a crise "cria medo" e dificulta a "saída do armário"
A crise económica acentua as desigualdades e entre a comunidade homossexual, que hoje celebrou mais uma marcha do orgulho gay, teme-se que este seja o pretexto ideal para retirar direitos e aumentar a discriminação.
Marcha do orgulho LGBT desfilou em clima de festa
Marcha Gay: a crise “cria medo” e dificulta a “saída do armário”
Polícia prende suspeito de matar travesti empalada, em crime bárbaro no DF
Renata, 37 anos, foi brutalmente assassinada na madrugada de 20 de dezembro de 2009 em uma quadra comercial de Sobradinho.
El director de Telemadrid afirma que el Orgullo de Madrid es un acto “muy minoritario” y se dirige a Carla Antonelli usando el masculino
José Antonio Sánchez, el director general de Telemadrid, ha confirmado que el canal autonómico madrileño no retransmitirá ningún acto relacionado con las próximas Fiestas del Orgullo LGTB, al ser un acontecimiento “muy minoritario”. Sánchez respondía así a Carla Antonelli y Miguel Aguado, representantes socialistas en la Asamblea madrileña. La sorprendente respuesta (al margen de su carácter reivindicativo, el Orgullo LGTB de Madrid se ha consolidado como la fiesta popular más multitudinaria de la capital) se acompañó además de un lamentable espisodio tránsfobo, al dirigirse Sánchez a la diputada Antonelli (que además de diputada es una conocida activista transexual) en masculino.
IU pide el izado de la bandera multicolor en todos los ayuntamientos cordobeses el próximo 28 de junio
También la lectura del manifiesto en apoyo de la “Igualdad real del colectivo de lesbianas, gays, bisexuales, transexuales e intersexuales (LGBT)”
IULV-CA impulsará una Ley Integral de Transexualidad y llama a movilizarse por la "igualdad real" de los homosexuales
La portavoz adjunta del Grupo de IULV-CA en el Parlamento andaluz, Alba Doblas, ha anunciado este viernes que su formación pretende impulsar una Ley Integral de Transexualidad que aborde "todos los problemas" del colectivo, así como ha animado a los ciudadanos a sumarse a las movilizaciones del 'Orgullo del Sur' convocadas este sábado para "dar pasos hacia la igualdad real" del colectivo de homosexuales.
Study: One in seven UK employees harassed over perceived sexuality in the last year
An international study into the experiences of LGBT people living in 21 countries around the world has revealed what it described as “endemic” homophobia in workplaces internationally.
Sex-change in Israel: Gender trap
The Health Ministry panel charged with approving sex-reassignment surgery has been slammed as non-transparent.
Egypt says gay people are not “real people”
An Egyptian delegation at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva on Thursday has urged the body to focus its efforts on “real people” who need assistance in questioning the rights of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community.
Nobel Peace Laureates raise their voices to protect LGBTI rights
In an unprecedented statement, four esteemed Nobel Laureates, including Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Muhammad Yunus, have expressed solidarity with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) people worldwide. Together, they call on the global community to recognize that traditional cultural values compel them to respect the inherent dignity and human rights of all individuals.
Uganda says gays now free to meet
Graying transgenders find a home
It is only a small pink house in the middle of a quiet, secluded neighborhood in Depok, West Java. However, the house, currently under partial renovation, may well be the future haven for graying transgenders rejected by society.
More B.C. school districts adopt antihomophobia policies
Although June is Pride Month across North America, Vancouver's Pride parade doesn't take place on August 5. Nonetheless, local school districts have been giving British Columbians reasons to be proud of them by implementing measures to counter queer discrimination.
Trans Workplace Rights Still Murky
Nine out of 10 Americans mistakenly believe that there is a federal law that prohibits employers from firing someone because the individual is gay or transgender, according to The Atlantic. But no such law exists, and this type of discrimination is legal in the majority of states.
Trans Man Just Barely Misses Chance at Olympics
Keelin Godsey may not have made it to the 2012 Olympics, but the 28-year-old has already made history as the first out transgender athlete to seriously compete for an Olympic berth. Yesterday Godsey competed in the Olympic trials in the women's hammer throw competition, finishing in fifth place but setting a personal best record of 231 feet 3 inches.
Transgender athlete Keelin Godsey fails to make Olympic team
Transgender Athlete Fails to Qualify
Trans March at S.F. Pride draws about 2,000
Mikhail Phillips remembers when he decided to live as a man.
He was a girl at a West Virginia high school, hanging on to the belief that wanting to live as a man was just a temporary longing, when his best friend told him it was time to admit the truth.
Denver sheriff’s department plans new policies for transgender inmates
The Denver Sheriff Department in January will roll out new policies regarding transgender inmates, The GLBT Community Center of Colorado announced Friday.
D.C. Mayor Signs Bullying Bill
With the City Council's unanimous passage of the Youth Bullying Prevention Act of 2012 earlier this month, this morning saw Act 2, as Mayor Vincent Gray (D) signed the bill into law – 30-day congressional review notwithstanding – before a warm room full of sweaty witnesses who braved the heat wave to attend.
Gray signs D.C. anti-bullying bill
Anti-Defamation League, LGBT groups tapped to help D.C. police address hate crimes
D.C. Police Chief Cathy Lanier has enlisted the Anti-Defamation League, a national group that fights prejudice and discrimination, to help the department assess how it investigates and reports hate crimes, including anti-LGBT hate crimes, police announced on Thursday.
Mansion poised to open doors for another 'misunderstood' group
Former AIDS hospice to become 'safe haven' for transgender people
Calamus Grant Totals $300,000 for ESPA Transgender Push
Underscoring its commitment to finally winning approval of a transgender civil rights law in New York State, the Empire State Pride Agenda (ESPA), the LGBT community’s leading lobby group in Albany, has announced a $300,000 grant from the Calamus Foundation, which funds HIV and LGBT services, to support its educational efforts focused on gender identity and expression issues.
Era menor de edad el travesti asesinado rumbo a San Cayetano
La Policía Estatal ya trabaja sobre una línea de investigación para esclarecer el crimen del joven transgénero que fue localizado brutalmente asesinado dentro de un predio cerca de la carretera San Cayetano-Pantanal y fue durante la noche del pasado miércoles cuando la madre del fallecido acudió a identificar sus restos a la Procuraduría.
CIDH condena asesinato de adolescente LGTBI en México
La Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH) condena el asesinato de Jesús Armando Méndez Méndez, joven LGTBI de 17 años de edad, en Altamira, Tamaulipas, México.
Condena CIDH asesinato de joven transexual en Tamaulipas
IACHR Condemns Murder of LGTBI Youth in Mexico
CIDH insta a autoridades del Estado a esclarecer crimen de joven transexual
Diana Bayardo retoma campaña tras sufrir atentado
En entrevista para IZQ, la candidata transgénero a diputada federal por el PRD, Diana Bayardo Marroquín, habló de su atentado en días pasados.
Marcha de la Diversidad Sexual busca atención de políticos
La comunidad lésbico-gay y transgénero celebrará hoy en Guadalajara la Marcha de la Diversidad Sexual, una actividad con la que pretenden, entre otras cosas, subrayar la visibilidad que estos grupos de la población reclaman tanto de la sociedad, como de las autoridades y, este año en particular, de los candidatos a gobernador de Jalisco.
Changing times in Chile?
Chile has long had a reputation as one of the most straitlaced, socially conservative and homophobic countries in Latin America.
Marcha do orgulho gay, a crise "cria medo" e dificulta a "saída do armário"
A crise económica acentua as desigualdades e entre a comunidade homossexual, que hoje celebrou mais uma marcha do orgulho gay, teme-se que este seja o pretexto ideal para retirar direitos e aumentar a discriminação.
Marcha do orgulho LGBT desfilou em clima de festa
Marcha Gay: a crise “cria medo” e dificulta a “saída do armário”
Polícia prende suspeito de matar travesti empalada, em crime bárbaro no DF
Renata, 37 anos, foi brutalmente assassinada na madrugada de 20 de dezembro de 2009 em uma quadra comercial de Sobradinho.
El director de Telemadrid afirma que el Orgullo de Madrid es un acto “muy minoritario” y se dirige a Carla Antonelli usando el masculino
José Antonio Sánchez, el director general de Telemadrid, ha confirmado que el canal autonómico madrileño no retransmitirá ningún acto relacionado con las próximas Fiestas del Orgullo LGTB, al ser un acontecimiento “muy minoritario”. Sánchez respondía así a Carla Antonelli y Miguel Aguado, representantes socialistas en la Asamblea madrileña. La sorprendente respuesta (al margen de su carácter reivindicativo, el Orgullo LGTB de Madrid se ha consolidado como la fiesta popular más multitudinaria de la capital) se acompañó además de un lamentable espisodio tránsfobo, al dirigirse Sánchez a la diputada Antonelli (que además de diputada es una conocida activista transexual) en masculino.
IU pide el izado de la bandera multicolor en todos los ayuntamientos cordobeses el próximo 28 de junio
También la lectura del manifiesto en apoyo de la “Igualdad real del colectivo de lesbianas, gays, bisexuales, transexuales e intersexuales (LGBT)”
IULV-CA impulsará una Ley Integral de Transexualidad y llama a movilizarse por la "igualdad real" de los homosexuales
La portavoz adjunta del Grupo de IULV-CA en el Parlamento andaluz, Alba Doblas, ha anunciado este viernes que su formación pretende impulsar una Ley Integral de Transexualidad que aborde "todos los problemas" del colectivo, así como ha animado a los ciudadanos a sumarse a las movilizaciones del 'Orgullo del Sur' convocadas este sábado para "dar pasos hacia la igualdad real" del colectivo de homosexuales.
Study: One in seven UK employees harassed over perceived sexuality in the last year
An international study into the experiences of LGBT people living in 21 countries around the world has revealed what it described as “endemic” homophobia in workplaces internationally.
Sex-change in Israel: Gender trap
The Health Ministry panel charged with approving sex-reassignment surgery has been slammed as non-transparent.
Egypt says gay people are not “real people”
An Egyptian delegation at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva on Thursday has urged the body to focus its efforts on “real people” who need assistance in questioning the rights of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community.
Nobel Peace Laureates raise their voices to protect LGBTI rights
In an unprecedented statement, four esteemed Nobel Laureates, including Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Muhammad Yunus, have expressed solidarity with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) people worldwide. Together, they call on the global community to recognize that traditional cultural values compel them to respect the inherent dignity and human rights of all individuals.
Uganda says gays now free to meet
Graying transgenders find a home
It is only a small pink house in the middle of a quiet, secluded neighborhood in Depok, West Java. However, the house, currently under partial renovation, may well be the future haven for graying transgenders rejected by society.
More B.C. school districts adopt antihomophobia policies
Although June is Pride Month across North America, Vancouver's Pride parade doesn't take place on August 5. Nonetheless, local school districts have been giving British Columbians reasons to be proud of them by implementing measures to counter queer discrimination.
Trans Workplace Rights Still Murky
Nine out of 10 Americans mistakenly believe that there is a federal law that prohibits employers from firing someone because the individual is gay or transgender, according to The Atlantic. But no such law exists, and this type of discrimination is legal in the majority of states.
Trans Man Just Barely Misses Chance at Olympics
Keelin Godsey may not have made it to the 2012 Olympics, but the 28-year-old has already made history as the first out transgender athlete to seriously compete for an Olympic berth. Yesterday Godsey competed in the Olympic trials in the women's hammer throw competition, finishing in fifth place but setting a personal best record of 231 feet 3 inches.
Transgender athlete Keelin Godsey fails to make Olympic team
Transgender Athlete Fails to Qualify
Trans March at S.F. Pride draws about 2,000
Mikhail Phillips remembers when he decided to live as a man.
He was a girl at a West Virginia high school, hanging on to the belief that wanting to live as a man was just a temporary longing, when his best friend told him it was time to admit the truth.
Denver sheriff’s department plans new policies for transgender inmates
The Denver Sheriff Department in January will roll out new policies regarding transgender inmates, The GLBT Community Center of Colorado announced Friday.
D.C. Mayor Signs Bullying Bill
With the City Council's unanimous passage of the Youth Bullying Prevention Act of 2012 earlier this month, this morning saw Act 2, as Mayor Vincent Gray (D) signed the bill into law – 30-day congressional review notwithstanding – before a warm room full of sweaty witnesses who braved the heat wave to attend.
Gray signs D.C. anti-bullying bill
Anti-Defamation League, LGBT groups tapped to help D.C. police address hate crimes
D.C. Police Chief Cathy Lanier has enlisted the Anti-Defamation League, a national group that fights prejudice and discrimination, to help the department assess how it investigates and reports hate crimes, including anti-LGBT hate crimes, police announced on Thursday.
Mansion poised to open doors for another 'misunderstood' group
Former AIDS hospice to become 'safe haven' for transgender people
Calamus Grant Totals $300,000 for ESPA Transgender Push
Underscoring its commitment to finally winning approval of a transgender civil rights law in New York State, the Empire State Pride Agenda (ESPA), the LGBT community’s leading lobby group in Albany, has announced a $300,000 grant from the Calamus Foundation, which funds HIV and LGBT services, to support its educational efforts focused on gender identity and expression issues.

Era menor de edad el travesti asesinado rumbo a San Cayetano
La Policía Estatal ya trabaja sobre una línea de investigación para esclarecer el crimen del joven transgénero que fue localizado brutalmente asesinado dentro de un predio cerca de la carretera San Cayetano-Pantanal y fue durante la noche del pasado miércoles cuando la madre del fallecido acudió a identificar sus restos a la Procuraduría.
CIDH condena asesinato de adolescente LGTBI en México
La Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH) condena el asesinato de Jesús Armando Méndez Méndez, joven LGTBI de 17 años de edad, en Altamira, Tamaulipas, México.
Condena CIDH asesinato de joven transexual en Tamaulipas
IACHR Condemns Murder of LGTBI Youth in Mexico
CIDH insta a autoridades del Estado a esclarecer crimen de joven transexual
Diana Bayardo retoma campaña tras sufrir atentado
En entrevista para IZQ, la candidata transgénero a diputada federal por el PRD, Diana Bayardo Marroquín, habló de su atentado en días pasados.
Marcha de la Diversidad Sexual busca atención de políticos
La comunidad lésbico-gay y transgénero celebrará hoy en Guadalajara la Marcha de la Diversidad Sexual, una actividad con la que pretenden, entre otras cosas, subrayar la visibilidad que estos grupos de la población reclaman tanto de la sociedad, como de las autoridades y, este año en particular, de los candidatos a gobernador de Jalisco.
Changing times in Chile?
Chile has long had a reputation as one of the most straitlaced, socially conservative and homophobic countries in Latin America.
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