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quinta-feira, novembro 15, 2012

A rede ex aequo - associação de jovens lésbicas, gays, bissexuais, transgéneros e simpatizantes promove no próximo dia 18 de novembro a oitava edição dos seus Prémios Média, no Jardim de Inverno do São Luiz Teatro Municipal, em Lisboa, às 15 horas e 30 minutos, na qual gostaríamos de contar com a vossa presença.

Os jovens homossexuais, bissexuais ou transgéneros, LGBT, segmento da população que constitui o alvo primordial do trabalho que desenvolve a rede ex aequo, a certa altura da sua vida descobrem que a sua orientação sexual ou identidade de género é diferente da norma. Não possuindo informação e com receio de pedir apoio para evitar a discriminação dos colegas, amigos e familiares passam por momentos difíceis, levando, entre outras situações, à solidão, ao isolamento, a comportamentos de risco, à depressão, à baixa autoestima, ao insucesso escolar e, em casos extremos, mas demasiado frequentes, ao suicídio.

Conhecendo a gravidade destas situações, a rede ex aequo organizou este evento, para homenagear as figuras da comunicação social, artes e espetáculo em Portugal que, através do seu trabalho, dão visibilidade a algumas das muitas dificuldades sentidas pelos jovens LGBT. O seu contributo é fundamental para a desconstrução de estereótipos, infelizmente ainda associados à orientação sexual ou à identidade de género.

Neste contexto, a rede ex aequo, na sua 8ª edição dos Prémios Média tem a honra de distinguir, em ex aequo, as seguintes personalidades:

Ana Zanatti
Autoria do livro infantojuvenil "Teodorico e as Mães Cegonhas", publicado pela editora Objetciva.

Marta Morgado
Autoria do livro infatil "Luanda, Lua", publicado pela editora Surd'Universo.

Margarida Fonseca Santos, Francisca Torres e João Carlos Alvim
Autoria, ilustração e publicação, respetivamente, do livro infantojuvenil "Saber ao Certo", publicado pela editora Editorial Estampa.

Pedro Lopes, Ana Lúcia Carvalho, Ana Morgado, Cândida Ribeiro, José Pinto Carneiro, Manuel Mora Marques, Mário Cunha, Marta Pais Lopes e Rita Roberto
Argumento da novela Dacin' Days, transmitida pela SIC.

Marisa Teixeira e Hugo Lourenço
Fundadores da revista Qüir, pela criação da revista Qüir de temática lésbica, gay, bissexual e transgénera.

Pedro Boucherie Mendes
Diretor dos canais temáticos da SIC, pela inclusão na programação da SIC Radical das séries Físico-Química" e "As Liberais".

Hugo de Sousa, Catarina Bizarro, Cláudia Sampaio, Irina Gomes, Mafalda Ferreira, Marina Ribeiro e Pedro Cavaleiro
Direção e argumento da temporada IX (verão) da série Morangos com Açúcar, transmitida pela TVI.

A primeira parte da cerimónia contará com a atuação dos Deolinda.

Travesti é encontrada morta em apartamento do Centro de Curitiba
Conhecido como Mônica, uma travesti, de 42 anos, foi encontrada morta na manhã desta segunda-feira (12) em um apartamento na rua Treze de Maio, no centro de Curitiba.
Travesti é encontrado morto dentro de apartamento

Jailhouse frock: Prison lets lag dress as a woman and order dresses and bras from Argos
The prisoner orders items from the store's catalogue and other mail order firms and pays with his own money

Sex-change former soldier bounces back with new business
A former soldier who later changed sex saw death and destruction at first hand while serving with the Army in many of the world’s hotspots.
And on leaving the forces Jennine Jackson, now 47, drifted from job to job and even had a homeless period, living in a van.

Kuwait arrests two trans women
Kuwait continues with 'morality' campaigns that also target LGBT people, and in particular the trans community, with at least 13 transgender women now imprisoned

Police arrest cross-dresser in Salmiya
An unidentified cross dresser was arrested recently in Salmiya.
Reportedly, while Hawally securitymen were patrolling Salmiya, they noticed two vehicles parked next to a restaurant with the drivers involved in an argument. The way they had parked the vehicles had resulted in a traffic jam on the road in front of the restaurant.

[South Africa]
Stilettos and sashes: Life's a drag at Cape Town pageant
The queues for women’s toilets are always longer than for men’s, but this was particularly the case at the Cape Town International Convention Centre Saturday night, when scores of unusually tall, immaculately-coiffed and thickly made-up figures patiently stood in line for their turn at the mirror. The occasion was South Africa’s largest drag pageant, Miss Gay Western Cape.

Boys will be girls
The stage lights glared down at the five dancers in a stadium in Wuhan on October 10.
The dancers, wearing thick makeup, high-heel shoes, silk stockings and miniskirts, shook their hips sensually on the stage.

Gay rights advocates to push Obama on discrimination ban
Gay rights activists refuse to sit on their laurels after winning multiple ballot measures on Election Day, instead planning to push President Obama to sign an executive order to protect employment rights, reported The Hill.
The order in question would ban federal contractors from employment discrimination against gay or transgender people.
Gay-rights groups push Obama for executive order on discrimination

Woman sues park ranger for alleged transphobic tazing
A California woman filed a lawsuit against both the U.S. and a Bureau of Land Management ranger she said tazed her twice because she used to be a man.
According to KGTV-TV, Brooke Fantelli’s lawsuit (PDF) names both “the United States of America” and the ranger, identified only as “J. Peter” as defendants for their roles in an Oct. 27 2011 encounter where the ranger tazed her twice despite her not resisting arrest.
Transgender woman files lawsuit after being Tased twice
Brooke Fantelli Claims She was Tased by Park Ranger for Being Transgender

Transgender Awareness Week events start Monday at WIU with panel
Western Illinois University's LGBTQA Resource Center will celebrate Transgender Awareness Week in the coming days with a variety of activities to raise awareness for transgender issues.
The week kicks off on Monday with a panel discussion entitled "Trans* in the Media" at 7 p.m. in the University Union Fox Room, according to a news release.

Richmond Transgender Day of Remembrance Events!
We proud to announce that we are sitting on the planning committee for the TDoR Vigil here in Richmond on November 20th. As an organization we are very concerned about street harassment among the LGBTQ community and how it impacts our transgender loved ones. Please join on us on November 20th at 7 pm for a Memorial Service at the First UU Church of Richmond. We have been working on collecting stories for the loved ones we lost this past year. Also, please look over the below flyer for the events going on during the week!

US college allows trans man to use female changing room
A 45-year-old transsexual man is using a female changing room at a US college because of non-discrimination rules.