Após ir no 'Lata Velha', transexual luta na Justiça para poder trocar de nome
Ela já fez a cirurgia, mas documentação continua com nome masculino. Em 2011, Alexandra Vasconcelos imitou Lady Gaga no Caldeirão do Huck.
São Paulo: Travesti é esfaqueado na avenida do Estado
Uma pessoa foi esfaqueada na avenida do Estado, na altura da rua Pedro Vicente, próximo ao metrô Armênia, na região central de São Paulo, por volta das 5h45 desta sexta-feira (9).
“Ele” virou “ela”. Se apaixonou por “ele” que tinha nascido “ela”
Uma história de amor rara. Katie Hill, de 18 anos, passou 15 anos da sua vida como Luke, o filho de um coronel fuzileiro. Três anos atrás, resolveu fazer uma cirurgia para virar menina. Katie foi o primeiro transgênero a se formar no ensino médio na cidade americana de Tulsa, no estado americano do Oklahoma.
Le 8 novembre 1838 naissait Herculine Barbin, devenue l’héroïne des hermaphrodites ou « intersexués »
« Le lendemain de cette nuit trouva Sara anéantie ! Ses yeux, rougis par les larmes, portaient l’empreinte d’une insomnie cruellement tourmentée (…) Je n’avais pas la force de lever les yeux sur Madame P, pauvre femme qui ne voyait en moi que l’amie de sa fille, tandis que j’étais son amant. » Nous sommes l’été 1858, Axelina Barbin, vingt ans, institutrice, a passé la nuit avec sa jeune collègue Sara dans un pensionnat de La Rochelle.
No gay rights revolution in Tunisia
Homosexuals in Tunisia celebrated the ouster of dictator Ben Ali, hoping it would improve their situation. But in nearly two years, little has changed for the country's gay and lesbian community.
Transgender Pakistanis face society's scorn
Dressed up in elaborate, feminine outfits and artfully applied makeup, they are showered with money while dancing at all-male wedding parties. But the lives of transgender people in Pakistan are also marked by harassment, rejection and poverty.
[China/Hong Kong]
Hong Kong lawmakers reject public consultation on equal rights for sexual minorities
Gay rights group describes opposing legislators as `in the Stone Ages and oblivious to world trends'
Sam And Evan: From Girls To Men
Seventeen-year-old Sam and 20-year-old Evan describe themselves as a gay male couple but underneath their clothes they have female bodies. What makes this story so exceptional is that they are both in the process of changing their genders from female to male, at the same time.
[New Zealand]
Trans marriage issues would be cleared up
The author of New Zealand’s marriage equality bill has made it clear a section of the Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationships Registration Act will be repealed to ensure “the sex, sexual orientation or gender identity of parties to a marriage is irrelevant to the legitimacy of the marriage”.
The Daily speaks to activist Micah Grzywnowicz about the state of trans* rights
On October, Ontario became the first province to allow trans* people to change the sex on their birth certificate with a letter from a physician or a psychologist.
90% of gay people voted for President Barack Obama
A recent poll revealed out of thousands of gay Americans, 41% said they had donated money to political campaigns
San Francisco Health Program to Expand Transgender Cover
Healthy San Francisco, which provides care to uninsured residents, will no longer exclude certain transition-related procedures.
Breaking: Transgender Health Care Victory!
Health panel OKs trans access to care
San Francisco to provide equal health care access to transgender patients
Continuing the Fight for Transgender Rights
This year has witnessed transgender pioneers set impressive precedent in the ongoing struggle against the multiple levels of discrimination faced by the community. In June activist and attorney Kylar Broadus became the first transgender witness to testify before the Senate, relaying his experience of discrimination in defense of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA). A few months earlier the Transgender Law Center led a landmark case that resulted in an EEOC ruling that extended employment protection rights to transgender individuals throughout the country.
Transgender Coloradans Face Daunting Obstacles
According to the Colorado findings of the National Transgender Discrimination Study, transgender Coloradans still face serious obstacles in the form of discrimination that affects nearly every aspect of their lives, from workplace discrimination to unemployment to homelessness to health care inequalities.
Warrant Issued for Suspect in Transgender Attack
Robinson, previously released on bond, fails to show for scheduled court appearance
Queer B.O.I.S. founders share stories, style and more
One year ago, Latania McKenzie sat down at her computer and with a few clicks started putting into action a dream she’d had for years — a blog that caters to masculine-identified women as well as to transgender men.
Transgender Awareness Week
Western Illinois University's LGBTQA Resource Center will celebrate Transgender Awareness Week Monday-Thursday, Nov. 12-15 with a variety of activities to raise awareness for transgendered issues.
Springfield City Council rolls out proposal for task force on changing non-discrimination ordinance
Members balked at a proposal to insert sexual orientation and gender identity to the ordinance and instead decided a task force should tackle the issue.
Nashua voters elect NH's first transgender representative
Along with the historical first election of an all-female Congressional delegation, the first transgender person was elected to the N.H. House of Representatives on Tuesday. And though gender issues are top on her agenda, Stacie Laughton wants to be seen as just another lady on the House floor.
With state representive win, Laughton state's first openly transgender lawmaker
Rasmussen leading in re-election bid
Early results show Silverton mayor on his way to another two-year term
Transgender Oregon mayor wins fifth term
[Commentary] Congratulations to Mayor Stu Rasmussen and the People
Former Ore. police sergeant arrested in wife's death
A fired police officer has been charged in the alleged murder-for-hire death of his wife, whom he married after undergoing a female-to-male sex-change operation.
Investigators spent 18 months closing net on Gladstone murder suspect Lynn Benton
SGA considers gender neutral housing
On Tuesday afternoon as election coverage began permeating the airwaves, Jacob Clark, an elected official in his own right, presented a bill to SGA's Student Senate that could lead to a change within the UT housing culture.
Denuncia colectivo trans exclusión de iniciativa de ley en la ALDF
Activistas acusan que iniciativa del diputado local Vidal Llerenas deja fuera el tema de la salud para este sector poblacional
Protestan a las afueras del recinto legislativo de Donceles y Allende
Bárbara y Agnes, crímenes de odio
En los últimos dos años, se han contabilizado en el estado de Puebla 13 crímenes de odio contra personas homosexuales, lesbianas o transexuales, casos en los que, de acuerdo a las características del asesinato, se presume que su principal motivación fue la aversión del victimario contra las personas sexodiversas.
Filmmaker highlights Bolivia's transsexual movement
Four years after Bolivia instituted its new constitution that included protections for gender identity and sexual orientation, the South American country remains challenged eradicating discrimination, particularly for transsexual women, as a local transgender filmmaker discovered.
'Mientras esté yo, no entra un travesti al reinado': Raimundo Angulo
Raimundo Angulo, presidente del Reinado Nacional de la Belleza, se confesó con Diva Jessurum y dijo que es "mito de la realidad macondiana" que la señorita Colombia se eligiera por 'rosca'.
Extraña paradoja: las últimas, consideradas durante años “las de última”, pasaron a ser las primeras. Este año, después de la sanción de la Ley de Identidad de Género, los medios no paran de enfocar la proeza de “la primera maestra trans”, “la primera funcionaria” y un largo etcétera de primerizas. Las protagonistas de esta gesta del nombre cuentan su propia versión y hacen memoria. Con los tacos bien puestos para la Marcha del Orgullo, señalan qué hace falta para que las pioneras no se conviertan en excepción y para que las últimas no apaguen la luz.
Após ir no 'Lata Velha', transexual luta na Justiça para poder trocar de nome
Ela já fez a cirurgia, mas documentação continua com nome masculino. Em 2011, Alexandra Vasconcelos imitou Lady Gaga no Caldeirão do Huck.
São Paulo: Travesti é esfaqueado na avenida do Estado
Uma pessoa foi esfaqueada na avenida do Estado, na altura da rua Pedro Vicente, próximo ao metrô Armênia, na região central de São Paulo, por volta das 5h45 desta sexta-feira (9).
“Ele” virou “ela”. Se apaixonou por “ele” que tinha nascido “ela”
Uma história de amor rara. Katie Hill, de 18 anos, passou 15 anos da sua vida como Luke, o filho de um coronel fuzileiro. Três anos atrás, resolveu fazer uma cirurgia para virar menina. Katie foi o primeiro transgênero a se formar no ensino médio na cidade americana de Tulsa, no estado americano do Oklahoma.
Le 8 novembre 1838 naissait Herculine Barbin, devenue l’héroïne des hermaphrodites ou « intersexués »
« Le lendemain de cette nuit trouva Sara anéantie ! Ses yeux, rougis par les larmes, portaient l’empreinte d’une insomnie cruellement tourmentée (…) Je n’avais pas la force de lever les yeux sur Madame P, pauvre femme qui ne voyait en moi que l’amie de sa fille, tandis que j’étais son amant. » Nous sommes l’été 1858, Axelina Barbin, vingt ans, institutrice, a passé la nuit avec sa jeune collègue Sara dans un pensionnat de La Rochelle.
No gay rights revolution in Tunisia
Homosexuals in Tunisia celebrated the ouster of dictator Ben Ali, hoping it would improve their situation. But in nearly two years, little has changed for the country's gay and lesbian community.
Transgender Pakistanis face society's scorn
Dressed up in elaborate, feminine outfits and artfully applied makeup, they are showered with money while dancing at all-male wedding parties. But the lives of transgender people in Pakistan are also marked by harassment, rejection and poverty.
[China/Hong Kong]
Hong Kong lawmakers reject public consultation on equal rights for sexual minorities
Gay rights group describes opposing legislators as `in the Stone Ages and oblivious to world trends'
Sam And Evan: From Girls To Men
Seventeen-year-old Sam and 20-year-old Evan describe themselves as a gay male couple but underneath their clothes they have female bodies. What makes this story so exceptional is that they are both in the process of changing their genders from female to male, at the same time.
[New Zealand]
Trans marriage issues would be cleared up
The author of New Zealand’s marriage equality bill has made it clear a section of the Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationships Registration Act will be repealed to ensure “the sex, sexual orientation or gender identity of parties to a marriage is irrelevant to the legitimacy of the marriage”.
The Daily speaks to activist Micah Grzywnowicz about the state of trans* rights
On October, Ontario became the first province to allow trans* people to change the sex on their birth certificate with a letter from a physician or a psychologist.
90% of gay people voted for President Barack Obama
A recent poll revealed out of thousands of gay Americans, 41% said they had donated money to political campaigns
San Francisco Health Program to Expand Transgender Cover
Healthy San Francisco, which provides care to uninsured residents, will no longer exclude certain transition-related procedures.
Breaking: Transgender Health Care Victory!
Health panel OKs trans access to care
San Francisco to provide equal health care access to transgender patients
Continuing the Fight for Transgender Rights
This year has witnessed transgender pioneers set impressive precedent in the ongoing struggle against the multiple levels of discrimination faced by the community. In June activist and attorney Kylar Broadus became the first transgender witness to testify before the Senate, relaying his experience of discrimination in defense of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA). A few months earlier the Transgender Law Center led a landmark case that resulted in an EEOC ruling that extended employment protection rights to transgender individuals throughout the country.
Transgender Coloradans Face Daunting Obstacles
According to the Colorado findings of the National Transgender Discrimination Study, transgender Coloradans still face serious obstacles in the form of discrimination that affects nearly every aspect of their lives, from workplace discrimination to unemployment to homelessness to health care inequalities.
Warrant Issued for Suspect in Transgender Attack
Robinson, previously released on bond, fails to show for scheduled court appearance
Queer B.O.I.S. founders share stories, style and more
One year ago, Latania McKenzie sat down at her computer and with a few clicks started putting into action a dream she’d had for years — a blog that caters to masculine-identified women as well as to transgender men.
Transgender Awareness Week
Western Illinois University's LGBTQA Resource Center will celebrate Transgender Awareness Week Monday-Thursday, Nov. 12-15 with a variety of activities to raise awareness for transgendered issues.
Springfield City Council rolls out proposal for task force on changing non-discrimination ordinance
Members balked at a proposal to insert sexual orientation and gender identity to the ordinance and instead decided a task force should tackle the issue.
Nashua voters elect NH's first transgender representative
Along with the historical first election of an all-female Congressional delegation, the first transgender person was elected to the N.H. House of Representatives on Tuesday. And though gender issues are top on her agenda, Stacie Laughton wants to be seen as just another lady on the House floor.
With state representive win, Laughton state's first openly transgender lawmaker
Rasmussen leading in re-election bid
Early results show Silverton mayor on his way to another two-year term
Transgender Oregon mayor wins fifth term
[Commentary] Congratulations to Mayor Stu Rasmussen and the People
Former Ore. police sergeant arrested in wife's death
A fired police officer has been charged in the alleged murder-for-hire death of his wife, whom he married after undergoing a female-to-male sex-change operation.
Investigators spent 18 months closing net on Gladstone murder suspect Lynn Benton
SGA considers gender neutral housing
On Tuesday afternoon as election coverage began permeating the airwaves, Jacob Clark, an elected official in his own right, presented a bill to SGA's Student Senate that could lead to a change within the UT housing culture.
Denuncia colectivo trans exclusión de iniciativa de ley en la ALDF
Activistas acusan que iniciativa del diputado local Vidal Llerenas deja fuera el tema de la salud para este sector poblacional
Protestan a las afueras del recinto legislativo de Donceles y Allende
Bárbara y Agnes, crímenes de odio
En los últimos dos años, se han contabilizado en el estado de Puebla 13 crímenes de odio contra personas homosexuales, lesbianas o transexuales, casos en los que, de acuerdo a las características del asesinato, se presume que su principal motivación fue la aversión del victimario contra las personas sexodiversas.
Filmmaker highlights Bolivia's transsexual movement
Four years after Bolivia instituted its new constitution that included protections for gender identity and sexual orientation, the South American country remains challenged eradicating discrimination, particularly for transsexual women, as a local transgender filmmaker discovered.
'Mientras esté yo, no entra un travesti al reinado': Raimundo Angulo
Raimundo Angulo, presidente del Reinado Nacional de la Belleza, se confesó con Diva Jessurum y dijo que es "mito de la realidad macondiana" que la señorita Colombia se eligiera por 'rosca'.
Extraña paradoja: las últimas, consideradas durante años “las de última”, pasaron a ser las primeras. Este año, después de la sanción de la Ley de Identidad de Género, los medios no paran de enfocar la proeza de “la primera maestra trans”, “la primera funcionaria” y un largo etcétera de primerizas. Las protagonistas de esta gesta del nombre cuentan su propia versión y hacen memoria. Con los tacos bien puestos para la Marcha del Orgullo, señalan qué hace falta para que las pioneras no se conviertan en excepción y para que las últimas no apaguen la luz.
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